
One of the reasons Kojima decided to drop the "Solid" from Metal Gear Rising

The Spike VGA's was graced by many, many,reveals. One of the anticipated reveals was what Kojima had to say about his teams newest project which was named MGS Rising at the time.

In a recent tweet from Mr. Hideo Kojima, he revealed why he decided to drop the "Solid" from "Metal Gear Rising". Here's the quote from the man himself:

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Skip_Bayless4561d ago

A PS3 exclusive would have a Solid in it lol

BIGBOSS084560d ago

it seems like thats what kojima is trying to say aswell. remember when he announced this at E3 microsoft conference, he got angry when the microsoft guy said solid snake is sneaking his way on to xbox 360.

Army_of_Darkness4560d ago

Pretty awesome looking so far?! Lol! This game looks sick with or without snake. Plus platinum games is developing it so its a win win people! Take it easy!

crxss4560d ago (Edited 4560d ago )

metal gear gained the "Solid" moniker since the series transitioned from 2D to 3D. If the game isn't like MGS 1 in terms of gameplay then it should never have a "Solid" in the name. Just like Metal Gear Ac!d for example. I never thought Rising should have had the "Solid" in there anyways so i'm glad it's MGR now instead of MGSR

Taz Yamauchi4561d ago

Coz its not a SOLID game, its a broken game that's being tossed around for dogs to pick up the peices

smashman984561d ago

What's with all the hate

Platnium hasn't made a bad game this generation

Heartnet4560d ago

Vanish was good but with a 4 hour- length it made it a bad game... thats not even worth paying £20 for let alone £40....

snipes1014560d ago (Edited 4560d ago )

A short length might make for a bad value, but not for a bad game. Vanquish got all around good review scores.

I don't want to start a flame war, but part of me can't shake the feeling that people are just hating this game because it has "Metal Gear" in the title and isn't a PS exclusive.

Go ahead...hate me. I'm just saying what I think.

EDIT: To all of the ignoramus's on here giving platinum crap (gameranking avg. review scores):

Madworld: 82.76
Infinite Space: 77.29
Bayonetta: 89.80(xbox); 85.74(PS3)
Vanquish: 84.42(xbox); 83.73 (PS3)

Sooo, what bad games were you people talking about?

Micro_Sony4560d ago

The hate is coming from PS3 gamers becuase MG went multiplat so they are trying to discredit this game...really sad if you ask me because in the end Kojima works for Konami and if this does not sell well then Kojima suffers as well.

What will you people say when Kojima announces MGS 5 as multi-plat.

Prophet-Gamer4560d ago

The main point of Metal Gear games is that story, for the most part (at least for me, I love the story). Platinum is known for a lot of things but Story is their weakest. Not to mention, the graphics actually look WORSE than a four year old masterpiece. No thank you.

Darkfocus4560d ago

they also have terrible stories and acting in all their games, something that's one of Metal Gears strong points.... -_-

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4560d ago
yesmynameissumo4561d ago (Edited 4561d ago )

Wise move. MGS4 was so epic, I hate that Rising is supposed to take place after it, even with "Solid" removed from the name. It makes no sense. Maybe they'll try to explain?

EDIT: @gaden_mask
Yes, it does - http://www.joystiq.com/2011...

gaden_malak4561d ago

It doesn't take place after MGS4...

MaxXAttaxX4561d ago

It would make no sense for it to happen after MGS4 considering Raiden's ending on it.

gaden_malak4561d ago

I stand corrected, and that sucks and makes no sense to the mgs4 storyline considering his ending.

smashman984561d ago

It will obviously be explained and I mean who cares.

GRAYFOX IS BACK or is hating on rising just the cool thing to do

badz1494561d ago

so, a Metal Gear game without Solid Snake shouldn't be call Metal Gear "Solid", right?

kaveti66164561d ago

The term "Solid" refers to the change from 2D to 3D.

The original Metal Gear games featured Solid Snake as a character but didn't have the name "Solid" in the title. This has been explained by Hideo Kojima before.

Therefore, the use of the term "Solid" in any Metal Gear game that is in 3 dimensions is appropriate, even if the main character of the game is Raiden and even if Solid Snake is not featured in the game at all.

It bugs me that people who take so much offense at this game (I think it looks crappy, too, btw) and who think they're such big fans of the series have absolutely no idea why the term "Solid" exists in the title.

It's just as bad as people arguing over which games are AAA or not based on metacritic scores, even though AAA refers to budget, not quality.

badz1494561d ago

never once I said that I'm a huge fan of MGS. I entered the franchise with MGS4 and yeah totally love it but I just heard somewhere in my short history of the franchise that Solid was because of Solid Snake. don't flame me, I was just asking.

kaveti66164560d ago

My comment does not specifically pertain to you. There are other "people" on this site who think that way. I replied to your post because it was most relevant to it.

badz1494560d ago

and for the record, I don't take any offence over Rising at all. I'm just glad it's still coming

Boody-Bandit4560d ago

"woah calm down a bit there, cowboy"
Quoted for humor.
Sorry no offense to either of you but I thought this line was funny as hell. I like seeing a bit of humor on N4G because it is usually, "why so serious" type back and forth.

