
PSA : Why You Don't Drink and Game (Parody Comedy)

From the studio that brought you “How Not to Revive”, Patriarchy Productions (known on YouTube as PatProMovies) has finally released another much anticipated, hilarious public service announcement.

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EA Hiring Ex-Military Personnel to Help Build Next Battlefield Game via "Hiring Our Heroes" Program

EA has hired ex-military personnel in order to help shape the next Battlefield game as part of the Hiring Our Heroes (HOH) program.

OtterX4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Why don't you Hire Your Old Dev Team who brought us the brilliance of Battlefield Bad Company 2 while you're at it. It was more exciting than anything recent in the Battlefield series. It just needs to be updated to reach modern times, but it was so great at its core.

just_looken4d ago

This would be nice but that team has tossed out the finals and has arc raiders on the back burner

20 thousand still play the final's

Why get slapped around by ea when you already have something going on.

What the next battlefield needs is a step back simple functional not a live service and smaller player servers than 2042. Just make it like battlefiled 3 with bad company destruction just something simple

But they already killed off ridgeline games that had ex halo/cod devs so no singleplayer unless they make another dev team for it.

Rynxie4d ago

It's what made zipper and slant six awesome. They had military vets working for them, no just as consultants, but as developers as well. I wish Sony never closed them, MAG 2 or an update to MAG and a new socom is much needed.

just_looken3d ago

Older ps3 battlefield titles did the same even went to the range to get sound files.

But all these titles we are talking about were on the ps3 a console so powerful it offered free mp and games did not need 4 levels of payment plans even more crazy was the player size of mag's games.

TheColbertinator3d ago

A return to the golden age of Battlefield seems so far away now

Str8Chaos743d ago

Sadly I think you are correct. They just don’t get it. They will do their live service game with its Battle Royale and fail at both.I hate being so negative, but I have little faith in EA at this point.


EA says largest Battlefield team yet is building ‘another tremendous live service’

Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson stated in a recent EA Earnings Call, that the next Battlefield "it is going to be another tremendous live service.”

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-Foxtrot42d ago

Another? ANOTHER?

Is he honestly trying to make out like the last Battlefield was a huge success, not just as a game but as a live service game? I'm sure these guys live in their own echo chambers, they are so far removed from reality or they just like talking out of their arse trying to rewrite history.

Also why say such a tone deaf statement when you know the state of live service games at the minute and how many gamers feel about them. Bigging up the next BF game as live service does not give me any excitement or hype.

LordoftheCritics42d ago

''is building ‘another tremendous LIE service’''


just_looken41d ago

This is nothing too new

They had plans of a universe of live service games

Also these studios made 2042 there is no new massive team its the same team

Well same team minus the seattle boys that were canned

This is all again same news different year but it seems very few remember what happened before covid.

Walalon40d ago

At least they put car freshner trees up their asses to think smelling their own farts smells good at this point to be so out of touch.

RaidenBlack42d ago

Just make another Battlefield 2 ... or BadCompany 3 ... EA

XiNatsuDragnel42d ago

Bad company 3 instead of live service bs

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Next Battlefield Is Being Built for the "Future" Says EA CEO

Electronic Arts (EA) CEO Andrew Wilson comments on how a former competitor is now building a Battlefield "for the future."

InUrFoxHole285d ago

💯 what all gamers are thinking... and not liking

DaCajun284d ago

They keep breaking promises, Dice is not the devs they used to be. I remember during BFBC2 release DICE telling hiphopgamer, anyone remember him, they would never charge for dlc maps like other companies started to do. They didn't want to seperate the community, they said. Then they released paid dlc later for BFBC2, Vietnam maps.

InUrFoxHole284d ago

Lol, yeah I remember HHG. 🤣. Yeah idk man.. hoping for the best here.

-Foxtrot285d ago

Jesus man this guy

Everything he’s said about the next Battlefield just screams how tone dead he actually is about the franchise

He seems to be repeating the same mistakes

excaliburps285d ago

I am hoping that Zampella brings his magic and delivers an awesome experience.

Imagine if Respawn got Medal of Honor? And then they make a proper COD competitor with it? Daaaamn.

Notellin285d ago

He's one of the most overpaid and worst executives in the business

RaidenBlack285d ago

If making BadCompany 3 is not possible anymore ... Just make a new Battlefield 2 in 2024, ffs !

isarai285d ago

It doesn't matter what they call it, the current EA/DICE are not capable of making a decent battlefield game. Slapping "Bad Company" on it isn't going to change that

isarai285d ago

Sounds like a game made by an office full of investment bankers and data analyst

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