
1UP: Rhythm Thief is Basically Studio Ghibli Meets Justin Timberlake Meets Elite Beat Agents

1UP: I played not one but two 3DS music games today at the Tokyo Game Show. The first, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, was pretty fun albeit it slightly lacking in final polish. The second, Sega's Rhythm Thief & The Emperor's Treasure, is... also good, actually. Apparently the so-called death of the music game genre has caused a small and highly localized renaissance of old-school music games on Nintendo's newest handheld.


Rhythm Thief & The Emperor's Treasure | Un Rendez-Vous Enchanteur (AUTOMATON)

AUTOMATON's Aki Darwich introduces Rhythm Thief & The Emperor's Treasure - a rhythm-based Nintendo DS title which you may have missed, but which definitely deserves a second chance.

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Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure

Sega has been on a downward spiral for the last few years, they have failed to really reignite the flame for the Sonic series and haven’t really been able to deliver a must have game for a while. With this being the case many planned projects had to be cancelled but really what is surprising is how one game managed to slip through the cracks and that game being Rhythm Thief. The question is however why did this game slip through? It is simple some toe tapping music and a great story that really is set to deliver.

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New Release Video Games: July 8th - 14th, 2012 - NCAA Football 2013, Rhythm Thief

This week sees yet another big summer movie video game tie-in, the next entry into the yearly NCAA Football franchise, the console release for Quantum Conundrum, and a few other downloadable titles that look to impress.

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GamePodunk4465d ago

Looking forward to Rhythm Thief! The demo was not bad at all.

TrendyGamers4465d ago (Edited 4465d ago )

I enjoyed it as well.

Fierce Musashi4465d ago

The demo was great. Picking it up whenever I can.