
Luma Arcade to Bring Current-Generation Graphics to Mobile Handsets

Set in a dystopic alternate future in the fictional town of Hammer’s Peak, the narrative follows William Glaston as he returns home after many years of war to find his home town has undergone nightmarish changes. William must fight his way past hostile monstrosities using a variety of weapons and abilities, discover the evil source behind the terror, confront and undo the corruption and dispense justice in Hammer’s Peak.

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The Quick and the Undead: Bladeslinger Review | Hardcore Droid

It’s easy to see why Bladeslinger has been so eagerly anticipated. It’s a title squarely aimed at the hardcore audience; a gritty hack-and-slash that combines traditional console gaming sensibilities with clever touch-based controls, and does it with a flair for style. Add to that a stunning graphical showcase, and a great soundtrack, and you have something that seems pretty exciting, at least on the surface.

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Touch Arcade: Bladeslinger Ep.1 Review

Touch Arcade: We've been keeping close watch on the development of Bladeslinger [$2.99] (and so have you, as evidenced by our anticipated game lists). After a soft launch in Canada, we've finally had the opportunity to check out this third-person action brawler.

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TouchGen: Bladeslinger Ep 1. Review

TouchGen: I’ve been spoiled recently. In the past few months, I’ve reviewed three games whose graphics I could barely believe were appearing on an iPad. First was Need For Speed, then Real Boxing and now Bladeslinger. Any more of this behaviour and stupendous mobile graphics will become commonplace. I’m worried I’ll begin to take them for granted. I’m going to play Snake for five hours straight after I finish this review to gain some perspective.

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