
New Musou Orochi 2 scans – Ryu Hayabusa making an appearance

Check out new scans of Musou Orochi 2, which shows that a character from Ninja Gaiden will be making an appearance.

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Dart894713d ago

This better come stateside.

We still havent gotten this one:(.


Japan Weekly Chart Week Ending 01st Jan 2012

The week's top-selling games at retail ranked by unit sales

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NukaCola4647d ago (Edited 4647d ago )

Clearly Monster Hunter on Vita will be a big deal and a boost for the system. Did wonders for the PSP and is now doing wonders for the 3DS.

Overall I got to say 3DS is really driving strong. I havent gotten Mario Kart yet but the new Mario 3D is bloody brilliant. And the 3D works extraordinarily good with it...well the extra depth setting is a bit sickening. I am still adjusting the settings and how I like it. After a while it still does get me a little dizzy.

Razongunz4646d ago

good sales nice to see the 3ds is doing well :)

now..mr Vita..get ur ass moving :P can't w8 for feb 22nd!

Half-Mafia4646d ago

So the Vita drops from 72k to 41k and gets another long list of doomed articles. While the 3DS drops from 497k to 200k and the system gets '3DS still going strong' articles.


MasterCornholio4646d ago

And then people claim that Japan doesn't celebrate the holidays. It truly is interesting.



Japan Weekly Chart Week Ending 25th Dec 2011

The week's top-selling games at retail ranked by unit sales

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user8586214653d ago

and hot shots sold.... 17k good show *clap*

Jobesy4653d ago

Looks like the Vita software isn't too exciting for Japan. Funny, as an American I think the launch lineup is amazing. Sony needs to get to work real quick and make some Japan friendly software.

tiffac0084652d ago (Edited 4652d ago )

I think that's the problem the launch titles are geared towards the western audience not the Japanese one. ^^;;

Clarence4652d ago (Edited 4652d ago )

They should made a dragon quest , or monster hunter for the Japanese release. Let these games show of the power of the vita.


New Musou Orochi 2 screenshots

Take a look at some new screenshots of Musou Orochi 2.

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