
DIYGamer: Indie Deal Of The Day – E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy, 50% Off

DIYGamer: I tried reviewing this game a while back. I failed. EYE: Divine Cybermancy is a dementedly over-ambitous FPS/RPG hybrid with a setting and story that reads like a hybrid of Warhammer 40k and Shadowrun, if they’d been written by David Lynch and drunkenly translated into French and only halfway back again. It’s a game where – while playing as a bizarrely incoherent and profane cyber-ninja-monk-mage – you can have your brain hacked into by a surly ATM, or violently explode your foes with just the power of your mind. And for the next 24 hours, you can get it for half price on Steam.

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ATi_Elite4702d ago

Eeew sorry i'm not feeling this game.

It has way too many issues. it's complicated which PC Gamer like but complicated in a BAD WAY as in bad presentation.

way too many menus, too much back tracking and running around trying to figure out what to do. Don't get me wrong exploration is cool and i don't need an arrow telling me where to go but the game doesn't even tell you who you are, what your all about, or why you are even there in the first place.

If you pass this game up don't feel bad.


Why We Want Cyberpunk 2077 To Be Good And Succeed Commercially

Cyberpunk doesn’t really need any more hype. It already has all the attention needed by everyone involved; not ignoring all the faux journalism surrounding the game’s political correctness. In all seriousness though, this article will not really talk about the game succeeding in a way that we, as “fanboys” of CD Projekt Red, want it to. We want a quality product. We are excited, but also cautiously keeping our expectations in check. Here we want to take a look at the implications that the success of the game MIGHT have on the industry and how we would love some of our favorite titles to get deserved limelight.

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1915d ago

Steam Sale: : Shopping On A 1000 INR (~20$) Budget

Steam Sales, or for that matter any games' sales are very testing times for gamers over selecting games. Personally, I always select a balance of genres I am familiar with and genres where I'll be treading unknown ground, but the biggest hurdle for me and many other gamers is selecting games on a certain budget. I believe that INR 1000 is the ISB for an average gamer, so here is a list of games you can get within 1K INR with some variety thrown in and one game not taking up half your budget.

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