
Double blow for The Orange Box PS3

Pspsps.tv writes: "All in all, things are looking pretty grim for the PS3 version. 1UP's recent preview is particularly cutting, revealing some staggering consistency problems in the game's framerate, which apparently is only meant to be running at a pathetic 30fps anyway. The blame for this – possibly unfairly – is going to fall on EA's shoulders. Valve palmed off the PS3 development to an internal EA team at an early stage so that it could concentrate on the more directly compatible 360 version."

Real gamer 4 life6091d ago

LOL i wasnt going to buy it anyways, i good right now with uncharted call of duty assasin creed and ut3 when its released.

jiggyjay6091d ago

sure is a lot of shooters on this console!

n_n6091d ago

i was going to get OB instead of UT but that's changed now. my money goes to the developers who work hard and CARE ABOUT THEIR PRODUCT and NOT about a console war. there's NO excuse in bringing out a bad product.

Infinity Ward
Free Radical
Naughty Dog
Ninja Theory

never complained about the ps3 architecture and they all produced amazing games with no problems. the fact that the cofounder of valve would spit out such hatred words from the get-go already sealed the fate for the ps3 version of OB. very unprofessional. seems like he cares more about the platform war than his own g*ddamn product and his companies reputation.

Bombomb6091d ago

So MS and the XBOX 360 can really get some EXCLUSIVES.

What a bag of Whinos this gen, Sony fans. That's gonna lead to bad relationship with developers and will come to MS's open arms.

Hopefully thats what happens..so the 360 becomes the next PS2.

continue to whine and cry.

fusionboxer6091d ago

Look. It's not about ps3 owners "whining" or "crying" it's about console owners as a whole realizing what a good product is and what a bad product is. The very point of the story is not to piss people off, but to inform us that the Orange box might not be up to the standards that most ps3 owners expected. This simple information means it'd simply be stupid for us to go out and by a faulty product not even created by the original developers.

Bethesda used the Cell to create a smoother and nicer looking Oblivion with very little complaints other then the disc read speed of blu ray. Did that stop them? If anyone is whining and crying its gabe newell from valve. I honestly don't think its very professional and it may just be me so I'm honestly sorry if that offends anyone, but comon. Be a soldier Gabe and work through the problems instead of running away from them.

hades076091d ago

....all you ever do is whine and complain. I have been coming to this site quite often lately to help me decide what games to buy (Assassin's Creed and COD4, both of which I love) and all I see is people posting comments to complain and whine like Zer0ne. Does Anybody know how to discuss a topic anymore sensibly.

SWORDF1SH6091d ago

i thought zerOne was reasonable in is comment. i thought he brought up issues that can be discussed and it seems your the one thats being retarded. it also seems you dont kno how to discuss a topic. so instead of whining at zerOne, tell him what you agree with and what you dont agree with in his comment and have a debate or discuss the issues he brought up.

CrazzyMan6091d ago

but i mus dissapoint you, with all GREAT exclsuive games, which will come in 2008, there will be no chance, for crappy quality products to sell on PS3.
People will just buy MGS4, Infamous, Getaway3, GT5, Wardewil, Gow3, KZ2, Resistance2, FFXIII, WKS, SO4, LBP and etc.
And if 3rd party developers will want to sell their games on PS3, they will have to make good quality products.

ofcourse, they could make good sales on x360 alone, but after 2008 they won`t be able to ignore 30 mln. ps3 sold worldwide. =)

And btw, ps3 has HDD as standart(hello mass effect and lifts), Blu-ray for spaces(hello mass effect 15h of main story), Free Online(hello 50$/per year, 300$ in 6 years) and strong Japanese and 1st-2md party developers support.

ben hates you6091d ago

as i've always said shut the hell up about things you don't own



Good one man, bubble for you! That's just it, If Gabe don't want to develop for PS3, just don't put the game on PS3. Stop whining, cause it's pathetic, many third party games was on Xbox and don't on PS2 and the other way around and nobody was pathetic crying that don't want to develop to some system but still making this and asking for our money.

wind_dragon6090d ago

boycott all the games that are internally developrd by EA. (how about that?)
I understand wat ur saying soup but EA needs to stop bullsh!tting PS3 owners with lower quality titles like:
(and others)
i say the trend needs to end, or else Activision will take their spot.

ravinash6090d ago (Edited 6090d ago )

And I'm not going to buy it for my 360 either.
If the Dev wants to do a half ass job of creating this product that that their business...but I'm not going to reward them for it.
It seems like the developers feel like they can send out any old junk these days and get away with it because the hype around it is so much that people will buy it anyway.
people invest good money into their console and they are the customer, so they should be treated with respect no matter what that console is.

