
BD gaining upper hand over HD DVD in PC-use drives

Digitimes reports:

"While Toshiba has enjoyed exceptionally booming sales of its HD-A2 HD DVD player in the North America market, Blu-ray Disc (BD) appears to have gained the upper hand in the PC-use drive segment.

[Sony's newest BD burner] BWU-200S features maximum write speeds of 4x for BD-R (recordable, write once) and BD-RE (rewritable)..."

Other vendors, including Pioneer, Philips, and Lite-On, either offering their own BD solutions or planning to in the near future.

"In contrast, Toshiba has not offered PC-use HD DVD burners or drives since it launched a HD DVD drive model in the fourth quarter of 2006, nor have any other members of the HD DVD Group, the sources noted."

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RadientFlux6084d ago (Edited 6084d ago )

Personally I wouldn't have either in my computer for at least another 5 years or in till one saturates the market enough. Enough so that I can burn a disc from home to either bring in to the office or a client's office.

@HarryEtTubMan : I don't care who wins it's just pointless for me to own BD drive or the HDVD equivalent at the moment, when I can't make backups that work on any computer.

MK_Red6084d ago

Agreed. It's too early to get either. In 5 years, both will be cheaper and much easier to burn and both could be superb backup devices with their large capacities.

felman876084d ago (Edited 6084d ago )

Good call, but I hope Blu-ray wins cause of its greater storage capacity. While movies are identical, there's a big difference between 15 gig and 25 gigs. It would be awesome if I could get my hands on one of those 200 gig CDs and just burn my entire hard drive on a disk.

mikeslemonade6084d ago

Toshiba has there hands full. Don't forget Dell and Apple who are also in the blu-ray camp. This isn't news because it was known long ago that blu-ray would have the advantage in the high def PC drive market.

HarryEtTubMan6084d ago

^^^^ lol its gonna be Blu Ray bro... what do u think this article is saying. Blu Ray is winning worldwide by alot

Danja6084d ago (Edited 6084d ago )

HHMM what's new here....yawnz..seriously..Tosh iba issue a recall..!!

Charlie26886084d ago

You have to admit...it looks pretty nice :P

Imagine how many anime you could fit into one of those Blu ray discs @.@

felman876084d ago

with 200 gigs, you could put your whole hard drive

chrno66084d ago

yeah u can easily fit 10 anime series on 1 blu-ray disc, assuming that they are avi format.

jaja14346084d ago

200 gigs? Whole hard drive? Not quite. :)
Anyways think when the 4TB disc come in 8 or 9 years. One disc could have well

Now that my friend is a whole lots of anime!

jaja14346084d ago (Edited 6084d ago )

Am I correct in assuming that 4x BR is roughly 12xDVD in terms on burning speed? I remember reading that somewhere, and logically it should be true. Otherwise it would take forever and a day to burn a whole BR disc.

DJ6084d ago

If you're comparing single layer, DVD is faster at those speeds. But yeah, even 4x is still pretty damn slow if you're doing all 25GB.

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