
XBLIG Spotlight: Plague (Review and Developer Q&A) | Clearance Bin Review

"The world’s most outdated computer, armed with anti-virus software that is clearly also out of date, is the last computer standing. A virus, known as The Plague, has infected every machine in the world, and the last chance at salvation rest in the digital hands of four less than top-notch heroes. Plague takes you through their adventure as they scan the computer’s game files in hopes of irradiating The Plague from the machine.

Brought to us in a 2D, side scrolling perspective, Plague features four-player co-op (with drop in ability) over a surprisingly large amount of incredibly varied levels. Set largely in the various themes and styles of classic 8-bit/16-bit franchises (including Mario among others), you must gun your way through hordes of enemies and a ton of bosses to fight off The Plague. It may sound kind of simple, and maybe even a little over-played (“Yet another XBLIG designed to look like a classic game?”) but it works on many levels."

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Fan Run Sci-fi Event Boosts Gaming Strand #nineworlds

Following the hugely successful Kickstarter campaign, London based Sci-fi convention Nine Worlds Geekfest, has steadily been adding a roster of amazing guests and speakers to its inaugural lineup. It is now about to do the same for it’s video game offerings by announcing three new strands on Cyberpunk, Plagues and Crowdfunding.

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Plague Review (Armless Octopus)

The past 20 years haven’t been the kindest to run-and-gun shooters, but Plague does its best to rekindle the magic. It clearly can’t stack up to the greats in terms of pure gameplay, but it does manage to gloss over its deficiencies with a healthy coating of nostalgia, making it an entertaining adventure for fans of the genre or retro gamers in general.

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