
Did Dark Souls Eat Skyrim’s Face?

GameZone's Andrew Clouther weighs in on Skyrim and Dark Souls to see if, as IGN put it, "Dark Souls eats Skyrim's Face".

He asks, "Do you like your face with a side of demon or dragon?"

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LoneWolf0194677d ago

Dark souls is a lot more rewarding than Skyrim and I bet half the people who bought it gave up on it.

Alos884677d ago

I gave up on it without even playing it.

JsonHenry4677d ago

^^ You missed out on a fantastic game man.

dc14677d ago

Dark Souls is the most engrossing game of all time. Incredibly deep and rich with weapon synchronization
I have said this before ... and still a little embarrassed to state it... I spent over 200 hrs in Dark Souls - and loved it. absolutely enjoyed it!.

But don’t take anything away from Skyrim.. After 20 hrs in.. they are truly two different games.

I know its hard to see it that way.. but you have to dive into both to understand where I'm coming from. I'll bite if need to. Peace and love all!

Alos884677d ago (Edited 4677d ago )

Yeah, dying a thousand times is great fun, and then being told I suck by the elitist assholes who praise this game, what a wonderful game.
Not talking about you guys btw, but I've had some shitty experiences with people online when talking about the Souls series.

dc14677d ago

Everyone sucks at DS.
However most folks that engaged with/summoned through game play were wonderfully gracious. Overall the DS community is very grateful and welling to help.
I can’t tell you how many PS3 emails I have received (and sent) with 'Thanks' or general questions. If you get into again, feel free to PM me through N4G on any questions or concerns.

Fylus4677d ago

When you understand the concept that death is imminent, and you use death itself as a trial and error way of progression, its easy.

The two are definitely two completely different kinds of games, like others have said.

Dark Souls is BY FAR more rewarding.

Skyrim, you feel BY FAR more powerful and in control.

Dark Souls makes you an ordinary guy with very human attributes and vulnerabilities.

Skyrim makes you "the chosen one" with unique abilities.

Both games are incredible for their own reasons.

Fylus4677d ago

And dc1 is right about the DS community. The DS community is one if the best out there. If you go to the DSwiki forums and ask for help, I promise you that plenty of people there will respond positively, willing to help.

FOXDIE4676d ago

Alos88, lets just say that one of the games requires gameplay skills and other does not.

Now they are totally different types of games, and they appeal to different crowds in the matter of in Dark Souls/Demons Souls the player is more engaged in game play because the game is based on how well you perform as the player.

Skyrim/Fallout on the other hand is not based on real time combat in the sense that every hit is 100% calculated and counts towards how good you are at using your weapon. Skyrim/Fallout is probably more story focused in this case.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4676d ago
PCELITE4677d ago

Both games are great. No need to bash one or the other.

afterMoth4677d ago (Edited 4677d ago )

Dark Souls is the game to get if you want top notch visceral gameplay. The world is gorgeous and sucks you into its dark (not always dark) beauty. The story isn't thrown in your face and you don't have a zillion side quests like Skyrim. The sense of journey and accomplishment is amazing.

Skyrim is the opposite, you get tons of quest, and I mean tons. Every squirrel will even give you a quest, go fetch me 5 walnuts please as I hurt my leg.
---but the core problem is having all of these quests with really lacking gameplay leads to me not caring about doing the quests. A lot of people have tons of fun with all the bugs in the game and using mods.

FOXDIE4676d ago

nice point about the story. In demons souls it feels more or less that you are the story. You make the game what you want it to be. Now there is some background to why the world is as it is, but ultimately you know nothing and your explore the story.

Skryim/Fallout is heavily storybased and apart from the beginning where you probably start differently or have different backgrounds the game is the same when dealing with quests.

Celeras4677d ago

Dark Souls has a better combat system, interface, enemies, and challenge.

Skyrim has a better story, quests, open world, and more hilarious bugs.

It depends what basket you want to throw your eggs in. For me, Skyrim's combat simplicity and lack of challenge is a turnoff. I'd love to try to enjoy the deliciously fantastic sandbox, but it keeps making me fight things. Dark Souls all day.

StraightPath4677d ago

Skyrim - 96% Metacritic

Dark Souls - 89% Metacritic

Not so much.

afterMoth4677d ago

Perfect tool for blind sheep to judge a game by.

GTV IV with a 98, LOL yeah right.

DarkBlade46584677d ago

who actually takes Metacritic seriously? Aside from MW3 developers.

helghast1024677d ago

Fun fact, a lot of reviewers think difficulty is a negative.
Sucks to be them.

LoneWolf0194677d ago

Im my own metacritic when it comes to games I want.

Plus many reviewers like game informer didnt score DS what it deserverd because it was to had. Panzys.

zerocrossing4677d ago

No offence but only idiots trust reviews.

Dark Souls > Skyrim, but that's just my opinion everyone should make their own mind up and play what they enjoy.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4677d ago
MariaHelFutura4677d ago

A pause button is the most rewarding. Especially when you have children.

FOXDIE4676d ago

if you have children, then take care of them instead of playing games. Parents these days...

Tanir4677d ago

game is so amazing, cant wait to start playin again, to bad for the people who missed it

Mutant-Spud4676d ago

I gave up on it because after 15 hours my character was so broken I basically couldn't move from the second camp fire, couldn't go forward or back. I was more powerful at hour ten than I was when I finally got fed up and returned the damn thing.

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GamersRulz4677d ago (Edited 4677d ago )

Both are great games.

JsonHenry4677d ago

For my personal tastes I enjoyed Dark Souls much more than I enjoyed Skyrim. But that doesn't mean that Skyrim wasn't a fantastic game either. But the multiplayer component of Dark Souls keeps me coming back for more whereas I have already beat Skyrim and traveled the game world past my point of interest.

I am still playing Dark Souls.

baboom2234677d ago

How have you "Already beat skyrim and travelled the game world past my point of interest..." The game is MASSIVE. you clearly are giving an early judgement.

admiralthrawn874677d ago

i played and beat both. i prefer dark souls but enjoyed skyrim as well.

Captain Qwark 94677d ago

both are my top two games of this year.....and better than anything last year, and the year before that, and the year before that, and the year before that......

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