
White Gold: War in Paradise - 6 New Screens

White Gold: War in Paradise explores the shadowy background of modern low intensity conflicts, where the newest weapons often do battle with the antics of witchdoctors. An FPS with a handful of RPG elements thrown in for a good measure, White Gold offers a rich scenario in addition to the non-stop action.

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MK_Red6147d ago

The game looks ok but awefully similair to Boiling Point which I think was from the same team.

Korosuke6146d ago

Wow, this one is Boiling Point's sequel ?
Boiling Point was terrible game, full of flaws and unpolished but had good concept like GTA meets FPS.
I hope this one is...

Charlie26886146d ago

Dude you actually remember Boiling Point WOW! you REALLY know your games XD

I remember it as the most bug infested game I have EVER played

MK_Red6146d ago

Thanks :)
I actually kinda liked that game even though it was so bug filled (The driving was the worst part). I liked how the had combined different elements from games like GTA: Vice City, Morrowind and Far Cry. It wasn't great and really bug infested.

Funny thing is that the team loves that type of games. Hope their new games are more fun and less buggy :)

Kleptic6146d ago


if these guys are trying a FPS RPG (FPS w/ "RPG elements"...w/e)...then I wish them luck going up against Bethesda...they are going to need it...

MK_Red6146d ago

Not just this game. All games of 2008 need lots of luck facing off against Fallout 3. It's sequel to one of the best games of all time and perhaps the best RPG ever created (Though Baldur's Gate 2, Deus Ex and KOTOR could also be considered the best RPG ever).
2008 BELONGS to Fallout 3.

Also, this game is an open world FPS whilt Fallout is a RPG with first person view. If anything, White Gold's biggest competition comes from Mercenaries 2 and games like that.

zPlayer6146d ago

very beautiful landscaping! but if you notice the pic with the trashed car and black dude. the modeling doesn't look right. i guess i might be getting a little too used to uncharted's detail. n/m.

oh the girl looks very nice though.

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PC Gamer: White Gold Review

It’s heartbreaking. An impressive game that falls short on so many levels, only because it tries to reach so far. Factions, economy, side quests, a huge, lush world and even semi-destructible buildings, all make it seem like it could be a truly brilliant game, but the further you get from the (mostly) workable start, the more and more apparent it becomes that the game is broken.

wallis4934d ago

This was released!? Jesus, that's such a shame. Few years ago it seemed to garner a bit of attention and I just figured it went off the radar for more in depth development. Finding out it was just haphazardly kicked out like this is actually really disheartening.


Johandevries4934d ago

Short review, saw it yesterday. This game is great, just install the community patch.


Vandal Online: White Gold: War in Paradise Preview

Deep Shadows has announced a sequel to the great "Boiling Point: Road to Hell." For those who aren't familiar, "Boiling Point: Road to Hell" was a critically acclaimed title released in 2005 for PC. It was a mixture of the role playing and sandbox genres. Now, it is finally receiving a sequel entitled "White Gold: War in Paradise."

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GamesRadar: White Gold: War in Paradise Hands-On

Despite all the loose ends, there's something innately promising about White Gold. Even though you'll chuckle at the crooked animation and the lines of powdery, white 'adrenaline' you'll loot from corpses, there are more ideas in here than most other open-world shooters.

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