
Xbox Live System Update 10/11/2011

Find out what is changing in the System Update you'll have to do later today.

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lsujester4735d ago

Nothing new, only maintenance... in case you don't want to click.

darthv724734d ago

just lead to the big one coming in november. MS is just trying to streamline the bigger update process by getting all the smaller stuff out of the way first.

Tainted Gene4734d ago

The article does indicate that is the case

iJihaD4734d ago

I just felt a stab in the back by the topic, ugh.

StraightPath4734d ago

Looking forward to the big november update, But I hope Sony takes a note from MS regrading updates, On Xbox 360 its done less then a minute but sonys update even the smaller ones can take some time.

Hozi4734d ago

Would you rather not update often and risk all your credentials...again if with Sony? No? I thought so.

da_2pacalypse4734d ago

@Hozi funny how the ps3 updates like every other week yet it had it's crap hacked... yet microsoft which has 2 or 3 updates per year is safe... I don't think it's the updates my friend....

gaden_malak4734d ago

Yeah, Live isn't always safe. Even Major Nelson has been hacked.

thehitman4734d ago

@2pac actually the updates by Sony prevent the system(hardware) from being hacked by ppl like geohots which Sony did the best job out of any company I seen so far to date keeping pirates out for the longest time and then fixing it after they get in and keeping them out again. The PSN network was a bad network breach which has nothing to do with their firmware updates. On the other hand the 360 been hacked forever and ppl still pirate games on it so MS could use a bit more updates to ensure security.

JRobes4734d ago

major nelson was hacked because he is a high-profile name in the xboxlive world and the hacker probably just wanted to get noticed by someone other than his mom and dad. Do you really think a hacker is going to care about some young teenager with $20 to his name?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4734d ago
Gamer19824734d ago

why you need software installing for maintenance? makes no sense.. I never seen a windows patch that simply said maintenance. Could have at least said bug fixes etc..

kma2k4735d ago

dammit i hate these kind of updates. I know they have a purpose but still its anoying. The ps3 seems to have one of these every month though so i guess the 360 is better than that at least. Plus the 360 updates take like 3 minutes where the ps3 ones take freakin forever!

gamingdroid4735d ago

I agree. WTF is up with these non-update patches?

I guess at least it is fast, but still... wtf?

SilentNegotiator4734d ago

What a pain it is, taking a minute to download an update for maintenance or security! The audacity of Microsoft! /s

Seriously, what's the big deal? I don't even remember big updates breaking 10 minutes for me.

Would it be better if MS/Sony NEVER released updates to increase stability between big updates?

gamingdroid4734d ago (Edited 4734d ago )

What stability?

I don't support idiotic ideas, even if it is just 3 minutes. Next thing you know, this will be the standard. I have to frequently update my system to play.

... and yes, in some cases on a particular system it has been slow to update with small updates. I would hate for my Xbox 360 to behave the same way.

Heck frequent updates increases risk of bricking your console.

Increase risk for bricking + Inconvenience = Pain in the @ss!

Don't know why anyone would support that....

stiggs4734d ago (Edited 4734d ago )

Please explain* why you believe that periodic system maintainence is "idiotic".

*excluding the MAJOR inconvenience/risk of a brief procedure that you've already mentioned.

This ought to be good...

Christopher4734d ago (Edited 4734d ago )

***Heck frequent updates increases risk of bricking your console. ***

Doing anything with a console increases risk of bricking a console. Just because there is a chance, doesn't mean updates shouldn't be done. Especially considering that they go through testing to reduce any such chance, just like every game you download/insert and play.

As far as their purpose, updates like this contain updates likely integral to upcoming games in regards to stability, security, and software integration.

SilentNegotiator4734d ago (Edited 4734d ago )

"Heck frequent updates increases risk of bricking your console"
What are the chances of that? The only reason that happens is chance and the download/installation going wrong. It's like arguing that it isn't worth replacing a broken, leaky faucet (that hypothetically can't be fixed through tightening or application of something) because there's a chance that it will snap off and flood the place. It's not likely, and a fear not worth losing hundreds of dollars a year to a faucet gushing out water for.

