
An Awkward Demonstration Of The Kiss Controller

Here is Play This Thing's demonstration of the Kiss Controller, a unique game controller designed by Hye Yeon Nam and Sam Mendenhall. One player wears a headset that holds the left and right sensor near the wearer’s lips while the other player attaches a magnet to the his or her tongue with a denture adhesive. When they kiss, moving the tongue and magnet left and right registers to the sensors and steers a racecar.

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bggriffiths4722d ago

Wrong in almost every way. Just look at the misery on that girl's face. Made my day.

SilentNegotiator4722d ago

That was a kiss like choking someone to death is a loving embrace. She looked like she was being molested more than anything else.

BiggCMan4722d ago

While it is pretty stupid, this video is a more accurate demonstration.


In more simple words, from what I understand, you just move your tongues in the appropriate direction, and you are moving in the game. Not sure how he lets go of the ball though.

CynicalVision4722d ago

Oh well, it'll help most gamers get their first kiss.

Convas4722d ago

We're still trying to get over our fear of cooties! D:

SH0CKW4VE4722d ago

Now my GF can play video games with me and not bitch!

What are you talking about this is lame?!

This is clearly the future of keeping partners happy while indulging in gaming.

That or I could just tell her to F___ off.

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GNVR - ‘Kissing’ Video Game Controller

‘kiss controller’ uses the act of kissing as a sensory input for video games, providing an unconventional alternative to the wii remote, playstation move and kinect.

RaidensRising4649d ago

This is just plain creepy. And what happens if you've not got a GF to hand. Do you grab your mom or sister?

That's a rhetorical question btw.

Kakihara4649d ago

Not a problem for me, I work from home as a mortician.

gnvr4649d ago

LMFAO - i guess you crab the closest thing thats got lips and a tongue.

joeboo694649d ago

Whatever happened to the days of just sitting down with a normal game controller and playing a game lol.


Video: Fez and Kiss Controller Panel [IndieCade 2011]

DIYGamer: "We previewed a lot, dare I say a butt-load, of games at IndieCade last month. Playing fantastically weird indies wasn’t the only thing to do though, there was also a lot of discussion going on. We were able to stop by a couple of the panels going on throughout the festival with camera in tow, and are please to be able to pass them along here.

Below are a trio of videos that make up this year’s Well-Played Session II Panel, which included Phil Fish and Hye Yeon Nam going over various development aspects of their respective titles Fez and Kiss Controller."

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Kiss Controller Update

DiRo Lab: "And that's what it felt like to play the Kiss Controller. It was hard; it was an interface I'd never tried before; I didn't have the hang of it, and it was frustrating! Add to that the fact that the entire audience is watching and telling me, "go left! GO LEFT!!" and you have an experience which is pretty much the opposite of romantic!"