
Eden Eternal Online: Tranquil Hill Quest Guide - Part 2

Yahoo Voices "This is a basic quest guide to help new players get through the Tranquil Hill area. The last mission you completed should have been to head back to Tranquil Hill to talk to Mayor Spence just after you left the city of Aven. Now that you know where you left off, let's continue on to clear the Tranquil Hill area."

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Finding LGBT Friendly MMOs

Issues regarding the LGBT community around the world have been popping up constantly in the news. It seems that no matter what stance you have on it, there is an army of people ready to fight you and another ready to fight for you. But the internet is different. It’s far more liberal and outspoken than most places, and as such the people beliefs create a larger flame. There are also companies of all types seeking to take their stand on it, either for belief or profit, and video game companies are no exception.

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Exciting New Content Arrives In Eden Eternal

Aeria Games today announced an exciting selection of brand new challenges awaiting those brave enough to enter the fantastical world of Eden Eternal.


Anime Games Online – My Favorite Free to Play MMOs

What are some good anime games online? Here is a list of some free to play games that you might enjoy. These all have unique and beautifully rendered anime-style graphics and character designs plus anime-inspired gameplay mechanics or stories.

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3988d ago