
Polypwn Presents “Let’s Pwn!” MechWarrior3 Operation 4

Welcome to the last in the series of “Let’s Pwn!” MechWarrior3. Operation 4 is the last operation of the game and we have 6 videos here which span all 6 missions.

There are some very exciting battles in the Operation and an awful lot of heavy and assault mechs that need to be cut through before we can reach the end. Including a not yet before seen mech in this game, the Daishi, which is the biggest mech the Jaguars have, along side the Annihilator!


From pixels to state-of-the-art 3D graphics; the evolution of the MechWarrior series

DSOGaming writes: "YouTube’s member ‘SqueegyMackoy’ has posted an amazing video, showcasing all the major iterations in the MechWarrior series, alongside their respective soundtracks. It’s really amazing witnessing the jump from 2D sprites to the 3D accelerated graphics that were powered by 3DFX cards, back in the days. SqueegyMackoy has also included Living Legends, the amazing MechWarrior mod for Crysis Wars. Enjoy!"

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