
2011: Top Five Gaming Steps Towards Awesome

Joseph of GAMElitist.com - "Over the course of the last year, gaming has advanced in leaps and bounds (cue small cheer). As such, while we maybe be beginning to take some of this stuff for granted, or perhaps failed to notice it all together, I thought it was worth looking back to see where we have come from and where we are headed."

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Venoxn4g4661d ago

I don't like number five, because I love physical copies of my games, other thing if my internet is slow or suddenly it will have problems I can't play games, that's bad.. so I don't see how awesome #5 is

Pezmic4660d ago

It's a step towards awesome because internet connections should improve to the point where speed isn't an issue any more (fibre optic broadband is an example of how this could be released). So while it isn't awesome now, it is certainly a step in that direction.


Ken Levine's Top 10 Games of 2013

Ken Levine is the creative director and co-founder of Irrational Games, makers of one of this year's most oft-listed games, BioShock Infinite. When he's not creatively directing BioShock things or working on Logan's Run remake screenplays, you can often find him chatting up fans on Twitter.

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GentlemenRUs3921d ago

"Billy mays here!" - Is all I could think of when I saw that image :P

No but seriously, A few good games but the rest to me are meh...

abzdine3921d ago

what a strange taste in games he has...

abzdine3921d ago

@lets_go_gunners :i'm also allowed to have my opinion about his own opinion.
i haven't played any game of what he played.

SilentNegotiator3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

He can have an opinion of his opinion, as you may have an opinion of his opinion of the opinion. In my opinion, his opinion of the opinion is very opinionated.

JackISbacK3921d ago

if he dont like sony exclusives so it does not means that he is not having good taste ,he is more smarter than you fanboys.

Kennytaur3921d ago

Do you not stop to think that maybe you having not played those games, speak more about you than him?

There's some excellent games on that list.

ShAkKa3921d ago

"more smarter" he says.

frostypants3920d ago

Nah, BS. He has just played a ton of games beyond the usual mainstream slop.

3-4-53920d ago

Not strange, but definitely different. Many of those don't appeal to me but I like that his list is different and not just the "same old" stuff.

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Roccetarius3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

Hmm, i agree with XCOM and Dishonored. I already completed it on console, but i got the GOTY Edition for Dishonored during Steam sale as well.

PSjesus3921d ago

Dishonored is best first person adventure since first Half life and Metroide Prime,finish twice even though first person view give me motion sickness but it was that great

Roccetarius3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

Since we know they're doing another Dishonored, i hope we get to explore something new. I want to see what happens beyond Dunwall. Maybe some more green areas, compared to the city environment.

At least i hope they're developing it for the now current gen, so they can take advantage of their experience.

Saryk3921d ago

Beat it, one of the best games I have played in a long time. But I was so ruthless that it was unbelievable, not one survived my rat horde!

JohnApocalypse3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

"Why? Because M.O.D.O.K., that’s why!"

I can say the same thing about Howard the Duck

WeAreLegion3921d ago

Strange choices. All good though. Just some obvious, strange omissions.

_QQ_3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

I wouldn't say strange, Ken Leviene is a smart man as shown by his Novel like stories so it would only make sense that he would be into the most intellectually stimulating kind of games which are Strategy games. Also the man must love music.

WeAreLegion3921d ago

That's the thing though. Ken LOVES stories. Leaving out Gone Home, The Last of Us, or any other story-heavy title is strange. Even if strategy is his thing, he has Wind Waker HD and LEGO: Marvel Superheroes on here. Both great, but again...makes no sense.

_QQ_3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

True, maybe when you only work on a certain style you just appreciate other styles more.

KratosSaveUs3921d ago

Wind Waker HD is gonna be amazing when I get my Wii U.

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Unity of Command: Red Turn DLC Review and Giveaway

Ian of Just Press Start writes:

"If Unity of Command is new to you then we should both be somewhat ashamed of ourselves. Me for not evangelising what I consider the most shamefully overlooked game of the last few years strongly enough and you for the sheer crime of missing out on it. I am going to assume that you haven’t played it – after all, those that have will have undoubtedly bought the DLC upon release and are far too busy launching offensives across Germany to bother reading this – so I suggest that before you read on you take a look at my original review of the game… don’t worry, I’ll wait."

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Achtung! WWII Hex-Based ‘Unity of Command’ DLC Announced

2X2 Games announced the latest DLC for 'Unity of Command'.

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