
Neocrisis: New Wargame: European Escalation Screens

Neocrisis: Here are new screenshots for Wargame: European Escalation coming to PC.

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Focus your Home on the new Humble Bundle

Focus Home Interactive, who Game-Modo recently described as a dark horse in publishing, have just got involved in a new Humble Bundle. They’re offering eight quality games for you to buy in a bundle while letting you do your bit for charity.

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MadLad3997d ago

I grabbed it. I was interested enough already to try out the Game of Thrones . . .game (though I hear it is less than great).
Already owned Divinity 2, though that game is fantastic in itself.
Cities, Game of Thrones and Testament of Sherlock Holmes was worth the $25 I spent either way. Some of the other games seem interesting enough and I will probably get to them in time.

Dasteru3997d ago (Edited 3997d ago )

I bought it just for div 2, great game. The rest will just be icing if they turn out to be good, haven't got around to playing any yet as i'm in the middle of another play through of Oblivion lol.


Wargame: European Escalation - Out now on Linux

Neocrisis: After recently invading Mac computers all around the world, Wargame European Escalation, the explosive real-time strategy game developed by Eugen Systems, today arrives on Linux through Steam digital distribution platform!

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Trailer round-up for Jan. 17, 2013; Army of Two: Devil's Cartel, Splinter Cell: Blacklist and more

GameDynamo - "Here is the video game trailer round-up for January 17, 2013. Personally, I'm partial to Fire Emblem: Awakening's 'Building Your Army' trailer. What's your favorite? Let us know!"

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