
Skyrim's Combat May Not Be Good Enough For Today's Standard

The opening moments of Skyrim were leaked today in a video, which was quickly taken down. Without the developers or PR to ensure this was healthy footage, was this raw capture exposing a dated combat system?

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jc485734610d ago

when you do not show enough of something, you know they're hiding something.

lastdual4609d ago

Or they just don't want to spoil the opening?

Will some people complain about the combat? Sure. Guess what? That's fine. It's an RPG, and the last thing we need is another RPG trying to be an action game and appeal more to COD fans than actual RPG fans.

In RPGs you have experience points, and that means your level 1 character can swing his axe right into the face of a level 50 enemy 100 times and still not kill him. That's fine. Experience points may not make for "cinematic action combat", but we don't care. I'll take stats over instant gratification in my RPGs any day.

da_2pacalypse4609d ago

*looks at combat in oblivion, then looks at the total experience in oblivion*

if they have the same game with dragons I'm game!

papashango4609d ago

What? Not enough quick time events for this guy?

calibann4610d ago

There was nothing wrong with Oblivion's combat. I was so afraid they might change the combat in horrific ways to make it more up to date, but i'm glad to hear it's like good old Oblivion

RedDead4609d ago

I thought the combat was average at best. Didn't mind though. Have a look at Dark messiah for example, amazing combat system. But it ain't no open world or nothing so..yeah, I don't mind much, it wasn't too bad, just that it could be alot better if they stole DM's one. I love Elder scrolls for different reasons, any improvement to the combat is just a bonus to me

calibann4609d ago

Ahhh Dark Messiah's combat was excellent. The thing is, although I was satisfied with Oblivion's combat, it does wear thin early on. I was just frightened they were going to modernise the whole thing. Something like Dark Messiah, or even Dead Island's combat system (analogue alternative) Would be great! I love being able to choose to stab or slash, or from which angle I want to slash. This would really bring the immersion to a whole new level. Instead of a canned 'rear stab' animation that happens everytime I sneak up on the enemy, let us CHOOSE to stab him, and at which point on his body. this opens up the possibility of weak spots on armour, again introducing a greater level of immersion.

Awesome-Xanto4609d ago

What the heck was wrong with Oblivion combat system... I thought it was fine and never had an issue with it myself. Lets not judge a game when you only seen a few minutes of combat... from a "leaked" video. When you are actually playing yourself you may feel different... a video can never do a game justice.

Bigpappy4609d ago

Hopefully, the first few hours of combat suck. I want to feel my character fully develop from a weakling into a god. I am sure I will develop into a lethal badass in time.

AceofStaves4609d ago

I'm with you on that. I'm counting the days 'til 'Skyrim.' :)

On-topic: 'Elder Scrolls' has never been about the combat for me. If I want a bleeding-edge combat game experience, I'll play an action game. I'd rather have an RPG that played like an RPG instead of some bastardized hybrid.

F4sterTh4nFTL4609d ago (Edited 4609d ago )

I cannot imagine having to work hard in every combat situation for 500 hours of Skyrim.

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Forget Elder Scrolls 6, Skyrim Can Easily Be Made Into A Next-Gen Game

ScreenRant's Stephen Tang writes, "The Elder Scrolls 6 won't be releasing for a while, and in the meantime, the modding community has been making Skyrim into a next-gen game."

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GhostScholar11d ago

That’s just laughable to me. I think they’ve squeezed all they can out of an 12 year old game

mastershredder11d ago

"Easily" because they see mods, says the gamer. To heck with licensing, terms agreements conditions, etc. all you need to do is belive in mods. Yeah, so real superficial BS yo.

CrimsonWing6911d ago

Do people not want to play a new game? Like, I’d rather see 6 than just a prettier version of a game we’ve been playing since the 360/PS3 gen…

Popsicle10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Yes please. Did pretty much everything there was to do in this game. Took a very long time and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Skyrim is one of my all-time favorites, but I would prefer a new experience.

anast10d ago

They might as well. So far, it looks like ES6 will be mostly developed by AI.

Smellsforfree10d ago

I don't want a next-gen version of a game I've already played to death. Skyrim was a great game, but I'm over it.

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Interview on Fallout 4 with the Actor for Nick Valentine, Codsworth & Mr Handy (Stephen Russell)

Interview with Stephen Russell, Actor for (Nick Valentine, Codsworth, My Handy) in Fallout 4 which is a vast open world role playing game set in the apocalyptic wastes of Boston, the Commonwealth. The career goes further with other Bethesda games from Starfield to Prey to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

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I'm Replaying Skyrim (again), and So Should You

Replaying Skyrim after 13 years is a reminder of the progress made in western RPGs over the last decade, but also what's been lost.

anast70d ago

I tried, but it's a poorly made game that insults its customers.

lucian22970d ago

nah, only mods make it decent, and even then it's bad, and this is after i modded for at least 3 years

Nittdarko70d ago

Funnily enough, I'm about to play it for the first time in VR with 1000 mods to make the game playable, as is the Bethesda way