
The Text Says No: Why you can’t interpret Limbo any way you want

Nightmare Mode's Eric Swain explains why the myriad of interpretations of Limbo cannot be.

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frelyler4668d ago

Interpretation is just that, an interpretation. It's what makes us unique, there is no right or wrong to it, it's how you view something and take a personal meaning from it. To limit someone's interpretation is to take away their unique human attributes. To say someone is interpreting wrong or they can't do it a certain way is like saying you are breathing wrong, You either breathe or you don't. You can either interpret something or not. There is no right or wrong and the title of this article disproves the authors pretentious rant. Who are you to say what interpretation should be, regardless of what the intended message was, you can still make something it was never intended to be and give meaning to it. What a pretentious know it all.

Necros4668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

There is a difference between interpreting and cherry picking facts - while coming up with your own - in order to suit your theory. The later isn't interpreting - it's wishful thinking.

If that's like saying one is breathing wrong, then YES, someone IS breathing wrong! Instead of inhaling and exhaling, they are just exhaling and exhaling!

The fact a comment seems based on the title of the article shows me yet another thing: you can't interpret an article you have not read it yet.

frelyler4668d ago

I read it alright and my opinion has not changed. "Interpretation: an explanation of the meaning of another's artistic or creative work." There is no right or wrong, just a person's viewpoint. One set of facts may mean something entirely different from one person to the next, does that mean someone is wrong? Absolutely not. An author may say he meant his work to mean A,B or C, yet someone who viewed the work may have a completely different interpretation, than A,B or C. Look at the bible, there are so many ways to interpret that book, yet all of the interpretations are just that. There is no right or wrong to it. I took issue with the title because it is pretentious and the author basically boasts his ideas and viewpoints are concrete, impossible and that is a pretentious stance. Now, in regards to my comment about breathing you did not understand it. Let me put it this way, it's like saying someone is exhaling wrong. You either exhale or you don't there is no right or wrong. You either breathe or you don't and you interpret or you don't. To claim you are the absolute authority when it comes to interpreting work is just what I claimed the author was, pretentious.


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JagX22407d ago

Wouldn't the answer here be ... all of them?

394d ago

Coming to Xbox Game Pass: Broforce Forever, Everspace 2, A Short Hike, and More

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VenomUK417d ago

It's now time for somebody to go up to Xbox Live Gold whilst it's fast asleep, then hold a pillow tight over its mouth until it stops breathing.

crazyCoconuts417d ago

This is game pass though. Doesn't seem that much better right now.

Profchaos417d ago

Looking at the quality of games mixing the two up in this case it's an easy mistake to make

BrainSyphoned417d ago

I forgot Everspace 2 released so I'm happy with this month.

Profchaos417d ago

Well I guess we know where all that gamepass money is going right into a giant s labelled bucket

ChasterMies417d ago

Microsoft is spending $70B on Activision. That doesn’t leave a lot left over for other AAA games.

monkey602417d ago

I've really wanted to play A Short Hike and Airborne Kingdom for a while now so it's cool they've been added but yeah I don't see this exciting the masses

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