
RipTen Review: Red Bull X-Fighters

RipTen - At first sight, Red Bull X-Fighters looks like a blatant rip-off of Trials HD with fancy X-Games tricks. That might be a good thing, right? Wrong. I hope you carry painkillers on you because you’ll want to repeatably punch yourself in the face after playing RBXF.

xPhearR3dx4754d ago

This has to be one of the worst games I've ever played in my life. Watching paint dry is more fun than this garbage.

bacrec14754d ago

Worse than NBA unrivaled even?

xPhearR3dx4754d ago

I'd rather roast my nuts on a burning grill than play this game.

Vagrant4754d ago

Excellent review, made me laugh.


Red Bull X-Fighters XBLA Review - PlayDevil

PlayDevil has posted a review of the Xbox Live Arcade game "Red Bull X-Fighters".

Is this as good as the popular 'Trials HD'?

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Brash Games - Red Bull X-Fighters Review

Thomas Leclerc of Brash Games writes "With a title like this, I was expecting a few more lasers, rockets and pew-pew noises. I knew that there is an extreme sport called X-Fighter, but I had never seen it before. Call me naïve, but I was expecting a version of R-Type or Space Invaders with Red Bull branding".

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Review: Red Bull X-Fighters (This Is My Joystick)

Watching daredevil motocross drivers on big bikes hurl themselves up big ramps, and twist their bodies around in impossible postures while flying through the air can be quite exhilarating. Doing it yourself is much less appealing to most of us. Doing it on a console from the comfort (not to mention relative safety) of your favourite gaming chair is a much more attractive proposition… unless that proposition comes from Red Bull X-Fighters.

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