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n4gisatroll4561d ago

It's a spin off, not cannon to the story at all. Therefore it just uses whatever happened at the end of mgs4 as their universe.

Prophet-Gamer4560d ago

I'm gonna pretend it doesn't exist. I couldn't care less about Raiden.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4560d ago
PshycoNinja4561d ago

That is a great reason to drop "Solid" from "Metal Gear Solid: Rising". Good decision you Kojima.

SSultan4561d ago

Cause the game is going to be far from solid.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4561d ago

I don't know whether to agree for the humor or disagree for the lie.

Hicken4560d ago

You're right. Platinum Games never makes solid titles...

I honestly can't decide if half the people bagging on this game are serious or just seriously trolling.

Darkfocus4560d ago (Edited 4560d ago )

No they don't. They make titles that excel in gameplay and gameplay only... Their writing is not "solid" at all it's completely weaksauce.

Hicken4560d ago

This is Rising, here. This is Raiden, here.

It's not Snake. It's not stealth. Never has been (though it was apparently supposed to be a little more stealthy).

You (not you in particular, as you will probably not play this game) will be playing this game first and foremost for the gameplay, not the story. Hell, I'd venture to say the story is toned down ON PURPOSE so that there's more liberty to do what they want with the game and not worry about making everything fit back into canon.

If I wanna play a Metal Gear game with a story, there are like seven others I can choose from. But if I wanna let loose in the Metal Gear world, Rising is pretty much the only way to do it.

... and don't use "words" like "weaksauce."

Darkfocus4560d ago

I used "weaksuace" only because you substituted "Solid" for good....

soljah4561d ago

now if they would only drop the metal gear from the name.
just call it raiden rising.

so pissed, kojima comes out on stage at the e3 MS press orsor and announces metal gear solid is coming to the 360. and what, 3 yrs later this is what we get. kojima take your rising and stick it. mgs5 please

smashman984561d ago

Kojima wouldn't have let this game get revived if he knew it was gonna be a failure sheesh people

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masterfox370d ago

I hope so, still cant forget MGS Survive , the first MGS game without Kojima involvement and it was a complete failure, the thing is Kojima way of thinking is outside the box and that's why their games 99% end up unique, original and a almost instant classic. MGS series are full of intricate things that somehows connects to each other, Lalulilelo, the Patriots, Outher heaven, Foxhound, PMCs , heck even Kojima manage to insert DARPA in there lol, a US government Defense Agency. So is really great MGS3 Remake is reviving the series but without Kojima who knows of the end result, I hope Konami have another or more developers insight their studios who can also think outside the box.

senorfartcushion369d ago

It actually can’t. But it won’t matter.

Kojima is Metal Gear the same way that Christopher Nolan is The Dark Knight, or David Lynch is Twin Peaks: The Return episode 8. Artistry is the creation of a thing from your own thoughts and feelings. Take away the original artist’s thoughts and feelings and you have a new thing entirely.

This isn’t going to stop the mega corporation creating a fake version and spending millions TELLING customers that it’s made with the same thoughts and feelings. The masses will buy the idea the same way the corporation will sell the idea.

just_looken369d ago

I guess everyone forgot metal gear solid rising was tossed to platnium games with a story script and that is it.

Z501368d ago

Kojima was involved in Rising tho

just_looken368d ago

kpjima just did the story everything else was platnium games look it up.

Hence i said script

neutralgamer1992369d ago

i think the bigger issue is whether or not Konami is actually interested in fully funding AAA games development. Even this remake is done by a studio not really known in gaming industry. Quality remake/projets vs cheap cash in quick releases. Which way will Konami head. I am a huge MGS fan and i feel like Kojima did long time MGS fans dirty with how made MGS5 and it's story elements

senorfartcushion368d ago

Remakes and remasters provide a gateway through to producing AAA games faster and cheaper.

RaveTears368d ago (Edited 368d ago )

Actually MGS Portable Ops which was technically the first canon MGS game that Kojima wasn’t mainly involved with it. Kojima was only the producer but not the writer and director.

Konami did other MGS spin off that were successful but that because Konami put effort. Just along Konami is not lazy and cash grab, they can a MGS game without Kojima.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 368d ago
gold_drake369d ago (Edited 369d ago )

i mean sure, but he made it the thing it is today and why people love it so much.

i think its not easy to replicate.

Flawlessmic369d ago

I doubt it could.

Say what you want about the bloke, but his games are uniquely his.

I don't think anyone makes games like kojima does, for better or worse.

Could mgs continue without him, yea maybe, but it would lacking his genius so wouldn't be the same.

Soulsborne369d ago

Well , he already created it. They just have to recreate it? Not like its a new concept or IP. Trash article.

Terry_B369d ago

Yes. It only needs motivated clever people.

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chrisx372d ago

This game needs to happen. MGR was amazing

371d ago
Venoxn4g371d ago

I really hope, that at least we would get a remaster..