
Splinter Cell Trilogy Mandatory Install Revealed

TGH Writes: The Splinter Cell Trilogy is a highly anticipated title for many PS3 gamers. The critically acclaimed Splinter Cell series is widely known for its fantastic approach to stealth games. Now the first three games in the series are being remastered for the Playstation 3 and the mandatory install size for the trilogy has been revealed.

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ShadyDevil4685d ago

That is quite a hefty install for an HD Remaster...what the hell.

gamingdroid4685d ago

Freaking a, first this remaster isn't coming to the Xbox 360 and then a fat install? I don't have the space on my 40GB MGS4 LE PS3!

I can't bring myself to upgrade the hard drive and violate my sacred console by opening it!

Fishy Fingers4685d ago

It's a little plastic cover, thats designed to pop on and off, wouldnt consider that 'violating' it.

littletad4685d ago

Violating it? Meaning what, the warranty? You're perfectly free to upgrade, and there are many videos and onlline guides on how to do so. Look them up.

gamingdroid4685d ago

It's a limited edition console I paid $600+ for it, so I can't bring myself to open it and install something non-factory. Even though it was designed for it.

It's my OCDness.

Ju4685d ago

There is nothing "to open". It is a drop door designed for just that. Well, yes, you'll need a screwdriver but only to make sure the disk doesn't fall out... That's like saying you don't want to insert a disk because you have to open a lid.

Persistantthug4685d ago

and also assuming no ones done it for you already or beforehand...

You're gonna need to change the THERMAL PASTE Soon.

Let me ask you this gamingdroid....Is your PS3 getting louder than the first day you bought it?

Or did you buy it used and/or refurbished?

gamingdroid4685d ago

That is a lot of assumptions... not sure I see your point.

That said, no I don't use it a lot, nobody messes with my stuff and no it isn't getting louder. My PS3 sees very minimal use.

I bought it brand new straight from Konami, shipped to my door. In fact, I wish I had shipped it next day, because it would have gotten to me in time for Kojima to sign it. I was at the signing event in San Francisco at the time.

kreate4685d ago (Edited 4685d ago )


this type of article comes out once every week.
its nothing new. if this was 4 years ago and ur making such a complaint. than its totally cool. although u got a valid complaint, im not sure why ur complaining about it in 2011 about ur sacred mgs4 LE ps3.

another thing i dont understand is, if ur ps3 has very minimal use and u barely use it, where's all ur space? and 40gb is enough to delete a few game installs to install the splinter cell hd.

also the 40gb mgs4 LE ps3 isnt 600 bucks. im pretty sure it was 499.99.

gamingdroid4685d ago (Edited 4685d ago )

It was $600+tax at release, it eventually dropped to $400 at amazon.com... I didn't particularly feel good about that when Konami said only 10k made for the North American market.

I don't want to install/un-install games repeatedly. Then I would just get a PC, but I want the instantness of consoles.

It wasn't much of a problem before, but now it seems almost all the games require installs even stupid remakes. Heck, Rage alone takes 8GB which is almost a quarter of my hard drive space.

edit: a little search showed me why you think it was $500. There were two versions, one with a regular 80GB PS3 that had software BC with the standard game. I got the one with a special material in the case and came with 40GB (and no BC). It was colored gunmetal and came with the Limited Edition game:


kreate4685d ago (Edited 4685d ago )


im not sure what part of the world u got ur mgs4 LE ps3 bundle.
but in america, there was only one version of this bundle officially sold and it was not 600 bucks. its 499.99. most likely u bought some other stuff with it that raised the price to 600.

also games like rage and other titles ur going to get the 360 version anyway also since u got a large 360 hdd most downloadable games would be on the 360. so why complain about the ps3 in such a manner when u knowingly bought a console that only had 40gb which u knew u were not going to upgrade the hdd. mgs4 has around 10gb of installation that takes long time to install. most games have installation required for gameplay. its nothing new.

of course its not a problem at first cuz 10gb of mgs4 out of 35ish available gb reduces ur hdd size to around 20-25 gb left. and ur a smart enough man to know things like this before going out and buying one.

u should just get a new ps3 and leave the sacred mgs4 LE ps3 alone cuz u brought it upon urself.

gamingdroid4685d ago (Edited 4685d ago )

***im not sure what part of the world u got ur mgs4 LE ps3 bundle.
but in america, there was only one version of this bundle officially sold and it was not 600 bucks. its 499.99. most likely u bought some other stuff with it that raised the price to 600.***

Dude do your own research! Heck I already did the part of the legwork for you previously, but here:

"Sony also announced a limited edition pre-order bundle containing Guns of the Patriots Limited Edition and a matte grey (officially titled Gunmetal Grey) 40GB PlayStation 3. First announced in Japan on March 18, 2008 at a cost of ¥51,800,[21] the bundle sold out by March 25, 2008.[22] An identical bundle was available in North America for pre-order on May 19, 2008 in "very limited" supply for US$600 at Konami's official website.[23] David Reeves has announced a similar bundle for Europe which includes a 40GB PlayStation 3, the game itself and a DualShock 3 controller."



Here is a second source:


No apology needed! :D

***so why complain about the ps3 in such a manner when u knowingly bought a console that only had 40gb which u knew u were not going to upgrade the hdd.***

I certainly had no idea "installations" was going to be the standard, heck if anything you thought technology would be out there to fix this issue especially when the basic PS3 console starts out at 20GB.

***and ur a smart enough man to know things like this before going out and buying one.

u should just get a new ps3 and leave the sacred mgs4 LE ps3 alone cuz u brought it upon urself. ***

What are you 15? I brought it upon myself? Smart enough?

