
DICE on Battlefield 3 PC as lead platform: “people don’t understand that the PC is more powerful”

DICE general manager Karl Magnus Troedsson has been talking to Eurogamer about why the PC is the lead platform for Battlefield 3.

Semir4660d ago ShowReplies(1)
iamnsuperman4660d ago (Edited 4660d ago )

"Console players have been concerned about the fact that the footage and screenshots of Battlefield 3 have mostly come from the PC version so far.

“I have to say that this discussion is a bit over the top because people don’t understand that the PC is more powerful than a console – they haven’t looked under the hood and in detail,” says Troedsson."

I hope that isn't the relation. Console owners get concerned because if all you show is the best platform which happens to be the PC then how can the consumer make any judgement. PC are really powerful. We know that. It doesn't mean we do not understand because we complain at lack of console footage. We want to see something we can buy

gamingdroid4660d ago

That's what I said last time, but then I got gazillion disagrees. The BF3 hype was in full effect.

I suppose reality is hitting gamers now....

iamnsuperman4660d ago (Edited 4660d ago )

Since BF was unveiled I was one of those questioning what the console version would look like because I knew it wasn't going to be the same quality. It doesn't mean I do understand how powerful a PC is like DICE is suggesting. You and me are the ones who wanted to see the console footage because we knew it would be different. The reality hit a lot of people when DICE came out and said it a while backand this is where the increase of remarks like "why no console footage" has arisen from

Theonetheonly4660d ago (Edited 4660d ago )

“I have to say that this discussion is a bit over the top because people don’t understand that the PC is more powerful than a console – they haven’t looked under the hood and in detail,”

Stealth Insult haha. Nice


slayorofgods4660d ago (Edited 4660d ago )

Dice nailed it as far a pc being the lead.

I have seen some console footage, of course console owners need to have footage in order to know if the game is going to be good..... But Dice is not in the wrong to showcase their lead platform more, after all this is going to be one of the best looking pc games of all time. A lot of PC footage. Damn straight!

Lazy_Sunday4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

That's because console fanboys don't flock to articles about Battlefield 3 when they're in sentiment to the PC. Disagrees are mainly in ignorance of fact, not in truthful, whole-hearted understanding of a point. If you look at the Late Night footage of the PS3 version, you'll see very quickly that there is no field of view, no motion blur, and I'm pretty sure that there aren't any shadows, since consoles aren't powerful enough to handle actual high quality shadows--most of them are just subbed for low quality spectral maps. I could be wrong about that last one, but I know for a fact their alpha build on PS3 had yet to acquire motion blur or FOV. You have to have one or the other--or both--almost every successful shooter does. Opting out on these features will make BF3 much less visually desirable, since it operates on console at 30FPS, which is usually 29FPS with framerate drops. Hopefully the game keeps a constant framerate--and if it does, everyone wins. Especially me! Who will buy the game on PS3 and PC.

I am saying this not to make anyone fret--not to get anyone down, just to look at the precaution behind great looking shooters that have disappointed from attempting visual superiority in the past. Look at Crysis 2--great visual experience, but it barely 'ran' on consoles (which means at LEAST a constant 25FPS). I don't want to worry anyone, but then again we haven't seen console footage in months, and it's coming out in almost a month.

Kleptic4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

^^what are you talking about with 'Field of View'?...do you mean 'depth of field'?...I'm assuming you do, because you keep talking about it next to motion blur...in which they are linked...

I assure you that the console versions have a FOV...because if they didn't...there would be nothing but audio...?...not trying to pick at you, it was just a confusing comment thats all...

In either case...I'm not sounding any personal alarms just yet...but I have to admit its getting a little troubling with iffy beta info...relatively bad PR from DICE...and what you mentioned; no new CONSOLE footage...

the PR issue is the most annoying...with DICE saying 'we don't want BF3 to be seen on a crappy youtube video'...yet is simply unwilling to put up an actual console trailer of any kind so far...I don't know what this guy is talking about; we all know PCs are more powerful...just as they know the console versions are going to sell double that of PC entirely...so show us the damn console versions!!!!!

finbars754659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

I would have to agree with you.I'm not a PC gamer at all he'll I don't even own a PC yet but I do relize that there's no way in a he'll that a console could possibly look as good as a PC where it has no limits.I'm still going to buy it for my console but doesn't mean that I'm going to sit in every room that pops up about how BF3 is going to look as good on a console to a PC and actaully believe this.I'm no dreamer or am i stupid enough to think that its going to happen and defend it.I'm Still going to try it on the new PC that I have ordered to see what the major difference is.I'm not going to lie and say that I'm not nervous because like I said before I have never PC gamed before and I have never used a keyboard and mouse.but the anticipation does build for this game period for at least I Can experience BF3 in both worlds of console and PC.

