
Kirby's Return to Dreamland Gameplay (Video Tour)

GameXplain: "If you're curious about Kirby's Return to Dreamland, check out our 30-minute video tour of some of the game's later levels!"

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Titanz4720d ago

You need to buy a Nintendo Wii.

JohnApocalypse4720d ago

There are plenty of those on XBLA and PSN

Knightofelemia1292d ago

I know it's not a Wii title but it can be played on the Wii I want the Metroid Prime games on the Switch I have never played them.

darthv721292d ago

I wouldnt mind seeing a conduit compilation on the switch.

Yi-Long1292d ago

Would like to see MadWorld getting a proper new release.


It's Time for a NEW Kirby Game

Alex S. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "While the games obviously are selling well for Nintendo to keep making them, I am starting to get a bit sick of the formula that has been offered in the mainline Kirby games since 2011."

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ZeekQuattro1348d ago

Like a lot of other franchises this year Kirby has an anniversary coming up. I'll be shocked if there wasn't some sort or new Kirby game this year. I also vaguely remember a dev stating they had big plans for the IP in the near future.

WeAreLegion1347d ago (Edited 1347d ago )

I'd like to see a 3D platformer Kirby, like Super Mario 3D World.

Spenok1346d ago

So long as it's better than All Star Allies I'll be happy.


Let's Play - Kirby's Return To Dreamland

Michael, Ray, Ryan, and Gavin make a trip to Dreamland where candy, cake, and rainbows are literally everywhere.

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