
Game Corner: Marinetti Would've Loved Deus Ex

Why Deus Ex is the perfect game series for the Futurist movement.


Nightdive would "love to remaster Deus Ex"

Nightdive would "love to remaster" Deus Ex, among a few other games. How can we make this happen.

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Deus Ex Deserves Better Than Being A Scapegoat For Embracer's Screw-Ups

Hanzala from eXputer says, "After multiple delays, cancellations, and ownership changes, the misfortune of Deus Ex continues; this gem of a series deserves better."

maelstromb126d ago (Edited 126d ago )

One can only hope at this point Embracer will need to generate an influx of cash flow, and what better way to do so than to sell off some of its IPs... namely Deus Ex, to a competent and talented studio capable of delivering a game noteworthy of the name in future. And thinking about it further, I don't know why Embracer would sit on the IP vs sell it if it means staying in business or not.


An update from Eidos Montréal

Crafting emotions since 2007.

OtterX138d ago

The Embracer Group brings the Embrace of Death, once again.

staticall138d ago

Yeah, they should be renamed to Embarrassment Group at this point. Bought every studio they could lay their hands on just to fire people from them, close them or cancel their games.

ROCKY28137d ago

100 % The CEO is a PIG and it showcases how Embarrassment Group has always been a sham of a company
within the game industry !

Eonjay137d ago

Seems like the most turnover is being generated by companies making acquisitions and cuts.

Abnor_Mal137d ago

Ahhhh a man of culture, Futurama is the best.

thorstein137d ago

It's like they don't know their behinds from their elbows.

UPS just signed all their drivers to a huge contract.

In order to afford the contract, UPS is laying off management.

That's how all of this should work. Lay off management. That's how a business can be more "efficient."

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 137d ago
VincentVanBro137d ago

God this hurts, I love Eidos Montreal. They make great games.

Si-Fly137d ago

They’ve not closed the studio.

VincentVanBro137d ago

I know, but they laid off 97 employees and canceled my most anticipated release from their studio.

Xenial137d ago

Shouldn't laugh because of the situation. But that did make me lol.

Psychonaut85137d ago

Bro f$&k Embracer. How do companies not even understand basic concepts like “don’t count your chickens before they hatch”? And now all these peoples lives are upended because of it.

KwietStorm_BLM137d ago

Fkn trash. They had no business buying up all those studios with house money. I been waiting so long for the next Deus Ex. All these large scale consolidations are bleeding out the industry one at a time.

CantThinkOfAUsername137d ago

They were banking on Saudi money. When the Saudi Government backed down everything fell apart.