
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 Not on PS3?

Ubisoft UK only has listings for the Xbox 360 and PC versions of Tom Clancy's: Rainbow Six Vegas 2. All other multiplatform games are listed in the PS3, and Xbox 360 sections. Could this be another Microsoft exclusive to add to the list for 2008? Only time will tell.

ben hates you6090d ago

oh god I'm tired of comments like yours, Montreal has always done good deals for Ms

and as for the money shít I'm sick of hearing about
most people don't know Sony has more money the Microsoft, i personally think neither pay reviewers and hardly pay for exclusives i just wish you would all grow up

Revenue US $51.12 billion (2007)[2]
Operating income US $18.52 billion (2007)[2]
Net income US $14.06 billion (2007)

Revenue ¥8,295.695 billion YEN ($70.303 billion USD) (2007)[2]
Operating income ¥71.75 billion YEN ($608 million USD) (2007)[2]
Net income ¥126.328 billion YEN ($1.071 billion USD) (2007)[2]

antoinetm6090d ago

sony has more money? According to ur numbers its quite the opposite.

MS's operating income as well as Net income are bigger...

which make sense since they are milking windows and office.

Revenues arent that important if they dont translate into profits.

wind_dragon6089d ago

and this is directed towards u 'antoinetm'. he's quite accurate in his numbers and they are correct. U forget that Sony is a corporation and SCE is only a subsidary. Microsft only deals in software while Sony has business in many fields, which include:
Insurance (Sony Life)
Banking(Sony Bank)
Movies/TV(Sony Pictures)
Telephones(Sony Ericsson)
Music(Sony BMG Music Group)
theres a whole list of what sony sticks their fingers into....so i'm actually surprised that these numbers r so low. He must be talking about SCE. and not the whole company.

jaja14346089d ago

I'm not sure what hes talking about but, Sony as a whole hasn't been doing so great in the past 3 or 4 years. This is mostly because their competition, mostly in the entertainment market, has undercut them in prices while still offering similar quality. Not surprisingly most of say competition is coming out of China. Also BR is costing them lots, as did developing the Cell Processor.

antoinetm6089d ago

I check to see if those number where correct. Actually they are from sony's ADR filing so they must be including the whole conglomerate.

but my point was that even tho sony has bigger revenues it also has bigger expenses and according to those numbers MS has a bigger profit margin. (and money to invest)

plus MS has twice the cash and short term investments of SONY
21 billions vs 11 (as of sept 2007)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 6089d ago
ddldave6090d ago

i agree, the only good exclusive game from 360 is a decent game. and that decent game is halo 3. 360 really needs a good exclusive. games like mass eflop and stuff failed miserably. i'm glad i own a wii and soon to get a ps3.

360 has no games.

JasonPC360PS3Wii6090d ago (Edited 6090d ago )

Your probably one of those guys that say the sky is red not blue. Reverse your thinking and that would be the truth. Don't whine because you might lose another one :-)

Edit: nice try though. You tried to play that off pretty good, you failed because you assumed everyone was tarded and "dee dee dee".

Dr Pepper6090d ago (Edited 6090d ago )

@ 360sucks

I really don't think so. I am happy with the games that are being released for 08. But it's nice to hear you're so concerned over the 360's well-being.

-SIXAXIS-6090d ago

I doubt that it is a Microsoft exclusive although 360 does need some exclusives. PS3 would be too much to give up. The PS3 owners represent 1/3 of next-gen console owners (obviously I don't mean Wii because that's not a next-gen console).

JasonPC360PS3Wii6090d ago

What is the PS3's attach rate again? Come back and talk when you have more than R&C, RFOM and Uncharted and a better than 2 attach rate. Buy some freaking games already you PS3 fans talk about exclusives but yet you don't ever buy em, WTF? You have 1 game that sold a million RFOM and that because it was the only game for the PS3 for 6 months. Lets go through your list, you have RFOM, Uncharted and R&C and not a one of those is AAA. Now I could go through the Xbox list but just like the PS3 you don't have enough memory to handle all those games.

AngryTypingGuy6090d ago

@ddldave - Go to gamerankings.com and see how badly Mass Effect "failed". A 93% rating is hardly failing. M.E. is an awesome game period. It's very hard to put down. It's also nominated for Game of the Year for the Spike video games awards, along with Halo 3, Bioshock and the Orange Box.

As far as R6V2 goes, it could be a timed exclusive. At least that's what I think is most likely. Either that or else MS ponied up to have it as an exclusive, or else the UK listings are wrong.

Either way, I think R6V is one of the best, most addicting games so far this gen, and I can't wait for the sequel. It's my favorite game to play over Xbox Live so far.

Vulcan Raven6090d ago

Why would we buy a bunch of crappy ports? Personally if i like a game i buy it. It is not my fault other people are pissed about how ports look from one console to the next. Personally i have a very good attatch rate.

