
CVG Reviews Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow

CVG writes:

"Graphically Logan's Shadow betters its prequel with a cleaner HUD and sharper visuals and with the slick multiplayer modes from the previous game all making an appearance (Deathmatch, Rogue Agent and Team Deathmatch) plus two new modes, Retrieval (basically Capture The Flag) and Sabotage (a new spin on Objective mode from Dark Mirror) you get a lot of bang for our buck. It's rammed. Recommended highly."

Score: 8.0

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Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow Walkthrough & Trophy Guide

Another PSP Classic has hit the PSN! Use our Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow Walkthrough & Trophy Guide to grab your next classic Platinum!

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Syphon Filter 1, 2, 3, Dark Mirror And Logan’s Shadow Get Rated In Korea For PS4 And PS5

Syphon Filter could be one of the games that could make its way to the PlayStation Plus Premium subscription as they were recently rated in Korea.

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ApocalypseShadow787d ago

Just make a new one already. I know they aren't interested. But damn. Syphon Filter was a great franchise.

CrimsonWing69787d ago

Unfortunately this is like the Capcom test. Nobody is willing to risk making a game that won’t sell, so they test consumer interest with these re-releases. I’m still salty Onimusha and Darkstalkers didn’t do well enough to get new entries, hell I’m just salty we didn’t get the other Onimusha games…

SpacedDuck787d ago

This is what I get annoyed by is studios that worry about a game selling.

I don't get annoyed by that fear but the fact that these studios could easily ensure the game will have enough demand by crowdfunding it with pre-sales to justify development.

So for example Rare has apparently been worried about making a new Banjo game due to the demand for the genre.

I can almost guarantee that if Rare started a campaign where they needed to get $5 million or even $10 million in sales to complete a campaign they would absolutely smash that goal.

A $60 game x 100,000 copies which I think is a low bar for what a new Banjo could do would be $6 million.

The 100,000 pre sales wouldn't even factor in people who buy it through normal release.

If the campaign fails at least the dev's can then say "Hey we tried and nobody lived up to their end"

ApocalypseShadow787d ago

True. But Capcom took too long to make me a new Onimusha game.

But I'm glad Sucker Punch filled in the gap and created Ghost of Tsushima. It's Capcom's loss. I know Capcom is making some good money now. But they could be making more. As Duck said, relying on gamers to buy old games for interest is ridiculous. Just make a new one that's good. That will generate interest.

DarXyde786d ago

That's the worst. I bloody loved Onimusha, especially the 2-disc games (Onimusha 2 and Dawn of Dreams). Genuinely outstanding games.

MIDGETonSTILTS17787d ago

They might make a new one if the public shows interest in the rereleases….

ApocalypseShadow787d ago

Relying on the old games to be bought when most of us have the games already isn't a good idea. Unless they are trying to get new fans.

But the old fans lose out if they can't get new fans to buy them. And I'm not buying them twice because it can be played on a new system. I'll just pull out the old PS1 and PSP to play them.

Snakeeater25787d ago

Here the talk about remake is only about bloodborne the community is too young to even know what syphon filter

Petebloodyonion787d ago

It's actually strange that no one at Sony wants to create another Syphon Filter game despite the notoriety of the IP.
Heck, I could even see Naughty dog applying the Uncharted/TLOU formula to the spy genre by making the settings more future techno, changing the dogs to robots, etc. I'm sure they could create a winner.
Let's hope that the release of the series coincides with the announcement of a new game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 786d ago
787d ago
Muigi787d ago

I was expecting these tbh. Probably overdue on a new one.

InklingGirl787d ago

Lets just leave that heap in the forgotten bin. Haha

Abnor_Mal787d ago

Only ever played the first two, which were great. I hope they do remakes and it’s not just the old games we will get.

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PSX 2017 – 17 Educated Guesses On What To Expect From This Years PlayStation Experience

Sean @ FG: Days Gone? Death Stranding? Soul Calibur VI? Here’s what we expect to see/not see during the PSX 2017 showcase event.

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Blu3_Berry2393d ago

Are they even having an event conference? I can't find anywhere where it claims there is a live-stream conference. Can anyone clarify please.

MoonConquistador2393d ago

No, if you mean like a key note presentation they are not, and had you read the article it specifically says as much. I'll give you this one for free, but will you at least click on the story next time and clarify it yourself before posting.

Zeke682392d ago

"Speaking of PlayStation Presents! The show will commence at 4am GMT/5am CET next Saturday morning, 9th December. Though PlayStation’s biggest 2017 announcements were revealed at E3 and Paris Games Week, we’ve saved a few stocking stuffers for the show. Expect to listen in on candid discussions with some of PlayStation’s top developers, get updates on key titles, and be a part of some special announcements. Even Kinda Funny’s Greg Miller is dropping by!

If you can’t join in on the fun in person, you’ll be able to watch the show at live.playstation.com, or stream on Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook starting at 4am GMT/5am CET Saturday morning."

At least it seems to be news at PSX so I'm happy ! ;D

starchild2393d ago

I just hope to see some Ghost of Tsushima and The Last of Us 2 gameplay. Anything else is a welcome bonus.

Ceaser98573612392d ago (Edited 2392d ago )

yes its on 8th Dec just the day after Game awards...


MoonConquistador2392d ago

But it's not an event conference to be streamed like he asked. You've linked to an event where gamers can mix with developers, ask questions and try out demos. It's not a conference like they have (and stream online) at E3.

Forn2392d ago

Just because Sony hasn't announced a stream yet doesn't mean there won't be one.

Ceaser98573612392d ago (Edited 2392d ago )

"Friday, December 8, 2017, Time TBA
- Limited Availability. Access available with Early Bird Ticket"

This is the press event conf. Sony wont leave out PSX just like that and yes the time hasn't been announced yet , it will soon... Ghost of Tsushima will get a gameplay...

and 9 and 10th is for the gamers meeting with the devs, capcom cup and other events and try out demos and so on... you can see on 8th its mentioned access to early bird tickets which is obvious becoz the hall where they gonna held the press conf event the seats are limited...

MoonConquistador2393d ago

No 1 & 7 for me. Can't wait to see how dreams has turned out (and I know it will have some VR functionality too) and would love to catch up with Kratos.

Here's hoping for a good show

joab7772393d ago

I wanna know it all but number 12 is most important to me. BB2?

firelens2393d ago

I need to see Dreams already !

UCForce2393d ago

Don’t worry, MM will be there.

DialgaMarine2393d ago

I’m totally stoked at the possibility of TLoU2 gameplay. It’s my most anticipated title, and I can’t wait to see it in action.

VerminSC2392d ago

Im afraid of having gameplay footage. As is I’ve watched the cut-scene an unhealthy amount of times. Lol

sk8ofmnd2393d ago

My wishlist

*bloodborne 2 reveal
*demons souls remake reveal
*resident evil 2 remake trailer
*ff7remake release window
*kh3 release date
*resistance 4
*ridge racer reboot
*spyro remake
*death stranding info
*dreams info

Markusb332392d ago

Resistance 4 would be very welcome.
I read maybe dmc5 is exclusive?
I actually think the order could be done correctly in a sequel as the lore and characters are well thought out. Spyro will be coming after crash had succes. There has to be a least 1 big surprise like just the title bloodbourne 2 on screen.

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