
New True Night of the Kamaitachi screenshots

Check out new screenshots of True Night of the Kamaitachi.

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jujubee884617d ago

Does anyone know if this is more of an adventure or visual novel type of game?

I know adventure is more like puzzles and VN is more reading and clicking one story path (every now and again).


Various RPG scans and Vita game scans

"Here we’ve got a great big mix of scans from Famitsu and Dengeki magazines, showing RPGs as well as a few other titles. The Vita just launched, so I kind got caught up in the hype and snapped some shots of a few non-RPG Vita games while I was working. Enjoy." -RPG Land

tarbis4565d ago

lots of great games coming to PSV, and my wallet doesn't have a lot of money T_T

Kyosuke_Sanada4565d ago (Edited 4565d ago )

I don't like how Persona 4: The Ultimate was written as "that Persona fighting game" but I want to see more artwork from the new Square Enix Project that looked similar to Demon Souls......


New True Night of the Kamaitachi screenshots

Check out some brand new screenshots of True Night of the Kamaitachi, which is coming to PS3 and Vita.

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NewMonday4673d ago

could the ghosts be other players online? this game will support 100 players racing to solve mysteries, a great idea.