Lazy_Sunday4659d ago

Yes, depth of field, not field of view. Been getting all confused since the release of Minecraft has allowed me to play Doom style, haven't said "FOV" in a long time xD

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4659d ago
evrfighter4660d ago (Edited 4660d ago )

I would agree with you if battlefield was ever aimed at console gamers. I'll give you bad company but battlefield is made for pc gamers first and foremost.

Because of that I expect my battlefield gameplay and trailers to be on pc first and foremost.

You console gamers don't have to buy the game. You aren't the target audience here. Bf2 sold 1.5 million in its first month it would be fine even if it didn't come to consoles.

iamnsuperman4660d ago (Edited 4660d ago )

I am sorry but I disagree. Yes the old target audience was the PC as it never came out on consoles but the are trying to maximise profits. We have every right to request what the console footage looks like. I can see why they did release the PC footage because it looks better. We are the target audience as well. EA did a tactic that some fell for and release footage saying this is the game we made and people assumed it meant consoles as well. Its called marketing. BF 2 sold just over 2 million by 2006. For a PC game that is good for a multiplatform game that comes out on three platforms that isn't so good

Christopher4660d ago

***Because of that I expect my battlefield gameplay and trailers to be on pc first and foremost. ***

No one is saying it shouldn't be on PC first or foremost. What people are saying is that they need to show all consoles for the game rather than just selling the best view.

Not everyone plays on the PC and, whether you like it or not, this game is going to sell just as much if not more on consoles as the PC.

Just because it originated on the PC doesn't mean that only the PC matters.

slayorofgods4660d ago (Edited 4660d ago )

I think the developers want to showcase the pc version more just because of the sheer amount of work that was put into the graphics. I'm not sure if everyone is really appreciating just how good these graphics are in comparison to games on the market today. The console graphics are there, but they still face the ceiling of the consoles hardware and will be comparable to all games on the market. This isn't a bad thing, but why not market the version that has some of the best graphics ever seen.

I'm not trying to knock console owners, I know I'm out numbered on this site, but as a pc owner I really want this game to succeed on a pc level. Console gamers get a lot more as far as gaming goes, let Dice offer something for us pc gamers for a change. They are offering a game that actually takes advantage of a pc, this isn't done very often this generation.

Kleptic4659d ago

evrfighter...thats the most ancient argument you could possibly come up with...

the market is very different than it was back when the last full blown PC BF game released...two relatively powerful consoles are now available both with their own multiplayer networks built in...

and BF2's 1.5 million its first month on PC?...BFD...MW2 did that OVERNIGHT with the 360 alone, selling nearly 5 million copies in 24 hours across 3 platforms (not trying to bring up COD, but its relevant as these are the numbers EA is after)...there is NO chance the PC as a platform will keep up with 360 sales of BF3, and the way that audience buys military shooters...the PC may stay on par with the PS3 version, but that is before you factor in piracy and all the other BS...

as a sales platform...PC is dead last as a target...I agree that BF3 is 'targeted at PC'...as in DICE is not holding development back because of consoles...but the consoles are where they are guaranteed money...PC is where they are guaranteed 'zomg the graphIx' and the hype because of it...and that is exactly how the ad campaign/PR for BF3 has played out so far...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4659d ago
radphil4660d ago

" Console owners get concerned because if all you show is the best platform which happens to be the PC then how can the consumer make any judgement. "

They stated PC was the lead platform. That right there in itself causes judgement for the consumer.

radphil4660d ago

Really getting tired of people randomly disagreeing without any sort of response.

Pjuice4660d ago

i get what your saying but i think that the main point of the article is on why the pc version of bf3 is the lead, you see more and more console footage everyday and it will keep going that way until it launches.

radphil4660d ago (Edited 4660d ago )


To be honest, i'm just tired of internet consumers thinking that gaming companies have to bend over backwards on what they do, and then turn around and backlash at that same company when they DO bend over backwards.

It just makes it seem like people are trying to strong arm them into focusing on consoles, when they explicitly stated that they're focusing on PC.

The funny thing, is that on PC oriented articles on this site, i see people heckle other PC users about "All you guys care about is graphics", and then yet I see an article on this, and people are hounding at "Where's the footage on console?". In fact, there's many comments down below chastising the original statement.

It's kinda ironic when you look at it.

It also makes you wonder if the companies are greedy, or are we?

gamingdroid4659d ago

***It also makes you wonder if the companies are greedy, or are we?***

Both! Companies are made up of people too! :D

Reality is that causes a certain amount of balance on pricing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4659d ago
monkeymagik4660d ago

Because alot of console owners, only buy consoles. And do not and have ever built pc's or bought them. Or maybe they were sold some crap ones.

I'm sure it'll still be an excellent game on PS3/360.

CoReI5K4660d ago ShowReplies(7)
lorianguy4660d ago

Only a few PC owners will take the time/trouble/cost of building a PC capable of gamplay like the trailer. Players on console and lower-end PCs will still get a great game, but won't be able to see what they're buying until the beta due to the lack of footage on anything but high-end PCs.

limewax4660d ago

I don't know about that, I remember Dice saying before that one of the video's we were shown (possibly the first) was run off a single GTX580.

