
Blossom Minds Teases Liquid Based Platformer Walter

PushSquare: "Platformers are our favourite kind of games. So naturally we're excited to learn about what Blossom Minds is teasing with its new game Walter. Judging from the game's debut screenshots the titular protagonist appears to be composed of nothing more than H2O and a fetching pair of eyeballs. The game will depict Walter's "uneven fight against an evil oil company"."

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Kyosuke_Sanada4593d ago

Don't know the heck that word came to mind when I saw the title...:P

But seriously, this game looks hilarious and gives off an Abe's Odyssey feel to me (maybe because of the weird protagonist). I really want to see this in action....

Venoxn4g4593d ago

don't know why but it reminds me a fluidity on Wiiware :) great game I recommend to all!