
Eurogamer review: Fury 3/10

Fury; noun (pl. -ries); wild or violent anger, a surge of violent anger or other feeling; violence or energy displayed in natural phenomena or in someone's actions.

Okay, we all knew that one. However, anyone without a decent Classics education might have missed this one...

Fury; noun (pl. -ries); In Greek Mythology, a spirit of punishment, often represented as one of three goddesses who executed the curses pronounced upon criminals, tortured the guilty with stings of conscience, and inflicted famines and pestilences.

After playing Fury for a week, the first definition did nothing for Eurogamer, really. Maybe on the second or third day, when Eurogamer numbly contemplated throwing the damned PC out the window, or snapping the keyboard over their knee, they would have felt some sympathy for that first definition. But after a week, it's definition number two all the day.

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Battlefield 1 Fury X DX12 Benchmarks

Battlefield 1 DX12 Benchmarks at different resolutions using the Fury X.

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2838d ago Replies(2)
Ozmoses2838d ago

ugh getting that stupid malware crap again when trying to go to the source article... every article is doing.

Raziology2838d ago

Same thing here. I said so in another article, but no one seemed to have the problem else than me. That's the impression I got at least.


Four of the Shortest-Lived MMOs

"In honor of APB: All Points Bulletin’s recent demise, here is a look at some other MMOs that came and went all too quickly."

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TheSanchezDavid5015d ago

Ah, the MMO. The genre I have yet to play and will likely never play.

UndeadAreGo5015d ago

I was excited for a few of these while looking for alternatives to WOW. Sometimes, it seems like originality in the genre is halfway to a death sentence.

Trroy5015d ago

I wish Earth and Beyond would come back. *sigh* That was a great game. It just needed more content.

barefootgamer5015d ago

I thought about putting Earth & Beyond on the list, but even it had a longer lifespan than the games on this list. So did Hellgate: London, which was also a candidate. ;)

jzungre5015d ago

So sad, I really liked this one.

athmaus5015d ago

never heard of some of these before

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MMORPG´s That Failed (And Why)

Some MMORPG´s failed to capture players' attention because they were ahead of their time. Others failed because the developers didn't have a clear goal in mind. And others simply due to the saturated market that just couldn't bear another generic and dull MMORPG. We delve through some of those games and try to find out what went wrong.

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