
Batman: Arkham City PS3 review - Official PlayStation Magazine UK

Here's Official PlayStation Mag's PS3 review of Batman. Ten out of ten and a gold award. Probably liked it then.

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Batman Arkham City in 2024 – How Well Does It Hold Up?

GB: "With this feature, we take a look back at the incredible Batman: Arkham City with the aim of analyzing it from the perspective of a 2024 release."

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Shawn Layden Hammers Down The Importance Of Preserving Games

Former PlayStation US bigwig Shawn Layden has weighed in on the subject of video game preservation during a chat with Lan Parties, stating that more should be done by the big players in the industry to help preserve games.

Preservation is important. I’m hoping that more people in the industry, certainly the big players, begin to realize that there’s an obligation and responsibility. This isn’t throw-away stuff we’re making. This is stuff that should be around for a long time because future generations will enjoy it in the same way that we have and it’s criminal that we’re not doing more to protect it.

Sony in particular has come under attack for its poor attitude towards game preservation, having originally announced plans to shutter the PSP, PS Vita, and PS3 stores back in March 2021. This was met with widespread backlash, resulting in the format holder confirming the Vita and PS3 stores would remain open.

isarai335d ago

Bring him back! Or put Shuhei in charge

Obscure_Observer335d ago

"Bring him back! Or put Shuhei in charge"

I would rather have Jack as Playstation CEO and Shu as President/Head of Playstation Studios.

But Layden is definitely better than Ryan

Eonjay334d ago

Wouldn't your rather the government pass a law banning PlayStation and requiring all citizens to purchase 15 Xboxes and GP subs?

Obscure_Observer334d ago (Edited 334d ago )


"Wouldn't your rather the government pass a law banning PlayStation and requiring all citizens to purchase 15 Xboxes and GP subs?"


I don´t want Playstation to disappear. Actually, I want Playstation to be quite successful and maintain its leadership on the market so MS could´t never get back to their cocky ways and f* with Xbox gamers ever again.

If you read my comment history, You´ll be able to confirm by yourself that I´d been actually encouraging your PS pals hurt by MS latest acquisitions to boycott Xbox games and support Sony instead.

So I´ve been noticing that only Jin Sakai, jznrpg and Apocalypse Shadow will actually walk the talk and boycott MS unlike some hypocrites talking sh*t about monopoly and consolidation, while giving their money to MS anyway.

Botton line, though, without Playstation as competition, Xbox gamers are doomed! Period!

shinoff2183335d ago

Meanwhile Nintendo shuts down what 3ds, and wii. You hear that

Fking crickets

-Foxtrot334d ago

Well yeah, it’s Nintendo, people don’t mind when they do something shitty

DarXyde333d ago

It's not that they don't mind. People just know what to expect from Nintendo. They're ridiculous in many ways. Charging for a terrible counterintuitive online service? Cracking down in emulation when they don't do enough for their own game preservation? Charging a premium for the tech they've got?

People mind, but they are perhaps willing to treat their bad behavior with less weight because they do deliver with games. It's functionally an abusive relationship with good sex.

Bizarre analogy, but I think it's true.

ModsDoBetter334d ago (Edited 334d ago )

Whilst the compang does the bare minimum with backwards compatibility?

EvertonFC334d ago

Preservation of games isn't just BC, so many gamers don't actually know what the full meaning of preservation even means.

ModsDoBetter334d ago

That's true, but the main focus from a consumer standpoint is allowing gamers to continue to play their older titles.

Preserving the history through backwards compatibility and ease of access, which Sony don't do a great job at...YET.

The ps catalogue is continually expanded and love being able to play older titles I enjoyed on PS3 like Tekken 6, so at least they're moving in the right direction on that front, albeit very slowly.

ModsDoBetter334d ago

Learn grammar is a bit rich coming from you who can't differentiate between your and you're. English clown 😂

blacktiger334d ago ShowReplies(2)
334d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic334d ago

Does this mean we can have a lot more "Playstation Classics"? I don't feel like we're getting enough for what was promised, at least they added a few games this month.

shinoff2183334d ago

True. I've been waiting for some of those old school rpgs from the ps1 ps2 Era, where f is legend of legaia Sony

FinalFantasyFanatic333d ago

Oh yes! Give me Legaia! I don't have my original PS1 copy any more (idk even know what happened to it). There's so many games I missed the first time around, I would love the opportunity to play them.

Yui_Suzumiya333d ago

The boom of Playstation Classics seems to have fizzled out last gen. Now it's mostly remakes or remasters.

MrBaskerville334d ago

Sony is in a position where they could do a lot, with their premium games. They have all the systems in place to do something cool on the psp, ps2 and psx front, but they don't really want to, it seems.

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Spider-Man 2 Metacritic review score means Marvel still hasn’t beaten DC

Reviews are finally out for Marvel's Spider-Man 2, and the game's Metacritic review score means Marvel still hasn't toppled DC.

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CrashMania345d ago (Edited 345d ago )

The Arkham games are largely excellent, a shame they are being followed up by that god awful looking suicide squad game.

RaidenBlack344d ago

All 4 Arkham games are just amazing...
With the Gotham Knights turning out sub par, hope the Suicide Squad fails as well... So that both Rocksteady and WB Montreal goes back to creating good single player DC games ...
A batman beyond game maybe?

anal_vegan_moans344d ago

Having the game fail would make it harder for them to get funding for their next game, please don't wish this on them. They already delayed the game a whole year after backlash, so we still have to wait and see how it will turn out.

GhostScholar344d ago

I think asylum and origins were great. City was good. Knight was horrible.

345d ago
Ezio2048345d ago

You can't expect a game to match 96-94 meta apple for apple. Different era and different gen. No need to diminish either game's achievement. Arkham City and Spiderman 2 are both amazing sequels that improved upon their already incredible first parts.

Tacoboto345d ago

To back that up, there are major websites that adjusted their review scales.

IGN used to have a 100 point system; now it's a 10 point system. I remember GameSpot back in 2004 was razed for giving Halo 2 a 9.4 when IGN gave it like a 9.7 or 9.8

darthv72344d ago

Arkham Asylum was great, but when City came out... wow what a total overhaul that was. Nothing has had that type of night/day difference in scope and scale since.

SM2 is looking to be a great game in itself. Definitely an upgrade over the previous entries. Just from the opening battle with sandman, it gives me god of war 2 vibes with how that one opened with the battle with colossus of rhodes. That is still one of my favorite sequels of all time.

Zeke68344d ago

Thanks for the spoiler how the game starts loser...

darthv72344d ago

Zeke... you've had plenty of time to play god of war 2.

GaboonViper345d ago

And right on cue, here comes the downplaying of Insomniacs masterpiece, not gonna work, this game is gonna be beast in success.

BehindTheRows345d ago

From the same folks who gave it a 10/10 no less.

Aloymetal345d ago

'' here comes the downplaying of Insomniacs masterpiece''
You know that train is never late.

isarai345d ago

Oh look, another trash article from Videogamer

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