I'm not going to even give you an answer at how ignorant those comments were.

kreate4685d ago

1. u still havnt answered my question of whats taking up all ur space of ur ps3. u got nothing in there cuz u said it sees minimal use. which means u dont really play ur ps3. so its like u just made a comment just cuz u got a angle to attack upon.

2. since it sees minimal use, why dont u just delete one game data? press x and it will delete in 1 second. no uninstall involved. but sure u can refuse to do that if u want. ur choice.

if u dont want to delete game data or upgrade ur hdd cuz of ur ocd problem. u should buy a new ps3

3. ur either smart or stupid. and i think ur smart the way u take certain opportunities to make ur comments. ur knowledge. etc. and u follow logic. so logically speaking, if mgs4 takes up 10gb worth of space for one game, wouldnt u think there will be a few more games following suit? especially on a 40gb hdd?

4. how can u expect technology to one day just meet ur specific needs? u can hope for it but im not sure why anyone to expect technology to meet needs like that.

5. and the last one about the mgs4 ps3 .... well ... u got me on this one. on this particular issue, i am pwned by u. on my defense though, i was aware that particular model was not sold by retailers but i failed to ever gain the knowledge that there was a konami exclusive model that wasnt sold in stores. i remeber clearly i was at gamestop talking about this back i believe it was like the spring of 2008. so i believed pretty firmly.

i know u said no apology needed but i respectfully apologize for this one. plz accept. thanks.

gamingdroid4685d ago

***1. u still havnt answered my question of whats taking up all ur space of ur ps3. u got nothing in there cuz u said it sees minimal use. which means u dont really play ur ps3. so its like u just made a comment just cuz u got a angle to attack upon.***

On top of my head, but mostly older games since I haven't used it for a while, but NG Sigma 1 & 2, Lost Planet: Extreme Condition, MGS4, Dark Sector, Haze (yes, that cr@ppy game, maybe I shouuld delete it) and Bioshock.

That said, this game will take up one eight of my hard drive space, and Rage alone would take a quarter!

***2. since it sees minimal use, why dont u just delete one game data? press x and it will delete in 1 second. no uninstall involved. but sure u can refuse to do that if u want. ur choice. ***

I certainly can, but at this pace I would have to do it quite often. That said, I should just bite it and upgrade the hard drive maybe even go SSD! :D

***4. how can u expect technology to one day just meet ur specific needs? u can hope for it but im not sure why anyone to expect technology to meet needs like that. ***

At the time, there weren't many games that had installs and even then they were smaller sized. There were talk about streaming technology and then KZ2 came out with no installation at all.

Bottom line is, yes I can upgrade or delete games (bad choice of word previously using 'uninstall'), but I don't want to open the PS3 and it seems now it is standard practice even for old games to have an install. I mean that's a massive 5GB!

***i know u said no apology needed but i respectfully apologize for this one. plz accept. thanks.***

I'm responding to you because you brought it back civilly. I made mistakes in the past and I always admit to it, so I definitely respect anyone else that does it too.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4685d ago
metsgaming4685d ago

There is zero reason an install is needed just lazy devs again

_Aarix_4685d ago

Uuhhh...no blame the ps3's crappy disc reading speed.

Solidus187-SCMilk4685d ago

I dont think I will be trying these games again, 5 gig instal for old games and no option to invert the aim in the controls. WTF

Persistantthug4685d ago

But this just cements my suspicions....

UBISOFT did the easiest, laziest port possible in order to cash in on these HD remakes.

I don't support lazy sh17 like this, and neither should you.

If I ever do end up getting it, it will be from a trade with someone from my CRAIGSLIST community.

METAL GEAR SOLID COLLECTION will be my collection of choice. I'll gladly pay $50 for quality.

jetlian4685d ago

that? they didn't even add 3d on MGS so what did they do? All you are is a mgs fanboy and made a plug for it

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Rob9464685d ago

So many games releasing I don't know if I should really go out and buy these HD collections just yet. Maybe early next year.

banjadude4685d ago

Me too... I have to skip a lot of HD remakes (except Ico/Shadow... I definitely need that!).

XabiDaChosenOne4685d ago

5.5 gigs for a remake? Lazy coding is lazy.

Ju4685d ago (Edited 4685d ago )

I like that "lazy" argument. /s What about lazy gamers who download that from PSN? I am pretty sure that will install, too. LOL

Why would you even bother buying this on disk?

Persistantthug4685d ago


Just throwing that out there.

Ju4685d ago

Huh? So you collect disks? That is what it is? I thought it's a collection because it has 3 games on one disk. Logic, hm...

XabiDaChosenOne4685d ago

WTH? what does that have to do with my statement?

Ju4685d ago

I can't hear that "lazy" devs any more. Go f... yourselves, really. People have jobs and they get paid. Don't call people who have jobs lazy. That is really annoying. Spoiled brats. Really.

badz1494685d ago

how many other HD collections are there out now? several. how many require install? NONE! GoW collections are available both on disc and PSN but does it require an install? NO!

this is a shoddy work from Ubi. simple as that. If PoP collection is any indication for it, it will not look good!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4685d ago
BigBoss19644685d ago

Why didn't they just get Bluepoint games to port them, godammit Ubisoft

Incipio4685d ago

So what!?

Install and play it. Stop writing "news" stories about it. Be glad that there even IS a remake, you big babies.

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Sonyslave323h ago

I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey6027h ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

vTuro246h ago

Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro246h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


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Knightofelemia1d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

The Xenosaga trilogy, the Wild Arms games, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, Suikoden. The Warriors game I know nothing about but it looks interesting. Anybody can do a list of games they want to see get modernized I would lose my shit if Namco brought the Xenosaga trilogy to modern consoles.