
Warhammer 40k: Space Marine Review | GoGoGamer.net

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine is an ingeniously inbred child of Gears of War, Batman Arkham Asylum, and the Warhammer series itself.

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vertigosolitary4759d ago

Great game! I'm about 5 hours in and it's cool to see what they've done to revamp the series. It almost feels like a spin-off to a popular TV show or something. Good thing they also released this a couple of weeks before Gears Of War 3, or else they would have sold a total of 12 units.

LOL at "Jetpack + Thunder Hammer = Extreme Badassness!". You sir, win the internet today. :)

SH0CKW4VE4759d ago

I love the Jetpack slam manouver, These just something so entertaining about slamming into the ground and watching your enemies explode or become stunned.

Il pick the game up when they patch in co-op and after all the monsters i.e Skyrim, BF3 etc have passed over because im going to be bankrupt...

vertigosolitary4759d ago

LOL seriously...I'm just gonna sell my copy in lieu of preparation of "the monsters"...my wallet's going to hate me!


Warhammer 40k Space Marine Might Get DLC Pack On 10th Anniversary

Warhammer 40k Space Marine could be getting an extra DLC Pack to celebrate its 10th Anniversary.


An intro to Biomutant

Alex & Mike talk Biomutant, a game from Experiment 101/THQ Nordiq you likely have not heard of. While the AAA side of the industry tends to homogenization and imitative, cinematic presentation, “AA” games remain creative and innovative in 2021. Drawing on inspirations as varied as Dark Souls, third person shooters & kung fu cinema, Biomutant is Ratchet & Clank on acid, developed by a team of 20 people.

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Looking Back: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

''Warhammer 40K fans will have a lot of fun with Space Marine, obliterating swarms of enemies from the known factions''

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neutralgamer19921521d ago

Very underrated game should get a sequel

Azfargh1521d ago

It is a really solid game with engaging melee combat and shooting mechanics. Also the feeling of power is great! Please, sequel this

Steppenwolfmother1521d ago

Why does he keep calling the Orks Ogres?

FreeckyCake1521d ago

I am sure I called them " Orks, Orcs " countless times in the following paragraphs :) .

Yui_Suzumiya1521d ago

I always wanted a sequel to this. Quite a kick ass game.