
New Concept Art From Square Enix’s Upcoming Unreal Engine RPG

From the pages of the Japanese publication Famitsu we get our second look at artwork for Square Enix’s new action rpg.

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-Mika-4586d ago

Ugh unreal engine. Why aren't they using the engine they used in ff13.

4586d ago
Ingram4586d ago (Edited 4586d ago )

Hey kids!, we have this definitive super next gen engine called White Engine and...wait no, scrap that, It's now a high tech compendium of assets called Crystal Tools, the best engine eve...No, no... In fact we have this secret next-next gen almighty engine called Luminous Engine that is our secret weapon and...

*uck it, we're all CGI designers, it's too difficult, let's make an Unreal Engine game.

Seventh_Blood_Reborn4586d ago

Yes, indeed, SE is truly pathetic.

3GenGames4586d ago

I think you can safely say the Square crew have just admitted that they aren't anything they used to be. I mean, using somebody else's engine? That's called lost faith in yourselves.

Ryudo4586d ago

They have used the Unreal Engine before years ago in fact it's called The Last Remnant. If you are set on talking shit about something you clearly don't understand at least make a relevant comment.

3GenGames4586d ago

I know when you don't make engines in-house you don't have experience and with that comes conforming your creativity to the engine and not it's fullest limits like good games.

ThichQuangDuck4586d ago

concept art= the fuzzy channels of porn you cannot tell what is going on but you like where it is going.

modesign4586d ago

get ready for this game to look and smell like every other unreal engine game.


Why Final Fantasy XV Deserves a Fair Chance

It’s been a long road for Final Fantasy XV - formerly known as Final Fantasy Versus XIII before being rebranded at Sony’s E3 conference earlier this week. It’s hard to believe that the game was originally announced alongside Final Fantasy XIII back at E3 in 2006. Judging by the reactions on our forums it’s safe to say that, for the most part, its re-announcement has done much to quell the previously existing doubt that many felt towards the game - doubt built upon repeated delays and time spent outside of the public spotlight. But despite all of the positive reaction towards Final Fantasy XV’s unveiling, it seems that some have already decided that the game is a lost cause. I’m here to argue why this is not the case, why Final Fantasy XV deserves a fair chance.

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wishingW3L4026d ago

even if the males looks like Japanese hosts the game's looking really good.

Need4Game4026d ago

Final Fantasy XV

60 hours single player gameplay + Online MMORPG

Done with the Single Player?

Create your own Character and Explore the World on foot or on an Airship !

Chest Slider, Chest Physics & Treasure Chest included.

ThanatosDMC4026d ago

I'm ok with that if the online portion is separate from my single player storyline.

3-4-54026d ago

Only FF games I've played are FF 11 & FFTA2....

I'm looking forward to this FF game more so than any other.

I've known of and followed the series but never been a playstation gamer so never had the chance to play many or almost all of them.

Has Sega back in the 90's to so I never got to play the SNES ones either.

This game looks 10X better than that Lightning crap.

This makes a "non-fan" want to play this game...

It's almost = to the effect of FF7, but in a different way.

NeXXXuS4026d ago

Because I trust Tetsuya Nomura. He's been with Final Fantasy for LONG time and he knows how to make amazing games.

jc485734026d ago

but 6 plus years ain't short.

pompombrum4026d ago (Edited 4026d ago )

It deserves a fair chance as a spin off but with the combat system I saw, it feels like yet another slap in the face to long term FF fans to call this game FF15. So many long term supporters of Square were just calling for them to go back to their roots and they do the exact opposite.

Irishguy954026d ago (Edited 4026d ago )

They did go back to their roots. The thing missing is the turn based system. Please don't try and tell that systwm was good. The com vb at system has always been the worst aspect of ff. The gamrs e known for storirs. Visual and the ovetworld. Messaging from android pleasr forgive bad A uality

USEYOURFIST4026d ago (Edited 4026d ago )

it remains to be seen if they have gone back to their roots in my eyes, though i am very hopeful this game will recapture what was lost in ffxiii and be an amazing game! however i have to disagree on the battle system as i really liked the turn based battles of FFI-FFX where there was a large element of stratergy involved and you could control every character in battle...it made me invest more in their development and care about them more to some extent, whereas in fxiii i found myself focus on the main characters development more to talior to my play style and not paying attention to the others as much...maybe thats just me that misses them lol, though im very hyped for this even without them as it does look amazing

Count4026d ago

I agree with this. I didn't like the fact that it was an ARPG.