Scrooge6090d ago

Common Sony fans, you can be adults about this. Listing off all the great games you can play instead of this doesn't keep it from being one of the greatest FPS's ever made. It's HL2! Even if it sucks for PS3 it's worth updating your PC just enough to play it. All the great games that sony has now can't make up for OB's loss, it's that good.

athlon7706090d ago

BomBomb, Hades07, Benisme, Scrooge: You guys need to buy a clue, or at least a vowel!

Benisme, WTF is your problem? "as i've always said shut the hell up about things you don't own". CrazyMan did not say one thing which was not true! Especially when he states "And if 3rd party developers will want to sell their games on PS3, they will have to make good quality products." Which is a very true statement across all consoles. So Benisme, how about you do us a favor and keep this discussion relevant or you can keep quiet!

For the rest of you saying crap about the PS3, well, maybe you are right, but in the same breath, how do you explain that there are so many great games, and yes I will even include multiplats, for the PS3, yet EA releases dud after dud. And you want me to support them, reward them, even praise them for releasing a shtty game for my console of choice? That is truly moronic! The other developers seem to have gotten their hands around the PS3, what is EA's issue? More to the point, what is your issue Bombomb? How about you Dades07? You guys seem to think that the OrangeBox is supposed to be a great system seller and the next best thing to sliced bread...the game is over 2yrs old with graphics that can be done on the PS2, and EA can't scrape up enough talent to make it correctly for the PS3? Whatever, Oh please EA, please release yet another POS game for a console you don't care to create for. Please release yet another half a$$ed attempt at a game that runs fine on last years console, but sucks on this years console.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 6090d ago
xhi46091d ago

if your a ps3 owner and want this crap to just stop, then boycott it. This is bullshit.

Get UT3 or Haze, don't let EA and Gabe screw around with us and a masterpiece, get it on PC if needed!

Leathersoup6091d ago (Edited 6091d ago )

If you want fewer companies to bother putting software out for the PS3, boycott anyone who has problems developing games for the system. That'll show them. It's not like these companies say... screw it... we're paying these employees to work on this software .... but we want to pay them for no reason... tell them to take their time working on their project so we can postpone making any money off of it.

In summary. If anyone has problems writing software for the PS3, make sure they don't bother to do so in the future by not buying the games.

Just another reason why this fanboy attitude is going to end up hurting the PS3 rather than help it.

Leathersoup6091d ago

The game that's being developed exclusively for the PS3?

xhi46091d ago

I see your point, and as valid as it is when is this going to stop?

It will stop when these companies that make shoddy ports etc. wake up and realise us consumers are not going to put up with sh*t like this, that us consumers have a choice in what quality of game we buy and deserve to receive.

Polluted6091d ago (Edited 6091d ago )

Good idea Leathersoup. We'll just buy up all the terrible ports and half assed, buggy games crappy devs like EA put out. Never mind all the decent games that are coming out or already have come out this past little while. If we all buy this terrible port of Orange Box instead of UT3 or something, then we can expect more quality titles from EA in the future. /end sarcasm.

What the hell are you talking about?

Also, the new Burnout is being developed by Criterion, not EA. EA is only publishing. And it's not PS3 exclusive, it's multi platform like all the Burnouts have been.

Ju6091d ago

I'm curious if all this (EA)sh!t will hurt Burnout. Would be a pity, but, well, either they get their sh!t fixed or EA will loose PS3 market shares (if they would ever care - probably not, and so won't I).

What I really want to know is, how EA works. How comes, that the Burnout team can deliver, while another one in the same company cannot. Lost communication in an overly huge "conglomerate" ?

ruibing6091d ago

I agree with this article on the following points:

1) Valve openly insulted the PS3 platform
2) Valve then handed it to an EA development team, either for economic reasons or as a further insult if you look at EA's track record on the PS3
3) 1Up's preview of the near final build showed a lot of performance issues
4) PSN still has not been graced with a demo

When we have problems like this from the pair, why should we buy this FPS when there are so many other good ones out there. Epic took the time and made UT3 available on the PS3 available in mid-December. Infinity Ward said they made sure to allocate some of their best programmers on the PS3 version. And a lot of PS3 owners still have not lost hope for Haze to be released in December as well.