Primetimebt6090d ago (Edited 6090d ago )

Did you ever think PS owners actually prefer quality? Remember which is the console with 33% failure rate. Maybe we enjoy good games like Uncharted, resistance, r&C (which are real HD), and games with makers who actually know what there doing with titles like COD4. I guess were sorry for not going out and buying everything with a PS3 logo on like most XBOX owner do. As for Uncharted, RFOM, and R&C not triple A you keep telling you're self that because those titles are just getting warm this holiday while no first year title of X360 is even selling a quarter as many as these titles.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 6090d ago
sonarus6090d ago (Edited 6090d ago )

i say BS but ubisoft gave xbox splinter cell for no reason so you never knw. It will also probably utilize the unreal engine and with the UE optimizations for ps3 UE games will be easier to develop on ps3 than in the past. Also on the rainbow 6 site it says for next gen consoles and pc http://rainbowsixgame.us.ub...

This is just as silly as bandai namco listing beautiful katamari for ps3 on their official site when we all knw ps3 gets the other random game noobi oobi or sumthin.

EDMIX6089d ago

Splinter Cell, Conviction is not Exclusive, its a timed exclusive. Remember, MS had the first Splinter Cell as a 6 month exclusive, this is the same thing. I doubt Ubisoft will just give MS a game, the PS3 has more units out this year then MS had at the ending of last year, thats why Capcom put Lost planet on there ( they said before Dead rising or Lost planet was on the PS3, they needed to have a bigger installed base) 6.5 big enough for ya? Saints row2, Condemed2, and a crap load of once 360 timed games are coming out day and date on the PS3 cause is has the base for that. remember the PS3 now has more units then the 360 did last year, mind you we have not even seen heavy hitters yet.

Boldy6089d ago

I'm sorry, where did u find that Splinter Cell Conviction was a timed exclusive. Why would they, when the developers completley dissed the ps3 according to a Finnish magazine who interviewed Ubisoft:

They state the fact that they are EXCLUSIVE to the 360 allows them to do much more than if they were multiplatform, but they also state they doubt they would be able to achieve what they're doing with the game on the 360 on the ps3 even if it was ps3 exclusive.

The developers are saying this won't be possible on the Playstation 3 as it stands.

LSDARBY6090d ago

From looking at the screenshot. 360 owners are welcome to it. It looks awful.
Judging by Ubisofts recent catalogue of games i wont be missing out on anything good. Ill be much happier with MGS4, Killzone 2, Haze, LBP and GT5 Prologue.

sonarus6090d ago

yea those games are definetly better and more anticipated but rainbow 6 is actually a pretty good game. I would definetly buy it also sony needs as many titles as they can get including multiplatform titles.

jaja14346090d ago

Did you just bases an entire argument over whether a game will be good on one 150x150 screen shot?

Real gamer 4 life6090d ago

LOL Ubisoft already announced A ps3 and xbox 360 version.

spammy_nooo6089d ago (Edited 6089d ago )

Ahem....it's *cite.

If you are going to be correcting people and giving instructions, I suggest you spell properly.

|*Off subject*|
After I added the title, it auto spell-checked me and about 100 of those pop-ups that say 'spell check is complete' came up. Just thought it was funny...

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After Assassin’s Creed III, these 7 Ubisoft games need a remaster

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RosweeSon1943d ago

They need a hard reboot haha

airshiraz1943d ago

splinter cell?graphics is really good and uptodate .splinter cell conviction

RosweeSon1943d ago

Sorry but Ubisoft games in general don’t need remasters they get revised yearly enough as it is.
What next let’s remaster EA games I’d love to play Fifa 95 now 🤦🏻‍♂️😜

annoyedgamer1943d ago

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfare.


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oKidUKo2948d ago

360 got the short straw this time but I guess there comes a point where all the free games for last gen will be 'old'

thekhurg2947d ago

All four titles are trash. But not every month can be good.

OC_MurphysLaw2947d ago

Really...you played Banner Saga 2? You have played Tumblestone? Oh thats right you haven't. And Vegas 2 is now trash? Just please stop ... you only look foolish at this point.

Wingsfan242947d ago

You're missing out on a fantastic game if you think The Banner Saga is trash....

YinYangGaming2948d ago

Banner Saga 1 was a solid game so looking forward to 2 but that's about it for me this month

andresegr2948d ago

Playing Banner Saga 1 right now.

Amazing Game!

TheSuperior 2948d ago

I actually joyed rainbow vegas 2. Its be a long time since I've played it but remembered a lot of fun with it when it came out.

Paytaa2948d ago

Terrorist hunt was so fun back in the day

Elvfam5112947d ago

"Oh shit he's dead what should we do?

BattleAxe2947d ago

@ Paytaa

Terrorist Hunt still a lot of fun even today. There are always people playing this game mode in RSV2, and to a lesser extent, people are also still playing RSV1.

Masterchief_thegoat2948d ago

July is weak rainbow six v2 is great game but now only few people is playing it. Well at least I got 1000 achievement

zb1ftw7772948d ago

And now, there will be many more people playing it.

Masterchief_thegoat2948d ago

Trust me don't won't to hard for them.. plus rainbow six siege flop bad even with two free copy of 1&2 . People rather play cod black op 1

Teh_Leviathan2947d ago

Yeah, Siege was a flop. Right ... It's not one the best online console shooters ever...

BattleAxe2947d ago (Edited 2947d ago )

I'm a Rainbow Six fan, but I much prefer the Vegas series over Rainbow Six Siege. Siege was really fun for the first couple of months, but you wont see people playing it 8 years after launch like Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Siege just doesn't enough content to keep people interested enough over a long period of time.

hells_supernova2948d ago

Banner Saga 2 is an amazing free game!

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