
Ports: Pressure at the Ports Review at CalmDownTom

Are you old?
Do you miss the days when games were nice and slow?
Do you come home from your monotonous day at work craving equally monotonous game play?
Are you under 5?

If you answered ‘yes’, to one or more of the above, maybe ‘Ports’ is for you.

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Bathyj4736d ago


Bring back The Last Ninja !!

banjadude4736d ago

Wow, never seen a 0 out of 10 before, lol... *looks for gameplay videos on youtube*

rezzah4736d ago

well they are very rare, on a gaming review show a guy once rated a game -2!

I think it was attack of the review or something, if you know it then it was the chubby guy who gave the rating.

banjadude4736d ago

Wow... lol. I'll search around for that review.

Tony P4736d ago

...So who else thought of Shenmue?


Game On: Ports 2011- Pressure at the Port

The world of simulation gaming is not for everyone, and while the average gamer very likely will experience a game like Ports 2011 as being very dry, slow, and boring, fans of the genre will have just the opposite experience.

Pressure at the Port delivers precisely what it promises, an engrossing experience for the vocation of the loading and the unloading of container ships, but when Game On sat down to review this title, it discovered that beneath the dirt, the grime, and the bird droppings is an interesting and even challenging game.

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