
Wii Fit Review: 85% from SPOnG

Apart from its entertaining balance games (comprising just a quarter of the package), which are accurately responsive and limited-but-fun, rating Wii Fit would be like rating the act of physical exercise itself. But as non-games go, this one is well constructed – and the Balance Board is a solid piece of kit. More important, though, it's a motivational system for the good of your body. Just don't forget to close the blinds.

MK_Red6041d ago (Edited 6041d ago )

WTF!? This thing is the most boring thing I've ever seen and it was not even worth for the workout. WiiFit hardly deserves 0/100 let along 85. What is wrong with SPOnG?
While I hate the Balance Board, I think it could have a useful future in skate games and such BUT this review is for WiiFit and it's games and from what I saw 2 months ago, WiiFit is definitly boring, useless and a huge failure... Yet many people will buy it sadly :(.

solar6041d ago

holy crap i hope you dont have a meltdown and drown a fish. rub your earlobes if you gotta MK. picture happy things like GTA and Bioshock. you can pull thru buddy, i got faith in ya :D

Prismo_Fillusion6041d ago

As you already know, I agree that WiiFit is a stupid """game"&q uot;". But if it motivates one overweight McDonald's eating American to lose a few pounds I'm all for it.

MK_Red6040d ago

"picture happy things like GTA and Bioshock. you can pull thru buddy, i got faith in ya :D" Good one :D
But gotta think of AC and BioShock, not a big fan of GTA ;)

titntin6041d ago

I totally agree with you mate. But I'm a gamer, like you, and we are not the people that nintendo are appealing to.
Persoanlly I despise their 'broadening of the demographic' because they've all but stopped making titles for the likes of you and me as they can make millions selling to our mums instead.
When the most entertainment I get from a machine is a bunch of snes games I can play on my PC for free, you know theres something wrong! Thank god for Mario!

...and of course, if you own shares in Nintendo then rejoice! This thing will make a mint no matter how many of us 'core gamers' utterly despise it. :)

MK_Red6041d ago

Good points and bubble worthy comment :)

akaFullMetal6041d ago

most of the games i saw on the wii fit, can be done on the playstation eye, or the 360's camera if that had the same games, but either way people will buy it since it is on the wii

Brainiac 86041d ago

I'm sure many on this site won't like it.

I myself am looking forward to it. With a family and a pregnant wife at home, I can't make the gym every night. This will be a nice way to still get some exercise in, and my wife will eat it up post baby.

I don't think it's garbage at all, but a neat way for a game company to promote health and mix it with gaming. It's essentially the same thing Konomi did with DDR, only WiiFit promotes an exercise plan more directly and moniters it for you.

It's a great idea, and my family will love it.

Kholinar6041d ago

It'll be interesting to see a few more reviews.

I really do think it has to be judged on what it tries to do. For the reviewer, he seemed to feel that it provided a good experience for him. Though I'm sure many will pick up the comment about closing the blinds and it'll become as big a cliché as talking about how you look like an idiot with a wiimote.

I'll reserve my judgment til I see a bit more (like most people on this site say about reviews they happen not to like for games they were anticipating).

Different tastes compensate for a lot.

Chubear6041d ago

This wii fit thing is just to cash in on the huge "weight loss" money pie.

You'll end up doing the same thing you do with other equipment like this - buy it, use it for 3 days then store it in the basement with occassional bringing it out during family gatherings to show it off and pass time.

Wii fit cannot replace going to the gym if you're actually religious about doing so in the first place. Like I said, it's just another fitness gimmick like all the rest advertised on TV. You won't use it past a week if that long.

It's a

desolationstorm6041d ago

"You'll end up doing the same thing you do with other equipment like this - buy it, use it for 3 days then store it in the basement with occassional bringing it out during family gatherings to show it off and pass time."

You bring exercise equipment out at family gatherings? Weird nah just kidding. I dont understand why people are so hostile towards this thing everyones passing judgment without trying it and once again thats exactly how you should pass judgemnet on nintendo things this generation. I look forward to it Im interested to see what they do and what other people do with the wii fit board.

My hunch is that you wont really see much else use it for awhile, but if skating games pick it up that would be cool.

Kholinar6041d ago

"Wii fit cannot replace going to the gym if you're actually religious about doing so in the first place. Like I said, it's just another fitness gimmick like all the rest advertised on TV. You won't use it past a week if that long."

So... 1. if you're religious about going to the gym or doing wii fit, then the gym is superior. 2. It's a fitness gimmick. 3. People won't use it past the first week.

So, in response to 1, Wiifit is at least 25 times cheaper than the average gym membership, so if one mostly does aerobic type workouts then it might be compatible. Additionally, (3) if they do quit after a week they don't have a $2000 debt over their heads. My opinion: Gyms are overkill for most people. Wii Fit may not be the answer, but neither are high priced memberships that return very little to the consumer.

2. May be a fad. It may not. I'm not sure where the crystal ball is, but I haven't seen it.

It's a way to exercise that people can either use or not use. It does emphasize good technique, which is spotty at gyms without a trainer (which will up your comparative cost to 40 to 1). I suppose the amount of good a person gets out of it is dependent, therefore, on the consumer. Just like always.

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Hardcore gamer grandma plays 4,000 days of Wii Fit

This hardcore gamer grandma has put nearly 4,000 days into Wii Fit!

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Eonjay1940d ago

Exercise is exercise no matter how you get it.

BlacKJesu51940d ago

Looks like every other church going grandmother...good job


Here Are the Top 10 Best-Selling Exclusives Since 1995 (USA)

The NPD Group has revealed the top 10 best-selling exclusives in the U.S. since 1995, and Nintendo holds all 10 spots.

Highlife2037d ago

Yeah as a gamer that list sucks. Wouldn't be to prod of that.

Paytaa2037d ago

Oh you're one of those real gamers

Literal_Cringe2037d ago

You're not much of a gamer then.

lxeasy2037d ago

Damn Nintendo Domination!

King_Noctis2037d ago

Kindda surprising actually. All games are from Nintendo.

darthv722037d ago

And the #1 game on this list is also the #1 game (and accessory) to be found at the local goodwill.

Imalwaysright2036d ago

Take a look at the 50 best selling games of all time https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

telekineticmantis2037d ago

Nintendo has always had the most mass appeal, my Mother would play Mario.

2037d ago
EddieNX 2037d ago

There's landslides and then there's this. Wouldn't be surprised if the top 50 was mostly Nintendo games.

Paytaa2037d ago

The only other game's that cracked the Top 15 aside from Nintendo were Halo 3, Halo Reach, and Halo 4.

EddieNX 2037d ago (Edited 2037d ago )

Good. I adore Halo!! It's the only online shooting game for me.

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Top 10 Best-Selling Wii Games

VGChartz's William D'Angelo: "Today we take a look at the top 10 best-selling games for yet another platform. Up to this point we have looked at the original PlayStation, the Nintendo 64, the PlayStation 2, the original Xbox, the GameCube, the Nintendo DS, and the PSP. This week it's the turn of Nintendo's most popular home console, the Wii.

The Wii is the fifth best-selling video game platform in history and the third best-selling home console in gaming history. It is also the best-selling home console not released by Sony. It sold 101.18 million units lifetime."

Read Full Story >>
trunkswd3160d ago

The Wii was a beast! The entire top 10 selling more than 10 million units each!

FallenAngel19843160d ago

Just like the DS list, every game on the Wii's list has sold over 10 million. Not even PS1 and PS2 did that. That's very incredible

fitfox3159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

positive comment for Agrees

jcnba283159d ago

Those software sales are insane.