
Hyperactivity, simplicity, and punching pooping pigeons in Happy Action Theater

Double Fine's Happy Action Theater for the Kinect doesn't go for convoluted mechanics or elaborate victory conditions. It just wants you to have fun.

NagaSotuva4719d ago

I've always wanted to drop my nephews and nieces in lava. Now I can.

Tolkoto4719d ago

I'm always down for punching pooping pigeons.

Dovahkiin4719d ago

Those that feel the need to scare pigeons anger me, however in this case i agree!

THR1LLHOUSE4719d ago

Huh, this actually sounds pretty fun. I'm sure I'll still never play it, but who knows. I mean, the coolest thing I thought Microsoft showed at E3 when they announced the then-Natal was that painting game.

Sadie21004719d ago

This game is the perfect babysitter.

Dovahkiin4719d ago

Looks too much like eyetoy, of 2003. I'm sure there's better uses for kinect.


GameShark - Happy Action Theater Review

GameShark - Happy Action Theater is much more a toy than a “game”. You could also certainly look at it as a collaborative version of an early WarioWare, without the unifying elements of scorekeeping or increasing difficulty. At its heart, it’s a big, goofy, minigame collection that encourages people to make complete asses of themselves – and it’s a whole lot of shallow, shiny fun.

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2012 Fitness Challenge: Happy Action Theater

Double Fine's Happy Action Theater smashes the wall between exercising and fun without even trying.

roblef4600d ago

Ooh. I am totally gonna check this one out.


Happy Action Theater - Co-Op Review (Co-Optimus)

Paul Acevedo: "Double Fine proved they had their heads wrapped around the Kinect pretty well with last year’s retail release, Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster. That game was perfect for parents and kids to play together, plus it sparkled with the trademark Double Fine charm. The studio’s sophomore Kinect release, Happy Action Theater, is a smaller-scale Xbox Live Arcade game. While HAT (as I’ll now shorten it because I love headware) largely lacks traditional structure or goals, it bursts at the seams with multiperson silliness."

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