Sure developers/publishers only make one dollar from every purchase we make, but this is one dollar they are not getting from me anytime soon.

Leathersoup6091d ago

I'm not saying you should buy anything. I'm just saying you have a system that people are developing for but not having an easy time of it.

Unfortunately there is a coin with two sides. On the one side there are people who are developing games solely for the PS3 which has its own unique architecture. These games, as far as I know, run fine.
On the other side of the coin there are games that are being developed for the 360 or the PC who's architecture the 360 is very similar to.

A lot of these companies are NOT just porting the games over. They have multiple teams working simultaneously on different versions of the game. I believe Infinity Ward stated that they had their best team working on the PS3 version of Call of Duty 4. Ubisoft also had primarily started programming Assassin's Creed on the PS3 and then had another team work on the 360 version.

If EA is not putting their best team on the PS3, I can see how this might seem as though they were slighting the PS3 user base, but it's not like other companies aren't doing the same thing with the 360 version not getting the best team.

I haven't seen any 360 users saying they're going to boycott COD4 because they didn't put their best team on the game. Or Ubisoft for not thinking of the 360 user base before the PS3 base.

As for whether if games ported from the PS3 to the 360 would run like crap on the 360, we may never actually see this occur because the PS3 fanbase seems to want to boycott any company that would want to make a port of a PS3 game for the 360. It seems to me to be a unreasonably self centered stand to take.

Peekay6091d ago

I am very impressed at your above post as you make some valid points. But I think the point is that it’s not about having the best team working on the game. PS3 owners will be satisfied just getting a game running smoothly/playable on the ps3. I find it absolutely inexcusable that the game’s frame rate is slowing down to the point where it affects game play. Same with Madden – the game was 2 x slower on the ps3 than the 360. I don’t know about you but I want quality for what I pay for.

We all know IW isn’t the largest developer on the planet – in fact far from it. Now EA being the largest, and having all these resources can’t even produce a quality game for the Ps3. The mentality is - get the game out pronto so we can get make a quick buck. The same mentality carries for with NFS and Madden. I think it should stop. If the NFL hadn’t given EA the license exclusively we would had a quality football game by now.


Nobody need to boycott anything... Specially Criterion's Burnout, that is just published by EA.

All that people maybe would do for a better support for PS3 is stop buying crap games and start buying the good ones. Ratchet is a great game that don't sell that much, but Harry Potter games sells a lot (for a game that costs almost nothing to do). This kind of comportment that stimulates big third parties like EA to sell us any crap, the same goes on Madden, with the crap ports.

If you guys just don't buy crap games, sooner or later this third parties will realize that if they want to make some money on the platform, they better spend some money to make the game, and don't preoccupy yourselves about this parties don't releasing more games on PS3, cause this parties making the crap games, are the same trying to get every piece of the market they can, and anyway, they know that sell games is always profitable if you do it right.

The bigger problem is, people that need to heard it, aren't the king standing around game foruns.

ravinash6090d ago

We just need to Boycott the crappy games.
If the Publisher invests X amount of $ into a game and the game is good and it sells well, then great!
But if they just port something over and make a crappy job of it then it shouldn't sell...its that simple.
Thats when the company looks at what their doing and relise that if they put the extra effort in then they'll get a return.
Its sad that compaines like Valve don't have the technical skill to move with the times, but I think they are just living off the back of their franchise these days...thats why any new game than comes out from them is boxed with their main game, because they don't have the confidance to release it on its own.

Leathersoup6090d ago

I can understand the wish to boycott games that have low frame rates or chug issues. In the same vein most people will do that with games that come out anyway.

When game reviewers state that a game has poor frame rates, most people will end up staying away from a particular title anyway. It usually doesn't require a "boycott", simple buyer common sense will hold true. We just need more people to pay attention to reviews and we need more reviewers to be critical of the games and not pander to the hype-o-meter for the games.

athlon7706090d ago (Edited 6090d ago )

your posting go from bad to great!

2.1 You sound like a normal 360 fanboy using Vinigar instead of Wine. The main problem I have with this post is that while there may be a learning curve on the PS3, you don't see a developer push out more than 1 or 2 games that don't quite live up to the fame. EA however, has put out 6 ports to the PS3, and all 6 have sucked! And you expect them to get my support? Don't think so!

