
1UP: 7th Dragon 2020 Looks Like Another Great RPG Americans Will Never Play

1UP: The fact that ImageEpoch/Sega collaboration 7th Dragon never came to the U.S. remains one of the most frustration localization failures in recent history. 7th Dragon was a DS game with an impressive pedigree, boasting Phantasy Star's Reiko Kodama and Etrian Odyssey director Kazuya Niinou as its key personnel.

CrescentFang4755d ago

Since NIS America made that deal with imageepoch, I would think they are the most likely to publish it. (most likely a digital release too since the PSP in NA us dying real bad...)

Derpy4755d ago

Though I love Japanese RPGs, even it it were released here, chances are I wouldn't play it because handhelds are just not my preferred way of playing lengthy games such as rpgs. I like to relax in a comfortable chair in front of a big tv when playing games like that. Too bad they won't make some of the numerous rpgs on the PSP, PS3 playable and sell them on the PSN store here.

coryok4754d ago

i dont have a psp anymore :( if they put it up for vita when that launches i'd be interested though.


7th Dragon 2020 fan translation patch released

Geoff Embree has released a full English translation patch for 7th Dragon 2020 on PSP.


Stop Falling For Internet Countdowns, Or, "Hey Jack###, Thanks For The Free Money"

Countdowns rarely lead to anything big, yet gamers constantly fall for them, leading Heath of Game Revolution to write: "Be it a big boost or a small one, an increase in exposure and hype are virtually guaranteed if a game publisher does something as simple as opening a website with a date and an image on it. How often does this work? Every dang time."

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dbjj120884184d ago

One marketing scheme I like? Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon has had absolutely no marketing around it.

knifefight4183d ago

It blows my mind every time I see people actually expecting/predicting big things from internet countdowns.


Unfortunate Timing: RPGs Released Late In The PSP’s Life Cycle

The PSP has been winding down in North America over the last few years, and with the Vita on the market, publishers are hesitant to bring over games late in the portable’s life cycle – many of which are RPGs. As an RPG fan, I yearn for and wonder about these games. Maybe an opportunity will arise to bring them digitally to PSN for play on both the PSP and Vita, but until then, I’ve selected eight games that came late in the PSP’s lifespan. Sadly, we will probably always pine for these to release in English.

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Godchild10204350d ago (Edited 4350d ago )

I would love to see Sol Trigger and Final Fantasy Type-0 come stateside. They both look interesting and Type-0 looks like the first breath of fresh air we would get since 13.

Godmars2904350d ago

The thing is they can be put on the PSV, even though they have to be downloads.

3-4-54348d ago

I'm ok with that. They would sell more Vita's if they would just localize these games for download.

GribbleGrunger4348d ago

I'm not so sure about them not getting released in other regions. The Vita will eventually get these PSP games and then they'll have a second market to aim for. To me it makes financial sense to release them worldwide.

Hicken4348d ago

I don't know if it's a bad thing. Many of these games will be localized, and because the PSP itself is pretty cheap, it's more incentive to pick up the system and get these games.

Some of the games would never have made it West anyway, but with the digital aspect of things picking up- and the Vita promoting such play- developers and publishers may find it worth it to release the game digitally. And even though it might be more promoted for the Vita, it'd still be available for those who have PSPs.

Chrono4348d ago

"Many of these games will be localized" hahaha you're dreaming.

Myst4348d ago

Still waiting to see Type-0 and it's kind of an annoyance that it hasn't been released yet.

Myst4348d ago

Really..? Well damn thanks for at least letting me know the reason. Sucks that it falls on that :(

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