
Yakuza: Kenzan! Returns in a Form You Wouldn’t Expect

Today Sega introduced the new pachi-slot dedicated to Yakuza: Kenzan! Unfortunately Toshihiro Nagoshi said something that puts a possible western localization of the actual game even more in doubt.

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GillHarrison4625d ago

Localize a game that has only a niche audience in NA/EU, slim chance. Localize a game that came out in 2008, no chance.

On the other hand, Localize a game with a niche audience but throw zombies in it, it's already being translated.

Abriael4625d ago

Sega west marketing is sega west marketing. Since the times of the Dreamcast :D

hey, maybe they'll localize the pachislot! This is how much sense they make normally.


Kenzan Kiwami Might Never Get A Remake, Says Developer

Yakuza Kenzan might never be remade and released globally. The developer says it's costly and might not stay true to its roots anymore.

SinisterMister615d ago

Such a shame. Kenzan with 2022 tech would've been great. Hopefully something changes down the road.

neutralgamer1992615d ago (Edited 615d ago )

It will happen especially after the success of this remake. Also Yakuza dead souls with today's graphics and technology and update shooter controls would be awesome

Also would y mind some more fist of Northstar games and sequel to binary domain

Melankolis614d ago

As long as in English, just remaster is okay, no urgency for remake/kiwami,


Yakuza Producer Addresses Yakuza Kenzan and Ishin Coming to the West

In a recent interview, the producer of the Yakuza series, addressed the possibility of Yakuza Kenzan and Ishin coming to the west.

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1210d ago Replies(1)
rataranian1209d ago

I own the original. It wouldnt be a good move to bring it over. Its very dated. Id be more interested in a black panther remake.

neutralgamer19921209d ago

I think right now is the perfect time because Yakuza series has gained so much popularity over the past few years

isarai1209d ago

Sounds like he's at least looked into it.

neutralgamer19921208d ago

I really hope with all the recent success of this series we get these two games. Longtime series fans have been asking for a while now. Either remake of go back and tweak like EA is doing with ME remaster where they are upgrading the gameplay

Amplitude1208d ago (Edited 1208d ago )

Same man. I've considered importing them soooo many times.

If a genie gave me one wish it would be to trade the existence of Dead Souls for these instead lol

brando0081208d ago

I picked up a copy of Ishin in Japan and played a few hours with an English guide. It's a really awesome game, and given the popularity of Yakuza in the West these past few years, I'm looking forward to a Western release.

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Sega Europe: No Plans for Yakuza Ishin and Kenzan Release In West

Yakuza Ishin and Kenzan are two spin-offs in the Yakuza franchise that haven't been localized yet. Sega Europe has now confirmed that they don't have any plans to bring them to West.

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1749d ago
CP_Company1749d ago

no plans for these two games, yakuza destroyed with turn based combat. WTF? too much success for Yakuza?

PhoenixUp1749d ago

Hate when Japanese series treats western audiences like second class citizens

King_Noctis1749d ago

Why not? Afraid those games might sell more than they do in Japan?

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