
Nexon fast becoming the #1 F2P MMO Publisher? MMOGames.com

MMOGames.com writer Daniel Owens talks about his opinion on Nexon and their potential success in the future. Very interesting read for anyone interested in RPGs and MMOs

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ATi_Elite4693d ago (Edited 4693d ago )

I already thought they were!

Dragon Nest
Lunia: Record of Lunia War
Battle of the Immortals
Dark Ages
Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds

about a gazillion people play Maplestory (Hmmm Pancakes) and Vindictus is pretty DAM good, so good i can't believe it's free sometimes.

MMOGames4693d ago

Yeah, they say they are number one and I like to believe them. There are some upcoming F2P titles that may change that however, but as the article says if Nexon keeps doing what they are doing and constantly strive to improve they will stay on top.

Megaton4692d ago

Yeah, pretty sure they've been #1 for years. Many P2P and F2P have risen and fallen in the shadow of MapleStory.

MMOGames4692d ago

They now invade facebook it seems too :P can never escape the almighty MapleStory.

Spenok4691d ago

Dont think i could agree more. Vindictus and Dragons nest put them in that spot for me.

zeal0us4693d ago

Have to say Aeria isn't that far behind them. Perfect World Entertainment is now just expanding beyond MMORPGs gates. Nexon will be on the top for years to come.

Tanir4692d ago

Nexon games are amazing, especially vindictus and dragon nest.......now they just need to fix their customer service


The Finals Underperforms for Nexon in Q1 2024

Nexon has released its financial statement for 2024's first quarter, and it looks like FPS The Finals isn't proving the hit the studio was hoping for.

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BlackDoomAx73d ago

Too bad for the best fps there is atm...

Sgt_Slaughter72d ago

The market for games like this is too over saturated to make a dent in other established games' player counts. Trying to start all over with a whole new multiplayer meta and grinding to get better is not feasible when there's already a ton of similar games that have come out before it.


New Game of Thrones Video Game In Development

Gravemaster writes: "Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire is a successful franchise, but it hasn’t had much luck when it comes to video games. Many were released, but only the one from Telltale games received more or less recognition and it was cancelled after one season anyway. Now, we have news of another Game of Thrones game in development."

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anast86d ago

The first 3 or 4 seasons were brilliantly written, then the writers ran out of steam.

SDuck86d ago

Netmarble is one of the biggest mobile developers, if that's not enough indication

SDuck76d ago

There's a trailer in the article with the Netmarble brand attached to it. Netmarble is a well known mobile gaming studio.

DOMination-86d ago

Wow those graphics are incredible

RiseNShine86d ago

Maybe that's what Larian is working on? Or even better, an isometric Witcher CRPG like BG3, a man can dream.


Xbox Partner Preview | March 2024: We're Back with Fresh Looks at Games for Xbox and Windows

Mike Nelson writes: "We’re thrilled to announce the next Xbox Partner Preview will air Wednesday, March 6, at 10am PT / 1pm ET / 6pm GMT, featuring a mix of new and upcoming games."

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rlow1144d ago

Nice, I don’t know anything about these titles. But hoping they’ll be worth the watch.

VenomUK144d ago (Edited 144d ago )

Xbox Partner Preview.
Xbox games that will be released on partner consoles including the Nintendo Switch and the PlayStation 5.

Asplundh144d ago

That should be pretty obvious, but then again there are some people who end up believing these are exclusive.

neomahi143d ago

Sounds familiar doesn't it? Xbox has never been creative or innovative

FinalFantasyFanatic143d ago

I normally just watch these so that I can add anything that interests me to my Steam wishlist.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 143d ago
RaidenBlack143d ago

Watch out for The First Berserker: Khazan. It looks really cool. It was first shown in TGA 2023.
Pretty cool as well that we'll get know more about Capcom's new IP Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess.

phoenixwing144d ago

I'll be watching for pc games

anast144d ago

I wonder which games they are going to announce for the PS5 and Android.

Lightning77144d ago

Seeing how it's a partner preview which I means 3rd party. It's safe to assume all be on PS.

RaidenBlack143d ago

they do ... many State of Play(s) are 3rd party focused

jznrpg144d ago

The 3 games listed are multiplats.
I actually looked up the Tales of Kanzera:Zau a month or so ago because I thought it could be an actual Tales of game but I was very disappointed to find out it is an indie game being published by EA and not an actual Tales of game. Gameplay looks ok but I don’t like the art style. It looks a lot like the recent Prince of Persia game.

FinalFantasyFanatic143d ago

I think we're overdue for a new Tales game, I know Tales of Arise isn't that old, but it feels like it's been forever.

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