
More Publishers Should Follow Capcom's Example

Velocity Gamer: In many ways, Capcom has suffered something of a fall from grace this generation along with a great many other Japanese publishers. No longer are they viewed as a paragon of brilliance and a beacon of greatness in the gaming industry, as most all of their most revered franchises have failed to live up their previous entries.

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Lord_Sloth4740d ago

NOBODY should follow Capcom's example of bastardizing their games and ignoring their fans requests! Stop companies keep westernizing their Japanese style, we'll have nothing Japanese to play!

Felinox4740d ago

I've lost a lot of respect for capcom due to their DLC scams. It's a known fact that their games ship with the DLC on disc and unlock once you "download" them. DLC available on day one is complete bullshit that should be stopped. It should come included. Ooo should i buy a new color Gi for Ryu?...

Ares84HU4740d ago

Exactly!! Capcom has a shameful business plan when it comes to it's games. DLC is BS, they re-release games less than a year from it's original release date with more content. They shamelessly sell "color" for the characters costumes. They screw up their franchises and the prime example is DMC.

Just a terrible, terrible way to work in the gaming world. They don't care a single bit about gamers.

Capcom and Activision go hand in hand as the bastards of the gaming world.

Corax4740d ago

Couldn't have said it better.

Op244740d ago

Changes better or for worse, at lest they're trying. Yea people don't agree with it, but it's business and apparently they aren't afraid to try something new. Mainstream marketing is a bitch no questions asked.

princejb1344740d ago

i agree i bought a few of their games at the beginning of this gen like sf4 and dmc4, after those 2 games dissapointed me i stopped bothering to even consider another capcom game

zerocrossing4740d ago

Exactly! That's probably the dumbest statement Ive heard for a long time! O.o Japanese devs need to stick with what they do best and that's making the kind of original a fun games that you just can't get from western devs

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4740d ago
WhiteLightning4740d ago (Edited 4740d ago )

"However, both the upcoming Devil may Cry from Ninja Theory and Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City from Slant Six are looking amazing"

Have to really disagree with you here

"Look amazing"...REALLY

dmc looks crap and dosen't even look like Devil May Cry, it looks like a new IP which is trying to be a clone of DMC. <Insert long rant already said 10 times on here before at why it will be crap>

Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City also looks like crap...a L4D style clone which is messing with RE story, even though it's not cannon Umbrella has high tec in the game which we've never seen before. I mean if Wesker had some of that invisibility tec in RE5....let's just say he wouldn't be dead right now.

I think gamers should put their foot down for once and refuse to buy these two games to show Capcom they can't give a loved franchise to an American developer where they make a crap job of the games. If we buy them they will just take those sales as happy purchases whether or not you like the game. That's why all these people saying something like "It looks crap but I'm going to buy it to give it a go" make no sense. If you want to give it a go wait untill it goes down in price or buy it second hand.

If anyone buys these games, we'll be getting sequels straight away and I doubt anyone would want that. I want to see Capcom to wake up and change their ways but they won't do that if we keep buying their games.

Hockeydud194740d ago

Judging a game before it's out eh? What if you're wrong a miss out on a great game? If you're a true fan of either series you'll more than likely pick up the game. Changes always take some getting use to, but in the end you could be a happy camper or maybe you won't.

WhiteLightning4740d ago

"Judging a game before it's out eh?"

Theres a enough to go on to judge both games

"If you're a true fan of either series you'll more than likely pick up the game"

and if your a true fan of the franchises with some common sense you'll see what's going down first before wasting your money on a potentially crap game. You don't need to buy every game of your favorite franchise to be a fan.

"Changes always take some getting use to"

Changes could in big and small packages. Even with a small change, it could lead to a bigger outcome. It's not like they just changed Dantes appearence in dmc, they've changed EVERYTHING we all loved about the franchise.

Hockeydud194740d ago

I'm not saying I like the changes either, but there's always potential for a game to come out better than everyone expected.

Peaceful_Jelly4740d ago

Like you said, a "true fan of the series" but this is no "true sequel". Gameplay is sluggish and combos are totally canned, main character is ugly, many missing loved side characters like Trish, Lady, Vergil, hipster atmosphere with pretentious story-line, etc. What is there to love about this game beside the fact that it shares the same name with the main series?

It's obvious you people don't realize how much of a change the lower frame-rate will cause to this series. Just play Ninja Gaiden or DMC4 and then compare it to Heavenly Sword or Enslaved. Frame-rate just can't keep up and then they are forced to make canned combos and button-mashing gameplay which will totally destroy the essence of what DMC was all about.

Baka-akaB4740d ago

lol what an hypocrite you are . You post/write a whole article about finding those games "amazing" and he shouldnt give his opinion before the game got released ?