Is it really even worth MENTIONING it as an 'inconvenience'? It will take like, a few minutes with even a basic connection.

gamingdroid4734d ago


***Please explain* why you believe that periodic system maintainence is "idiotic".***

The question is what maintenaince? There is no feature to speak of... is the system unstable? Is this something that could have been done when the new dash is rolled out? If there is a legitimate problem then it makes sense, but otherwise....


***Doing anything with a console increases risk of bricking a console.***

Defects in the system that would have happened during normal use anyhow isn't really worth talking about. There is very little you can do to prevent that assuming you even knew the cause. It is quite different than something caused by a process done in software. If your power is disrupted during the update your console is likely bricked, and I'm not sure the manufacturer warrant that. If your power went out while the system is on, it would NOT brick your system.

***As far as their purpose, updates like this contain updates likely integral to upcoming games in regards to stability, security, and software integration.***

If it is upcoming, then it should be rolled into one when new features are released. If it needs it sooner, then it should be a title update specific to the game/application (if it is that urgent).


***What are the chances of that? The only reason that happens is chance and the download/installation going wrong. It's like arguing that it isn't worth replacing a broken, leaky faucet (that hypothetically can't be fixed through tightening or application of something) because there's a chance that it will snap off and flood the place.***

The thing is that my faucet isn't leaky and if you repeat the process enough times, someone somewhere will snap off and flood the place.

B1663r4734d ago

Updates bricking consoles???

what kind of horse shit is this??

The last time (every time) this has happened over the last 6 years Microsoft sends you a shiny new console with a free game for your trouble.

pfffthhh. I hope my console gets bricked. I could use a new console and a free game.

Mannnnnnn n4r(etard)g.com with its moroonic bubble system is intolberably broken.

Christopher4734d ago

@gamingdroid: You do know that the primary use of consoles is to run software, which thereby increases your chances of bricking? The chance of bricking a console from creating a save file is just as likely as doing an update that undergoes heavy quality assurance testing.

Also, your argument of 'more updates = higher risk of bricking' kind of falls flat when fewer updates relates to just lumping all the updates into one bigger update, which would increase the chances of something that would cause bricking getting through.

gamingdroid4734d ago (Edited 4734d ago )

***You do know that the primary use of consoles is to run software, which thereby increases your chances of bricking?***

Which would have happened if you played a game instead of updating so it isn't even a talking point. The "bricking" would likely be the result of defective hardware, not software changes.

***The chance of bricking a console from creating a save file is just as likely as doing an update that undergoes heavy quality assurance testing.***

You do realize that modifying system files is quite different than modifying a save file. If your save file is corrupt, it doesn't prevent the system from booting or operating anything, but the game at best.

It still doesn't account for the odd case of power going out in the middle of an update. If that happens during a title update, it doesn't affect the system. You just repeat the process. Can't say you can do the same necessarily for an OS update.

It surprises me that you didn't make that distinction as a save file is hardly essential operation and stored on the hard drive. The OS isn't necessarily so because otherwise you wouldn't be able to boot into the newest dash without a hard drive.

As far as I'm aware there is no means to recover after a bad update when it comes to OS updates.

***Also, your argument of 'more updates = higher risk of bricking' kind of falls flat when fewer updates relates to just lumping all the updates into one bigger update, which would increase the chances of something that would cause bricking getting through.***

The more amount of time spent updating, is increased risk. Why do you think motherboard makers always only suggest you update the firmware when you experience a problems? Not as a standard? Why do you think there is warning that you shouldn't shut off your console when updating?

It is relative rare that a piece of software will brick your console, it is the process of doing updating the firmware that puts you at risk.

morganfell4734d ago


Exactly. I updated my 360 and it took all of a few minutes. By the time I finished changing clothes it was done. No big deal. The PS3 updates I get aren't a bother either.

Christopher4733d ago (Edited 4733d ago )

Sorry, gamingdroid, but a save file is just as capable of causing disk errors and forcing exceptions into the code that can lead to bricking as a thoroughly tested firmware update can. It's also not unheard of.

You're really turning an anthill into a mountain with that logic. Heck, there are even codes for HDD failure codes, which can happen by writing almost anything to the HDD and can lead to bricking your machine.

