
PolyPwn presents "Let's Pwn!" Freespace The Great War

Welcome to a new and exciting series of "Let's Pwn" This time we are pwning one of the greatest games of all time (in our opinion) Freespace The Great War. We will also play through it's expansion The Silent Threat as well as Freespace 2 and the extra missions found on the gold disc. They are kinda old games, Freespace came out in 1998 and Freespace 2 came out in 1999. Two of the best games ever coming out within a year of each other is very impressive, that will never happen these days.

If you haven't played these games before and/or are into space sims then you owe it to yourself to watch them, you can still buy them today from gog.com and they are well worth the price. The games have great stories and are full of so much detail, they are great fun to play.

If you have seen the TV series Babylon 5 you will have an idea of what to expect from this game, And it's not surprising that there was a mod made of this game based on Babylon 5 so we may be pwning that too.

Anyway time to sit back, watch and enjoy one of gamings greatest space adventures!


FreeSpace Blue Planet is a Masterclass in video Game Storytelling Part 3

FreeSpace Blue Planet is one of the best, if not the best, Space Combat Sims around. I’m here again (again) to let you know why in the third and final part of this series. - Iain @ CD

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FreeSpace Blue Planet is a Masterclass in Video Game Storytelling: Part 2

FreeSpace Blue Planet is one of the best Space Combat Sims, and one of the best video game storytelling experiances period. Join us to find out why.

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FreeSpace Returns As Miniatures Tabletop Game From Fallout Designer

FreeSpace Tactics has been announced, exclusively for Kickstarter. It looks like it plays a lot like the Star Wars Miniatures Game, which is not a bad thing.

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