
Dynasty Warriors Next Coming to Vita in North America on Launch Day

Gamers who are picking up the PlayStation Vita on February and are worried about the games they’re going to pick up, another title has been confirmed today as a launch title in North America.

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Misterhbk4672d ago

Add one more game to my day one list. I've always been a dynasty warrior fan, so I'm excited to see the game on the Vita. I've always felt there was never a proper version of the game on handhelds. Hopefully this one does it right.

It seems like the perfect series to have on handhelds with the idea that you can do a battle or two and put the game down.

Really can't wait til we get a finalized list of all the Vita launch titles. 2 months and 5 days til I get my hands on the Vita.

Razongunz4672d ago

what about europe? -.- i have see the official launch lineup for europe so i can place my pre orders... i'm gonna pre order my vita together with all the launch titles i want and its gonna be atleast 3...so i gotta know b4 i can pre order my vita... trying to save shipping and unessesary posting of several packages lol xD


10 Franchises That Flourished on Vita

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "the handheld was unable to attract certain types of software – western AAA development quickly evaporated, as did Sony’s own support, because there weren’t enough consoles out there for such titles to be profitable. But that doesn’t mean that every publisher failed to find success. Indeed, there are a number of franchises out there that have been able to appeal to the Vita’s niche and which have seen positive sales numbers and critical reception, leading to them becoming mainstays on the handheld.

It’s these series that I intend to examine in more depth this article – what they are, what entries we’ve seen, what success they’ve had, and what it’s meant for the console’s future. I’ll be using known sales figures where possible to back things up, hopefully demonstrating that the Vita has been a solid home for a number of great series despite its otherwise weak commercial performance on the market."

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Fist4achin2228d ago

All great series. Too bad some of the bigger system sellers didnt follow suit.


PlayStation Vita Issues Have Tarnished the Legacy of an Otherwise Great System

The Vita is a well-designed system, albeit one that Sony left for dead as soon as it hit its first bump in the road. If it weren't for a couple negative quirks, it might have even been one of the best handhelds ever made. Unfortunately, those quirks have turned into awful problems as of late, and have only served to tarnish the legacy of what has otherwise been an excellent cult system.

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lptmg2576d ago

I like the Vita a lot. I actually blame Sony in putting less faith in it than it should

Prince_TFK2575d ago

I love my Vita. Fantastic system. The screen totally destroy the 3DS. Too bad that Sony drop the support as soon as the sale slow down.

I wonder what would had happened if they had used SD card instead of that expensive card.

PhoenixUp2575d ago

I'll always find it hilarious how even when Sony seemingly abandoned their second handheld, Vita still outsold Wii U which was heavily supported by Nintendo.

Never underestimate the power that third party support can do for a platform.

freshslicepizza2575d ago

Which cleary shows why it's good to have a nice balance between the two. Sony knows this but some of their fans seem to only want to talk about exclusives.

Prince_TFK2575d ago

I thought it is all about exclusive here on n4g? So third party is only important as long as we don't talk about Xbox? Oh the amount of spin.

rainslacker2575d ago

Sony had 3rd party support, and still has it to this day on the Vita. IN fact, it's about all they have. They even had some pretty good 1st party support in the first few years.

But no one would give them credit for that support, and "vita has no games" was the constant mantra being spewed on every vita article until Sony finally dropped all its meaningful support for the system.

Games are what sells a system. Doesn't matter if they're multi-plat or exclusive. Sony had a lot of both, they just failed to get more of the really big exclusives like they got with the PSP. PSP didn't really take off until they started getting things like Metal Gear or GT. When they looked like they were finally going that path, they pretty much gave up on it, and it's kind of sad, because it's a great system.

chris2352575d ago

got the vita although it was dead on arrival. mobile gaming on dedicated machines is deadder than dead. oh wait, the switch is doing stellar, even rivaling the ps4, the xbox and the new xoxbox. ok, let's forget for one second about the absolute market dominator: when was the last time you saw someone playing his or her dedicated machine outside? I can't really remember. what I'm seeing everyday though is that everybody and their little daughter got smartphones when they are on their way to go somewhere.

2575d ago
thatguyhayat2575d ago

Vita was and still amazing. Playing uncharted and gravity rush on it was simply epic. Such a shame Sony gave up on it

InTheLab2575d ago

Was...perhaps. still? Those games came out years ago. The vita is a terrible handheld that Sony pushed out with Insanely overpriced memory cards and a handful of games. It was amazing for maybe a year then reality set in.

Sony only cares about the home console. Vita, PSP, Move, and now the PSVR all rely on 3rd party support after Sony pushes them out the door.

2575d ago
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Top 5 Best Cancelled PS Vita Games of All Time

Are you a huge PS Vita fan? If the answer is yes, and you absolutely adore your Playstation Vita then this video is going to be tough for you. The VitaBoys count down the top 5 best PS Vita games that got cancelled.

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