Even then, the percentage of software derived bricking is barely a blip on the radar compared to bricking through hardware issues. It's a non-issue.

gamingdroid4733d ago

***Sorry, gamingdroid, but a save file is just as capable of causing disk errors and forcing exceptions into the code that can lead to bricking as a thoroughly tested firmware update can. It's also not unheard of.***

Save files don't make changes to console OS, how is it going to brick a console? If it causes problems, you remove the hard drive. Presto you can now boot your console. That's because the hard drive on consoles in general doesn't store the OS. There is a separate memory section for this very purpose.

If you can remove your hard drive, and boot the console, then it isn't bricked. Bricking in general means your console is literally a brick i.e. you can't do anything with it at all!

***You're really turning an anthill into a mountain with that logic.***

That is your opinion, but I don't believe in these little annoyances, especially ones that puts a console at risk that isn't covered by warranty. Power outages happen more frequently than you think (I just had a major one, 4 weeks ago whereby the entire city was out). That is why I own several UPS throughout the house.

***Heck, there are even codes for HDD failure codes, which can happen by writing almost anything to the HDD and can lead to bricking your machine.***

No, writing to hard drives do not lead to bricking as it is entirely separate and keep in mind that the OS updates are very small, they never get written to the hard drive. Writing to flash memory where the console stores the bootstrap code and OS can brick it.

So your hard drive isn't even a concern.

***Even then, the percentage of software derived bricking is barely a blip on the radar compared to bricking through hardware issues. It's a non-issue.***

It does happen, and sometimes external forces causes it to happen such as overloaded circuit in the home and kid/dog runs and pulls the cord.

The question really is, what is the purpose of an update if it has no features? Why isn't this rolled into the dashboard update or into a game title update? Why do you need to patch the OS with no features? It has been running fine so far, hasn't it?

I'm sick of starting up ESPN getting an update, sick of downloading last.fm then having to do another update. It's like these constant updates and granted those latter ones aren't a risk to the system, it is a pain in the @ss. It's a terrible user experience and I don't care if it is the Xbox, Wii or Playstation that has that experience, it stinks!

stiggs4733d ago (Edited 4733d ago )

"I'm sick of starting up ESPN getting an update, sick of downloading last.fm then having to do another update." "The more amount of time spent updating, is increased risk."

I think that there have been about 2 updates to these programs since they were implemented so your complaint is completely without merit. I'm sorry to say but you're starting to sound like an easily- agitated, paranoid nut case. You need to relax a bit. What's the worst that can happen?

You remind me of a guy that I used to know who always claimed that something bad was about to happen. We were at a party once and he kept saying "We're going to get in a fight. I know that were going to get in a fight". So my other buddy punches him in the face and says "OK. It happened and now it's over. That wasn't so bad was it?" After a few minutes the guy that was complaining said "You're right. I do feel better". Sometimes we spend so much time worrying over things that are either insignificant or turn out to be completely baseless.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4733d ago
BiggCMan4735d ago

My PS3 takes only minutes to update, don't know what your on about. Major ones may take longer, but those only come once or twice a year.

Micro_Sony4734d ago

It depends on your internet speed.

byrnezy4734d ago

Yea I think a few ppl have over exaggerated a little, an who honestly care waiting a few minutes for an update, gives me time for a leak

CrimsonEngage4735d ago

Update your internet speed because it only takes a few seconds to download AND have the patch applied.

FragMnTagM4734d ago (Edited 4734d ago )

Dude, my connection goes up to 50m a second, but it takes at least 10 minutes for any kind of update on my PS3.

In comparison, my 360 takes less than 3 minutes.

Another thing too is that the PS3 is wired connection to my router and the 360 is wireless.

Not trolling, just stating facts about my situation.

Still though not a big deal at all. I just go play on the XBOX or go make some food or something while I am waiting on the PS3 to update.

Edit: I just updated my 360 and it was exactly 2 min, 30 seconds.

Jobesy4734d ago Show
kma2k4734d ago

Same with me as other people said, i have a 15mbps speed & sony updates take easily 10-15 minutes to download. While microsoft take less then 3. The only place i get slow downloads from is sony :( wish it wasnt true. I actually downloaded the new transformer movie faster than the last sony update sad to say, cause my ps3 i smy baby ive had her for forever!

