
IGN - The Life and Death of the Original Xbox

IGN - It pushed boundaries, it fell on its face, it changed everything. Our detailed history of the Xbox from inception to extinction.

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hennessey864596d ago

from my xbox, didnt get rid of it until about a year into the 360 life cycle. Great console.

hellvaguy4596d ago

I miss the big original controllers. Wish u could use those on the 360.

saladthieves4596d ago

Ah...good old giant-friendly Xbox controller. Damn that thing was massive in my tiny hands.

Hicken4596d ago

Agreed. Hated every Microsoft controller since.

JellyJelly4596d ago

Really? You hate the 360 controller? I wonder what controller you prefer. Oh let me guess...

saladthieves4596d ago

Granted they took the controller and redesigned it, I love the 360 controller. It is a solid piece of hardware that is quite tough. I love that it fits in my hands comfortably. The only thing that sucks about it is the D-Pad and Microsoft's stupid decision of going proprietary on everything. Can't even open the thing to get it cleaned...need special T8 screwdrivers...screw them!

Hicken4596d ago

Well, I've always liked Playstation controllers. They're my favorite. I won't lie about that. No need to hide it. It was a vast improvement over the SNES controller, and seemed pretty intuitive to me.

The original Xbox controller was weird at first, but it grew on me quickly. Then they shrank it down, and I never could get used to that. Needless to say, the 360 controller did not recapture what I liked about the first Xbox controller.

You can disagree all you want, but I like it better than the current one.

bumnut4596d ago

I loved the original Xbox but the original controllers were horrible! It felt like I was holding a microwave!

one2thr4596d ago Show
Venjense4596d ago (Edited 4596d ago )

I liked Xbox 1 much more than my PS2

...but I should have known then that charging for "access" to the DVD player and those mysterious rings on my discs was a sign of worse things to come

For the amount of money I spent on 360 I could have just built a gaming rig AND bought a PS3.

20gig 360 2006-2007 (RIP) =$400
Live = $60x5 years or $300 (and counting)
Rechargeable Batteries = $20
New controller because analog rubber ripped off = $50
New 250 gig 360 Slim because shit replacements are shit = $300

TOTAL: 1250! plus tax!!

Also, that 20 gig was really only 13.4 gigs, W-T-F, they should have just called it 15 - still pissed about that.

I've just realized that I'm an idiot...but I do love me some Gears and Halo.

Still and idiot though.

NEW-AGE4596d ago (Edited 4596d ago )

I Sure Love me Some Alien Killing and Steroids..... Highlight is Tha Warth Hog, aint she a Beut, Offroading with My Buddies , dem was Guud Timez, C'Mon Jed Lets Rape us up Some Aliens fer Dinner

Venjense4596d ago

Yes, you've certainly gotten the gist of it.

Especially raping for dinner...

banner4596d ago

I didn't know the name came from directx. I thought that ms couldn't make money because nvidia wouldn't lower there price on the chips. That's why ms attempted to do the gpu the selves this gen.

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Driv3r, a Twenty Year Reunion

WTMG's Leo Faria: "Was Driv3r one of the first truly overhyped games in history? One of the first games incessantly covered by press pre-launch, only to end up being the complete opposite of what it promised once it finally arrived onto store shelves? It’s worth discussing. Then again, hindsight is 20-20; it’s easy to laugh at the fact it was once touted to be a GTA killer, but there were just half a dozen GTA clones back then, and we didn’t have YouTube or other reliable video players to properly check how a game played before actually buying it. Maybe Driv3r was a victim of its own hype, a troubled project made by people who didn’t want it to be too similar to Grand Theft Auto itself. But it sucked then, and it still sucks now. Not even the rosiest of nostalgia goggles can save this one."

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Nacho_Z2d ago

It's a shame they tried to copy GTA, they were terrible at it. If they'd doubled down on making the driving the star they could still be going now.


Matt Booty talks shipping Sea of Thieves on PlayStation 5, Xbox exclusives, and more.

Xbox's Matt Booty discusses reactions to the Xbox showcase, shipping Sea of Thieves on PlayStation, closing studios like Tango Gameworks, and more.

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purple1013d ago

Matt Booty:

How It Started:

"Go spend Sony out of business."

How It Is Going:

"We just have great working relationships with the teams at Sony." (Sony is a great partner)

Jingsing3d ago

Microsoft thought players views and habits didn't matter but there are more people engaged with the gaming industry politics than there ever has been. Microsoft is like a toxic party and people know it and won't support the no matter how much money they throw at it. That is important.

RauLeCreuset2d ago

Watch for the sleight of hand.

Hint: Exclusives and launch exclusives are not the same thing.

"When asked about what this means for future Xbox exclusives, Booty reiterates that the teams are evaluating games hitting other consoles on a 'case-by-case basis,' adding that Xbox players can absolutely continue to expect many games to launch as exclusives, and that the 'Xbox promise' that all Xbox first-party games come to Xbox Game Pass will continue to be true."

RupeeHoarder16h ago

Majority are coming to PS5, the remainder for the most part don’t have release dates. If by stride you mean fanboy news stride, yes but that is nothing new.


Xbox To Return To Gamescom

Nice to see a big publisher back at a convention and hopefully more will follow.

darthv723d ago

Its not like they are going to show anything we haven't already seen. Good for them for attending but it won't make much difference in the grand scheme of things. EU people still dont buy (or play) XB.

Yes this is me being cynical.

Garethvk3d ago

Hopefully Sony will someday go back to shows and perhaps PAX West will be more like it was an E3 like show will return.

StormSnooper3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I rather they do their own show, instead of wasting a bunch of money to pay the forum holder and have a conference as big as the next guy, but so long they do their own big conference with big announcements which I think everyone is waiting on.

BeHunted3d ago

"Hopefully Sony will someday go back to shows"

Like closing down their reward program? For the players, alright.

Mr_cheese3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

BeHunted, stay on topic pal.

Personally would love all 3 of the big companies to attend at least one of the same show each year. Gaming hasn't been the same since E3. It added this level of excitement, competition and general conversation about gaming that we no longer get.

ThinkThink3d ago

Idk, they still have a lot to show. If they decided to Amp it up this year I could see them having a gamescom showcase to show Everwild, Forza Horizon 6, Contraband, Towerborne, Project Mara, Kilin, Hollow Knight Silk Song. It would be nice to finally hear more about those XGP games like Project Dragon and Project Shaolin? Maybe something COD related, and maybe a couple of smaller surprises.

RaidenBlack3d ago

There's a chance Clockwork Revolution might make an appearance at Gamescom.

Obscure_Observer3d ago


Gimme me even more awesome games to get hyped about!

Let´s gooo

repsahj3d ago

Xbox will win this event for sure! XD

gold_drake2d ago

xbox is the only one of the big three to be present this year.

i absolutely anticipate the "xbox WON gamescom" articles. ha.

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