
Starting a Runescape private server

This article will explain step by step how to start your very own Runescape server.

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Sobari4653d ago

Would that mean you could grind items and experience without people hogging all the resources? That would have been a godsend years ago when I still played.

Basjohn4653d ago

You could indeed, but you wouldn't be able to transfer your "grinded" character over to the public server so it would be pretty lonely in the long run.

I played WoW on a emulated server years ago and while I did enjoy the experience, it was hollow and empty compared to when I played it officially years later.

MMORPGs just aren't fun if someone isn't calling you a noob at least once per day just because you (god forbid!) logged in.

Sobari4653d ago

That's kinda lame. Grinding for anything in Runescape was made infinitely more annoying due to the fact that everything was shared among the players, meaning that if a player cut down a tree, it was gone for everyone else, and so on. It made getting anything a hassle because everyone was sucking up all the resources.


RuneScape Celebrates Spring with the Blooming Burrow

Jagex has launched a limited-time Easter-themed update for RuneScape players, inviting them to explore the charming Blooming Burrow.


RuneScape "Messed Up" On The Hero Pass And The Company Could Be For Sale Soon

And did you know Jagex is valued at up to $1.25 billion?

Kaii286d ago

ah "rollback" but not remove, always the same strategy with these companies.


RuneScape Adds A Battle Pass And Yep, Players Have Started Review Bombing

You can guess how this is going...

Kaii290d ago

Modern gaming, but dw they'll listen to the community.
Subscription model with a battle pass, gtfo.

isarai290d ago

Stop playing it, review bombing does nothing if they're still making money

Rutaprkl290d ago

People should stop playing it to boycott it, the game isn't even that good so that shouldn't be too hard.