Morgue4734d ago

Judging by your comment it seems you approve of the 360 updates but not the PS3?

Gamer19824734d ago

takes ages to install though even though its quick to download took me nearly 5 minutes to install such a small patch 0_o LAME. Least it's done now though I guess. even though it wasn't needed outside the US..

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4733d ago
earbus4735d ago

Building some framework for future updates streamlining other services, i agree about the ps3 updates if u just got it home imagine the firmware and game updates you wouldnt go online till the next day i used to have to plan in an hour advance to game on when i had one just incase of updates was my main gripe with the service but i still had fun.

Grimhammer004735d ago


I must have one of those super fast ps3's. 

My ps3 updates from most compareable sized updates as fast as my 360. Purhaps an extra minute for install & reset.

Pootangpie4734d ago

I'm always worried there going to screw something up

kma2k4734d ago

it isnt just the 360 ANY update for ANY electronic i worry about that lol

hazelamy4734d ago

but with most electronics, you're given a choice about updating.

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OG Xbox Live Replacement 'Insignia' Continues To Grow With 11 New Supported Games

Online multiplayer is back for 11 more games thanks to Insignia's XBL 1.0 replacement service running on Original Xbox consoles and the Xemu emulator on PC. Multiplayer, voice chat, leaderboards, etc. have been a monthly addition for many games from Xbox's past library thank to the team at Insignia.live! The 11 new games are now playable online once again after 13+ years.

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XiNatsuDragnel562d ago

Yes yes now bring x360 xbox live then we're golden for life.

Asplundh560d ago

?? Xbox 360 servers are still online, they haven't been taken down yet.

XiNatsuDragnel560d ago

Nah they will be tho look at rscs3 they have psn made in there emulator why not xenia bro?

Blashted560d ago

Service still in beta form, sign up/player counts here: https://insignia.live/

slayereddy560d ago (Edited 560d ago )

Booo!! I was hoping that was Rainbow Six: Black Arrow...Boo!! again. I thought this coming to Xbox. I don't even read it I was so excited.


7 Abandoned Xbox Series We Probably Won't Get Back

Has everyone completely forgotten Blinx?

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WickedLester2667d ago

You forgot to add "thank God" at the end of the headline.

tomr29922667d ago

Indeed... Praise the Lord!

V0MIT_M0NSTER2667d ago

So glad that they won't mess with Banjo anymore.

-Foxtrot2666d ago

So you wouldn't want a proper Banjo-Threeie, Jade Empire or Kameo 2...really?

AZRoboto2666d ago

Or Crimson Skies. That was the shiz

FallenAngel19842667d ago

It's a shame we can't get another Banjo-Kazooie game

-Foxtrot2666d ago

Literally one that's called Banjo-Threeie and they start the game with Kazooie waking up in distress telling Banjo of a hardly nightmare while recapping Nuts and Bolts.

PhoenixUp2667d ago

Microsoft never could maintain a longrunning decent 3D platformers series of their own

AZRoboto2666d ago

I don't think "longrunning" is really necessary... Isn't Blinx the only one that got a sequel?

darthv722666d ago

Blinx needs to return if at least to show up Bubsy.

ninsigma2666d ago

Not sure if it was Xbox only back in the day but I'd love a current gen jet set radio!

Paytaa2666d ago

Jet Set Radio Future was only on Xbox. Fantastic game. Even better than Jet Set Radio for the Dreamcast in my opinion. Such a good soundtrack too

ninsigma2666d ago

Game was beast and deserves to come back on current gen. And hell yeah plus one for that soundtrack!

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Review: Table Top Racing: World Tour (Xbox One) by The Gamerscore Whores

Without a doubt, one of our highlights from EGX Rezzed 2016 was Table Top Racing. It was almost a classic love tale…”As soon as we locked eyes… (enter mushy crap here…)” – We think you get the picture. It just reminded us of a time where gaming was much less complicated and way more colourful, however at the time the game was only due to be released on the PS4… That’s not a bad thing. It just mean’t that being my primary console of choice is Xbox One, we wouldn’t get to play this any time soon as the majority of my games and friends reside in the Microsoft ecosystem – so when we got word this was getting a release on Xbox One, we immediately put our hands up and said “Yes, Please!”.

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2757d ago