
AusGamers: inFamous: Festival of Blood

Gallivanting around the first island of New Marais, amidst the revelers and partygoers letting off some neon-clad costumed steam, Cole crosses paths with a pale Gothic-looking chippy who takes him out for a bite. Literally. The vixen is Bloody Mary and besides having a strong allergic reaction to sunlight, crosses and wooden stakes, she’s bat-*** crazy and on a rampage, and Cole is her latest pet project. Running against the clock, Cole now has eight hours to stake this vampiric she-bitch before sunrise or join the ranks of the undead forever.

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Sony’s best-selling Infamous series did X-Men games better than the actual X-Men

For decades, superheroes had the worst luck when it came to video games, the X-Men chief among them. There are a few welcome outliers—Raven Software’s X-Men Legends duology remains a classic, Wolverine’s game adaptation for his first solo movie has its silly charm, and you can still find the classic beat-’em-up cabinet in arcades everywhere—but there are more lows than highs, from Mutant Wars and X2: Wolverine’s Revenge, to the franchise’s last big stab at mainstream gaming respectability, 2011’s X-Men: Destiny. Sluggish and overwrought, the latter seemed to be the kiss of death for Marvel’s mutants, the precursor to their eventual fate years before they were kicked out of Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite. (Getting left out in the cold during Marvel’s big purchase by Disney probably didn’t help.)

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SCW19821937d ago

When you find out that Kessler is Cole. Mind blown. It was so awesome

Nitrowolf21937d ago

Yeah I really wasn’t expecting that at all, loved it though and made me feel bad for him

Shame cause I thought 2 feel flat in comparison was hoping it’d be set up for us to fail and having to travel back as Kessler.

Easily could have made three focused around getting cole out of that loop.

AspiringProGenji1937d ago

Ah Infamous 2, such a well made game. I miss playing it and would love a remaster. Many people had issues with the story, but I myself enjoyed it. Maybe if I get back and play it I might realize why, but god damn I loved the game

hebewanif1936d ago

my roomate's step-mother makes $72 every hour on the computer . She has been out of a job for six months but last month her check was $13623 just working on the computer for a few hours.

blog here ... https://bit.ly/2QCOGd9

MWH1936d ago

use *Spoiler Alert* next time.

Zeke681936d ago

It's a PS3 title, no need for spoiler tags....
Spolier alert Dr No is the bad guy in the first James Bond movie with the same name from 1962 end spolier alert
How long should it go on in your opinion? 😉

SCW19821936d ago (Edited 1936d ago )

Really? It came out 10 years ago. I think we are past needing spoiler warnings at this point.

lelo2play1936d ago

We shouldn't call them X-Men... feminists don't like it.

Zeke681936d ago

X-(Wo)men *fixed it*
Off topic: northern Sweden and we got 28C in the shadow, damn, my beer is cold for 1 minute and then boiling hot hehe

zsquaresoff1937d ago

Sony needs to remaster both infamous games for ps4/5. Incredible games with pretty easy platinum trophies.

thatguyhayat1936d ago

Infamous 1 looking for the shards was a b*tch.

SamPao1936d ago

yeah that was indeed annoying :D

Silly gameAr1936d ago (Edited 1936d ago )

That was the only trophy I didn't get because it glitched out on me. I have Infamous 2 and Second Son Platinum trophy, but can't get that Infamous 1 plat. That always bugged me.

The_Hooligan1936d ago

The one that gave me hard time was killing 3 people at once by making them fall from a high place. That stunt was a bitch lol. But i really enjoyed the first two infamous games. I need to play second son though.

AspiringProGenji1937d ago (Edited 1937d ago )

I've actually thought the same thing and how Sucker Punch can expand this IP and have their own Xmen. I wish we get an sequel to Infamous 2's bad ending which gave everyone affected by the blast super powers

CBaoth1936d ago

Sucker Punch screwed the series by choosing the "good" ending as canon. Infamous 3 could've been exquisite if Cole ***SPOILERS*** had wiped out 7 billion on the planet. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, Cole should've been the antagonist or at the very least a tortured soul seeking redemption as he became the Beast. Far more interesting concept with intriguing story arcs but they played it safe with banal tropes of the modern political climate.