Hockeydud194740d ago

@ Baka

Didn't write the article. One of our other writers did. Not saying I agree with it either. I've never really liked Capcom as most of their games to me are just plain boring. I also don't agree that the changes to Dantes character are a good thing one bit. Atleast make him look similar to his older counterpart and such. Can't say much about the combat. But Dragons Dogma for example is looking great and so is Asuras Wrath.

Baka-akaB4740d ago (Edited 4740d ago )

Already a fan of dogma and asura (day one even) , nor do i have issues with capcom fighting games franchises actually . My reply was about you calling him above about his judgement .

His isnt less valid than the article because negative , that's all .

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4740d ago
Pozzle4740d ago (Edited 4740d ago )

"dmc looks crap and dosen't even look like Devil May Cry, it looks like a new IP which is trying to be a clone of DMC. <Insert long rant already said 10 times on here before at why it will be crap>"

I can't help but wonder if the new DMC game originally started out a a new IP, but since Ninja Theory's last game didn't sell as well as expected, they instead got their hands on a pre-existing series with the hope that it might boost sales amongst DMC fans.

I agree on your other point too. I don't want to wish bad things on companies because they do put a lot of time and effort into their games, but on the other hand I really do hope the new DMC gets crap sales. If only because I'm afraid if it succeeds, we might never see any more sequels to the original DMC games. I want to find out more about Vergil, more about Sparta, more about Dante's past or his demon side, etc. There's still so much that could be explored in those games, so I don't know why they chose DMC to reboot. :(

zerocrossing4740d ago (Edited 4740d ago )

The big question is, why would any one want to buy into a game franchise that no longer offers what made that franchise so great and popular to begin with? :/

Capcom and NT should get together and wright the book on how to "lose sales and alienate fans".

Peaceful_Jelly4740d ago (Edited 4740d ago )

Jut wait until the DMC reboot flops on sales to see if this article holds any significant true. I bet this was written to attract hits from the haters like me and I sadly took the bait.

Baka-akaB4740d ago

It will flop . We arent the ones that set expectations like 5 millions unit to sell , that wouldnt get fullfilled no matter what .

It's something even the far more popular God of War struggle to do , without any controversity and hatred around it , and this is supposed to do it ?

Just waiting to see how they'll spin being happy selling less than the "dissapointing dmc4" . We'll see countless "dmc fans refuse changes and innovation " crap article or "the best underrated gem" ones .

Just wait and see . All of that without brining probably any gameplay innovation , just a weird spin on an otherwise fine concept

Chuk54740d ago

If I ever run a game company, I will look to them as an example of how to run your franchises into the ground and grub for every penny.

Bay4740d ago

Sorry, DLC scams, overpriced rereleases, DmC not being a DMC game, Megaman being shoved and RE becoming a mediocre shooter is not what other publishers should do.

Keep the fans happy, and your game will sell well and people won't hate you. Not what Capcom is doing, no.

Pozzle4740d ago

Don't forget the overpriced HD "remakes". I only paid half-price for RE4 and Code Veronica, yet I still feel oddly ripped off. The reviews were right. All Capcom did was upscale both games to HD and hope nobody would notice the jagged edges and ugly textures. It's ESPECIALLY noticeable in Code Veronica where many of the FMVs are downright hideous (obviously because Capcom couldn't upscale the FMVs) so you end up with these horribly ugly, jagged, fuzzy and often blurry FMVs that look like they're from the PSone era.

Having to pay $15 (Australian dollars) each (or $30 each if you don't have PS+) is downright ridiculous.

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Capcom Is Updating Several GFWL Games To Bring Them Back On Steam

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Capcom Summer humble bundle offers $349 worth of Steam Deck games for $30

Humble Bundle offers a new summer deal with classic Capcom games and additional charity support - you won't want to miss it.

Chryzz2345d ago

They the reason my steam library is growing, the bundles are crazy

__y2jb45d ago (Edited 45d ago )

As if that pile of old ass games is worth $350. I mean there’s some good titles there for sure but there’s no way most gamers haven’t already got or played most of them already. Lots of them haven’t aged well too.

It’s basically $30 for a bunch of games you’ll never play.


Capcom Sales and Profits Drop But Still Outperform Plans

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Zenzuu55d ago

Some love for Resident Evil Code Veronica, Dino Crisis, or Okami would be nice Capcom.

P_Bomb55d ago

Code Veronica’s gotta be on the way. It’s the biggest missing link as far as remakes. Make it so!

KyRo54d ago

What I'll never understand with Dino Crisis was that with RE6, they went down a action heavy route which people disliked and didn't fit the RE formula but I feel that would have worked perfectly for Dino Crisis if they went down the Dino Crisis 2 route of being a action game over the more RE inspired DC1.

As long as it's nothing like DC3, Id absolutely love a new DC game.