
Del Toro: inSane Will Be 'Really, Really Nasty'

PushSquare: "Remember inSane? Errr. It was the THQ game announced at last year's VGAs. Oh come on -- the one with director Guillermo del Toro heavily involved. Yes, that one. It's looking "really, really nasty" apparently."

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PetitPiPi4692d ago

I like nasty! Don't believe me? Ask my girlfriend! Haha!

HebrewHammer4692d ago

I could not stop laughing when Del Toro took the stage at the VGA's last year and proclaimed InSANE will "MAKE YOU SHEET YOUR PENTS!" in that ridiculous accent of his.


Eight most promising looking games that were cancelled

In this article, we try to list eight cancelled games that looked the most promising. Before we start, if you haven’t already, be sure to read this list over cancelled games, too.

Phil323046d ago

Mega Man Legends 3 is the one cancelled game that sucked the most for me. Blaming it on the fans was a real jerkish move, too.

TGG_overlord3045d ago

Well, ain´t that the truth of the day...

3046d ago Replies(1)
The 10th Rider3046d ago (Edited 3046d ago )

Promising? Maybe they sounded good, but, for instance, Redwood Falls and Shadow Realms never saw the light of day because they weren't anything exceptional. The tragic ones are the ones like Star Wars 1313, which was cancelled because of Disney's buyout of Star Wars, or Insane, which was cancelled because THQ was going out of business. I can only guess that Agent, Eight Days, and Starcraft Ghosts never made it anywhere because they didn't live up to expectations. Maybe they weren't any good, maybe they were too ambitious, maybe the tech at the time couldn't support them . . . we simply don't know.

I was once excited for the Pirates of the Caribbean game, Armada of the Damned, but chances are it was cancelled because it wasn't living up to expectations, so there's really no point in being letdown by it.

quent3046d ago


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Rolling the D.I.C.E. on Kojima Productions First Game

"The 19th annual D.I.C.E. summit is a little more than a month out. For those who do not know, D.I.C.E. stands for Design, Innovate, Communicate, Entertain. This annual get together of the technical industry’s elite is host to the Entertainment Software Association’s Interactive Achievement Awards. This year, Hideo Kojima will become the 21st inductee to the A.I.A.S. hall of fame, and deservingly so. The award will be presented to Kojima on February 18, 2016 by none other than iconic director, producer, and writer Guillermo del Toro."-- PlayStation Enthusiast

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BABY-JEDI3171d ago

Pacific Rim + Zone of the Enders + PSVR = ?


9 Huge Games That Somehow Got Canceled

8CN: Games get canceled all the time, but rarely do we ever hear very much about them. Usually, they're canned well before the public is aware of their existence, with the studios quietly pushing the project under the rug (or recycling the work into new games entirely). These games however, failed pretty spectacularly.

Svinya3593d ago

Prey 2 sure looked interesting. The first one gave me motion sickness with the sudden inversions.

DragoonsScaleLegends3593d ago

The Legend of Dragoon 2 got canceled back in the PS1 era.

Adrian_v013593d ago

The first one's concept sounds amazing! I hope they, or someone gets back to it. The outlook should be different now with the new gen consoles...