
See Every Vita TGS Trailer Right Here

PSNS: "The Japanese PlayStation Store got updated on Thursday night with over 30 trailers for upcoming Vita games. Because I like you guys so much I downloaded and uploaded every last one of them (excluding a few that weren’t new, looking at you Sound Shapes). Enjoy the sweet game footage and TGS Booth Girls!"

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NukaCola4656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

Escape Plan
Gravity Rush
Hot Shots Golf 6
Reality Fighters
Little Deviants
Super Stardust Delta
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
WipEout 2048
Dungeon Hunter Alliance
Lumines: Electronic Symphony
Rayman Origins
Michael Jackson The Experience
Army Corps of Hell
Lord of Apocalypse
Monster Radar
Super Monkey Ball
Virtua Tennis 4: World Tour Edition
Little Busters! Converted Edition
Ys: Foliage Ocean In Celceta
Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention
Dynasty Warriors NEXT
Oh to Maoh to Nananin no Himegimi-tachi: Shin Oh-sama Monogatari
Mah Jong Fight Club Shinsei Zenkoku Taisen Version
Asphalt: Injection
Ragnarok Odyssey
Dream C Club Zero Portable
Nature of Night of Kamaitachi 11th Visitor, A Suspect
Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3
Street Fighter X Tekken
Tales of Innocence R
Ridge Racer
BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend
Browser Sangokushi Touch Battle
Katamari Damacy
F1 2011
Shinobido 2 Tales of the Ninja

^^^This is just what has a trailer out at TGS. You already know all the others coming, the announced, the shown at E3, and the works in progress. Let me hear one of you trolls telling us that Sony doesn't have any support, that they have no games. They are 'games', they define originality and the word innovation is Sony. This is the next gen system, not just the next gen portable, and it's coming strong. You are getting 'vita' which is 'life' and life more abundantly.

kassatsu4656d ago

Thanks for doing that, totally forgot to in the comments

NewMonday4656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )



MaxXAttaxX4656d ago

There are still more games like Persona :)

f7897904656d ago

Good god. I can't believe how many games are in development for the Vita before it even launches. Seriously.

MasterCornholio4655d ago (Edited 4655d ago )

LOL some people are just mad at sony for doing such a great job with the vita. Their loyalty for Nintendo is so strong that even when they make a mistake they try and justify it and when they cant they bash the competitors handheld.

One thing that i have noticed a lot that just because a few HD collections were announced fanboys are claiming that the vita only has ports. When the reality is that there is a lot more new ips and games than ports on the vita.

Another thing that they bash is the vitas launch because it doesn't contain any Nintendo games and because of that they consider it doomed. When the truth is that the vita has 25 high quality titles for launch from 1st, 3rd and indie dev's with over 100 titles coming soon after. Now while the vita wont have Nintendo games it will have a ton of everything else which is what a large amount of gamers are looking for.

The reason why i am choosing a vita over a 3DS is because Nintendo franchises do not interest me at all. And the number one reason to buy a Nintendo handheld is to play Nintendo games. I prefer Sony franchises and strong 3rd party and indie support over Nintendo games which is why i am getting a Vita.

In conclusion both are excellent handhelds with their respective flaws but they both cater to different crowds. If you love Nintendo franchises and enjoy 3D than the 3DS is for you. If on the other hand you enjoy Sony franchises and 3rd party and indie games than the Vita is for you.

Thank you for taking the time to read my wall of text and i appreciate you for respecting my opinion.

And for those who don't you can go flush your heads down the toilet.

remanutd554656d ago

i cant freaking wait , Uncharted , Little Big Planet , Escape Plan , Gravity Rush , Sound Shapes , Resistance Burning Skies , Ruin and Little Deviants are so bought !!!

Waddy1014656d ago

Hype has been raised by +10
Can't wait to get my hands on one.

GoldenPheasant4656d ago

Look at that lackluster support! /s

BuT_TeR4656d ago ShowReplies(4)
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The 5 Best Events in the Gaming Industry

With PAX under way some of the years best industry events are set to wrap up for 2012. With the last big event for the gaming industry coming in at the fifth spot on the list. We take a look at what exactly makes these events so breath taking. The gaming industry has all sorts of events however the ones that are listed are made for the entire gaming industry. In which every major developer is in attendance as well as some of gamings AAA titles. Just don’t expect events like Blizzcon, Quakecon, or even COD XP to be on the list. As stated earlier these events are for every game not just a company creating a con for their title. Lets start off the list with a notable mention.

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I have been to all 6 events and E3 and SDCC top my list!

TheSuperior 4307d ago

E3 is of course the best out of any event out there! I also really enjoyed call of duty XP, there has just never been another event like it. I am praying it will return someday. Street fighter fight club was pretty sweet too :) I just love gaming events!

Decaf_PIxel_Kat4307d ago

I love tuning into E3 every year, the event tends to make the biggest announcements in the the game industry.

TheGrimBunny4307d ago

I think this list is spot on!

SheaHoff4304d ago

Unfortunately, I haven't gotten the chance to go to any of these yet, but Dragon Con had some interesting gaming stuff this year. Its video game track seems to be getting stronger.


The Problem With Media Trade Events

GR's Sean Hegdahl writes:

As I walked into E3 six months ago I noticed one thing in common with almost all the attractions for a company, women dressed in very tight and short clothing. Now I guess Living with a woman who is for gender equality and everything–my view point is no longer the same as my peers...

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h311rais3r4534d ago (Edited 4534d ago )

Men like women. Men will go where the women are. Men like games. Men go where the games are. Put them together and the entire male race shows up. Just get over it. Those women are not being forced to do that. It is their job. If it works for marketing why complain?

Hufandpuf4534d ago

while i agree with you, the author is trying to say that if we want to be taken seriously as an industry, we must get past the use of booth babes and instead let the games speak for themselves in a professional environment. I also doubt booth babes will go away but it kinda makes video game conventions look similar to the adult industry.

tee_bag2424534d ago

While what the author of the article said may hold some truth. It's really no different to cheer leading and F1 pit lane girls. Gaming is entertainment too and actually engages the same part of the brain as sex and lust, so for better or worse I don't see it changing any time soon.

h311rais3r4533d ago

It's all about attraction. They stick with what works. It brings in the money. Can tu really blame them for it? I dont go to those for the boobs and my gf goes with me cuz she's a mild gamer but sex sells. We may not like it but it's true.

Tameel14534d ago (Edited 4534d ago )

I don't know. I don't like the implication that men will just gravitate towards anything with boobs on it. I'm a gamer, I'll go to a gaming expo to look at games because I enjoy games as a hobby. Not because a bunch of scantily clad ladies are there. I don't base my purchases on whether or not there are sexy ladies selling it to me. I buy games based on how good the game itself looks.

I hate that game developers seem to think we're all just mindless animals who think with our dicks and will buy anything with boobs and asses attached to it. No wonder the gaming industry is thought of as juvenile by the general public. >_<

PwnerifficOne4534d ago

Just another small-time website trying to get some hits. Nothing to see here, please move along.

The_Kills4534d ago

The article isnt trolling so i fail to see the problem

Ray1864534d ago

So.... You took your partner to an event and this article is the result.


Tales of Innocence R TGS Demo Footage -- Part 2

Andriasang: Namco Bandai has released the second of two videos showing the Tales of Innocence R Tokyo Game Show demo.

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tiffac0084630d ago

Bamco, you have to localize this for us.

StarWolf4630d ago

lol tales games are soo overrated, look at that video omg LOL. I bought tales of Vasp for 360 and the game is WAY TOO EASY childs play pretty much