Karlnag34026d ago

I don't really see how naming it a main title and not a spin off is a slap in the face. Yes, it's different in that it's an ARPG. Fine. But does that really matter, when the "main series" of final fantasy games don't even directly follow on from each other? Besides X and X-2 and the XIIIs, of course.

Ultimately it just says XV instead of Versus XIII now... that really doesn't change anything. All Final Fantasy games stand on their own merits. It's why fans of the series can say "my favourite Final Fantasy game was (Z), but I thought that (Y) was terrible" and still be excited for another one. Because it could be completely different to the one(s) they didn't like, despite it being the same series. Plus there's the fact that Versus XIII was a confusing title anyway. XV is much more straight forward.

Just seems like your point, well, isn't much of a point, honestly. No disrespect.

JackVagina4026d ago

you said it you're self SPIN OFF

it was always meant to be a spinoff action RPG made by the creator of kingdom hearts

i still have no clue to why this is such a big topic now, its been known to be a ARPG for years...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4026d ago
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Lightning Returns Interview With Kitase & Toriyama

FFDream had the privilege to sit down and chat with the creators of Final Fantasy XIII/Lightning saga‚ specifically the director Yoshinori Kitase and producer/screenwriter Motomu Toriyama. Their art director Isamu Kamikokuryou was also present‚ and he had quite a bit of input on Lightning. The three discussed the challenges of making the games‚ music‚ and direction they wanted to traverse.

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DoctorMontalban4063d ago

Cool article. These guys never say much, so it's like a sip of water to someone in the desert dying of thirst. The enixorigin site is cool, so that's a nice source for me to now follow as well.

-Gespenst-4062d ago

So hang on, they basically confirmed that Versus XIII is going to be on the Ps3 AND the Ps4...

Minato-Namikaze4062d ago

IS this true? please dont tug on my emotions like that. I'm already unstable over them coming to the ps4 event and saying "please be excited for E3"

uuaschbaer4062d ago (Edited 4062d ago )

No, it isn't true. The article mentioned the rumours, that's all. (Although stupidly it did so in one of the answers of the interviewee.)

Pyrrhus4062d ago

FFDream: Is Versus XIII still a part of the ‘Fabula Nova Crystallis’ project? Maybe released on PS4?
RP Team Japan: On “Versus”‚ as you know‚ the project is that of another
team‚ we can not tell you anything about it. (Note: Since‚ as we have
told you in another news report‚ informants have confirmed a double
development of Versus on Sony consoles current and future)

I think its just the site itself thinking it will be for the PS3/4. Personally, would like it to be renamed 15 and made for next gen.

Lightning returns, in my hope, should be the last of the FF13 brand-name and Versus should be SE's way of moving on.

Chrono4062d ago

That's the editor's comment.

CLOUD19834062d ago (Edited 4062d ago )

Finally the brainfck is over release this sh1t & move on already.

/torture end -> /round 2! oh fck.. what now SE? ~.~

To Be Continued...

Kenshin_BATT0USAI4062d ago

They want us to appreciate Lightning more. So does this confirm if we still don't give a shit that they'll make Lightning Returns Again?

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Kane & Lynch 2 DLC Announced for August 31st

IO Interactive have sent out a press release regarding DLC that will be released for Kane and Lynch 2 on August 31st. More details on the DLC after the jump.

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5059d ago
lodossrage5059d ago

The game has DLC announced when it JUST came out? I swear dlc has got to be one of the BIGGEST rip offs in history. I can understand if a game GENUINELY can't fit on a disc or if current tech prohibits extra content, THEN dlc would make sense. But this "planning" dlc before games are even out the door just shows you how these companies will milk their customers.

DavidMacDougall5059d ago

Ain't it just the pre order bonus for people who missed the release? Either way there useless DLCs

ExitToExisT5059d ago

LOL day one dlcs used to be only ONE DLC but now its THREE

ian725059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

Suprised the DLC isn't single player. Thought they'd make single player a bit longer with it bieng on the short side.
Also this should be on the disc or a free download. Obviously it was made on time to be put on disc. As said above, this is just a rip off if you have to pay.

MGRogue20175059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

... Heh, How much will it cost?

And why the fuck didn't they just put in the full game? Ah ... The Money, It's Always 'bout the money.. Bastards. >:l

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