2.3 This is much better, though I am not sure why you got so many dissagrees...did something change and Paradise is no longer exclusive? You have your head on straight and make a valid point, but the problem is, this is not a port, this is a exclusive and at this point is not showing any framerate issues. So I agree with you here, while a boycott of EA may not be warrented, surely a boycott of their half a$$ed attempts at ports would be.

2.8 Wow, just wow. This is a great post and you hit on some great points, however, we are not talking about the 360 here, we are talking about the PS3. The 360 is basicaly a PC in a small box. So you do not need you "best" developers for it. It is very easy to program for, and the games it has proves it. The PS3 is however, more difficult just like its older brother the PS2. The problem is that EA does not seem to have the smart people on hand to put a multiplat game on the PS3. So until they get their act straight, no, I will not give them any of my money for a game that does not play right.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 6090d ago
gamesR4fun6091d ago

After Gabes last rant and the choice to give it to EA I can only hope it bombs on the ps3.

jackdoe6091d ago

It is gonna give Half-Life 2 a bad name.

Ju6091d ago

Oh, yeah, that was the guy who said "we don't even use the SPUs"...they probably should have.

Salvadore6091d ago (Edited 6091d ago )

I wont to buy one unless developers stop being EA "lazy".

Polluted6091d ago

There are more than enough great games out for the PS3 now. I'm not exactly loaded, but I do alright...well enough to get a PS3 anyway...the point being there are too many games out now or coming out soon for me to keep up with and not go broke. The library's not quite as extensive than the 360 yet, but there's plenty of good games to be had. Take the plunge if you've been thinking about it. Who needs EA?

Oh and I'm not bashing the 360. I plan to pick one up soon, but the whole "no games on PS3" argument is dated and silly at this point.

Ju6091d ago

I have 15 games, 2 of them EA, one is Tiger Woods and the other Home Court (because it was 19.90). And that's it. We'll see if I feel the urge to add more, but I think my motivation needs a push to do so. Short answer, if you want to enjoy the PS3, you are not dependent on EA.

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Classic Valve Titles Now in Enhanced Xbox 360 Backward Compatibility Collection

The Xbox One Backward Compatible versions of Xbox 360 titles Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, The Orange Box, and Portal are now enhanced for Xbox One X, Microsoft announced.

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lxeasy2108d ago

Nothing but great memories with all these games! Playing Left for dead series during the college years with friends was the best.

Skull5212108d ago

Love to see titles coming to BC with enhancements. Would love even more to see Half Life 3.

gangsta_red2108d ago

To not have another Left 4 Dead is straight up criminal.


So many memories of throwing my controller with Portal lol.

2106d ago
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How Valve released five of its greatest games in a single day

The year is 2007. Console owners tap their fingers in barely contained impatience. For years they have been starved of Valve's delicious, full-bodied courses, forced to watch from the bleachers as Valve mixes a unique blend of kinetic first-person with extraordinary tech. Besides a brief dalliance with the original Xbox and the PlayStation 2 - which produce pale imitations of its best work - Valve has remained faithful to the PC.

And then, in a flash, five of them arrive at once; neatly packaged morsels for a new generation reared on Microsoft's & later Sony's consoles. Five games, all in one orange box. Valve serves the PC too, for it is October 18 - a day of celebration - and everyone should feast.

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2pacalypsenow2473d ago

Man 2007 was a great year for gaming.

OpenGL2472d ago

Valve didn't really "release" 5 of its greatest games in a single day, Half-Life 2 came out 3 years before The Orange Box. In no other context do we talk about a port being the "release" of a game.

2472d ago
Fist4achin2472d ago

The orange box was an excellent release. I don't think Valve will do much beyond online only games now.

AuraAbjure2472d ago

Thanks for making the source 2 game engine valve it's legit.


Valve reflects on The Orange Box, ten years later

Robin Walker discusses the impact of Portal, Team Fortress 2 and more.

pwnsause_returns2481d ago

shut up valve....give me HL3....

FallenAngel19842481d ago

Back when Valve made a lot of great titles

-Foxtrot2479d ago

Little cheeky to talk about it when you know we're still waiting for Half Life 3...the Orange Box included Episode 2 and is still left unfinished story wise to this day.

At this rate we better get a second Orange Box. Half Life 3, Half Life Remake (Black Mesa Mod), TF3 or L4D3 and the HL spin offs like Blue Shift.

Reefskye2479d ago (Edited 2479d ago )

Don't know what valve are going to do with Half Life after Mike Laidlaw posted the short version of Episode 3 in August and changed the names and genders.