Andy_Dee1936d ago

Yeah I really enjoyed the first and second one. Never before had I played a game that was like this.

A new experience and the for me as a new fan!

1936d ago Replies(1)
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The Best Infamous Games: All 5 Ranked

With a vast array of powers to accompany enormous sandbox environments, Sucker Punch's Infamous games have afforded PlayStation owners with dozens of hours worth of super powered fun. Which one's the best of the bunch?

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stalepie2988d ago

I feel like there should have been an arcade mode DLC for Eugene.

Shadowolf2988d ago

Wow, that would have been a great idea.

Shadowolf2988d ago

Not a bad direction list of rating the best Infamous games. Though I would still put the original Infamous over Infamous: First Light simply based on the amount of content afforded in the first game. However, there is no denying that First Light was great!

-Foxtrot2988d ago (Edited 2988d ago )

Infamous Second Son over Infamous...whaaaa

I'm sorry but apart from a decent soundtrack and pretty graphics along with animations Second Son felt like a step back

Story wasn't as good
Characters were forgettable
Delsin just wasn't as likeable
Delsins "I bloody love my powers" development we've seen more times then Cole's "I don't want this" development
Story didn't have a big ass twist
Side characters felt like they were added to show off new powers, more then Infamous 2s
Felt unfinished (the Rock power for example)
Villain wasn't developed well
Felt more repetitive then last games
The one good character, Reggie, they killed off
Lack of morale choices
Lack of move sets for powers

Like I've said only way I could redeem it is if they go off the Evil ending, make Delsin loose control after his brother dying and being outcast by his tribe and have him become the REAL Beast, the one Kessler talked about, John being something else that was mistaken for him.

In the end this would be a Beast origin story and it would be epic. I just think Cole went off the good endings so Delsin should go off the evil ones.

Bring back Cole for the final fight in inFAMOUS 3 and close his story for good.

Seriously with Reggies view on Conduits it would have been more interesting to see him get powers instead and hate himself only to accept himself in the end. Probably should have done a DLC where he survived and got water powers, the other two being the cut powers like glass, paper and steel.

TorpeAlex2986d ago (Edited 2986d ago )

It's still possible he survived, having his powers activated by Augustine's attack and them manifesting when he fell. I think Sucker Punch's statement is on the record as, "We'll never do something boring like fire or water because it would be too easy and cliché."

Big_Game_Hunters2986d ago

And rocks and electricity aren't cliche?i still like the infamous games but SP went downhill after slycooper IMO, Thank god They aren't making the new spiderman like the rumours say.

-Foxtrot2986d ago

I hope he is

Imagine if him and Cole need to team up to stop Delsin

Even if he's not the real Beast but still a threat brother vs brother would be amazing

Fletch and Eugene would be bosses to unlock each new area

Could team up with Zeke aswell

TorpeAlex2986d ago

@Big_Game_Hunters Convenient of you to leave out smoke, neon, video, glass and paper.

NukaCola2986d ago

inFAMOUS - Best Story
inFAMOUS 2 - Overall Best Experience
inF2: Festival of Blood - Epic DLC
Second Son - Best Gameplay
SS: First Light - Best Combat

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2986d ago
I_am_Batman2988d ago

Really hard to choose between the main games. Infamous 1 has the best story but Second Son has the best gameplay. Infamous 2 has the best soundtrack and it has the strongest overall package imo.

ShadowKnight2986d ago

Infamous 2 and soundtrack was incredible

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7 Best inFAMOUS Moments in Sucker Punch’s Franchise

Messiah or devil? Good or evil? Few games present players with compelling choices and fewer still nail that moral conundrum with such flair as those coming out of Sucker Punch Productions. To celebrate the franchise's 7th anniversary, we select the best moments from inFAMOUS.

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Movefasta19933044d ago

INfamous 1 ,having to choose between Trish and the Doctor.
Infamous 2,finding out who the Beast was.
Both games are amazing.

Darkfist3044d ago

hope the spiderman rumor isnt true, i want more infamous