I'm not saying that isn't high end, a good 580 will cost almost as much as the PS3 at launch. But it isnt Enthusiast territory. And it still means people with 480s and 570Tis will get those settings but might see the occasional drop to 50fps

gamingdroid4660d ago

It's enthusiast to me.... $300 for a graphics card is a lot. Makes you wonder what the other parts cost.

In a world when a respectable PC cost less than $400 with a lcd, it's hard to justify the $300. I suppose the good news is, that $400 probably has the specs to handle the GTX 580 with little to no bottlenecks.

limewax4660d ago

Actually the other parts are significantly cheaper, The processor is half the price of the GPU (same high end territory) then half that again for a motherboard on par too. No it isn't cheap, but you are within supercomputer range there with a bit of SLI. I wont try and tell you that you can build a cheap gaming PC that blows away current consoles. to do that costs a lot.

But what I will say, is the PC gamer has a comfort, a $400 setup from a shop won't compete for years and years to come, but most importantly, if you have many hobbies PC can help you with. Well a setup like that will run almost anything. I use PC's for audio engineering and video editing too. So I guess what I am saying is value is subjective. To you, your PC is of good value and suits your needs, mine does for me too and we're both happy customers.

Don't know why some N4G PC gamers can't just see the same point

BlackKnight4660d ago


The graphics card is the most expensive part of a well balanced gaming PC.

CPU ~ 100-200
4GB RAM ~ 50
Mobo ~ 100-150
HDD ~ 50
PSU ~ 90
Case(if previous one isn't wanted) ~ 50
Win 7 ~ 90
Wireless KB/M (If you don't already have a set) ~60

With this kind of PC with a 250 dollar video card like the 560ti, you could play BF3 at 1080 DX11 with max settings and get around 55FPS average:


That is how well BF3 runs AND looks. Amazing.

"Only a few PC owners will take the time/trouble/cost of building a PC capable of gamplay like the trailer"

Time trouble and cost? It is not that expensive, less than $900 it looks like, to max BF3 at 1080P and 60FPS. If a gamer can't take the time to build a PC and wants to just throw in a disc, they are just lazy. People have some WAY harder hobbies that take so much time. PC's take maybe a couple hours or maybe 3 to build and install windows and update. And boom you have a killer gaming machine. 3 hour hobby? Auto update drivers? PC gaming is a JOKE these days when it comes to difficulty. Any gamer who says PC gaming is too hard is just lazy/has no ability AT ALL to challenge themselves. It isn't even a challenge anymore these days...

gamingdroid4660d ago (Edited 4660d ago )


I think I might have worded that wrong, but my point is if you are spending $300 on a graphics card it wouldn't suprise me that you would be the type to spend more on the other parts as well.

You don't need a 580 to surpass a PS3/Xbox 360 and in fact, far from it.

Wonder why I'm getting so many disagrees?


***If a gamer can't take the time to build a PC and wants to just throw in a disc, they are just lazy.***

I disagree that because you don't want to build a PC it makes you lazy. Maybe people don't care enough to build a PC, constantly update drivers/software and tweak it. They just want instant gratification i.e. pop a disc in, and play.

Personally, it is actually hard for me to sit at a computer and not think about work.... My PC is for work, my TV is for entertainment! I suppose you could hook your computer up to your entertainment system, which I do, but I still prefer the console.

BlackKnight4660d ago (Edited 4660d ago )


I already said in my comment that drivers auto update themselves these days, there is nothing to tweak or worry about. ANd you don't NEED to build a PC, it is just the cheapest, you can still buy decent rigs easy. And PCs arent the only ones that get updates....consoles get their firmware/dashboard updates and the games getting updates happens too...It is NEVER instant if it's an MP game. It seems like everytime I boot my PS3 there is a long ass firmware update that I MUST install to be allowed online. At least on PC you can stop auto updates for windows and still get online and game...

Wait, you say you hook up your PC to your entertainment center but you can't help think of work??? What is the difference? On the couch with a controller to the PC playing on the big screen or on the couch with a controller to the console on the big screen...I don't get it, how do you still think of "work".

I work at a computer too, and I LOVE coming home to a PC that works great and is full of games and movies and whatever and not some shit work computer...

gamingdroid4660d ago (Edited 4660d ago )


In theory, yes drivers do update themselves in some instances, but that isn't always the case. Not only that, but on occasions I have found incompatible games with drivers and in some instances you end up editing config files when there are other issues:


***Wait, you say you hook up your PC to your entertainment center but you can't help think of work??? What is the difference? On the couch with a controller to the PC playing on the big screen or on the couch with a controller to the console on the big screen...I don't get it, how do you still think of "work".***

I don't want to d!ck around with Windows updating patches or use the mouse/keyboard to navigate the desktop. Wait about a 2-3 mins for it to boot and etc. It's just general tweaking. I even had the fortunate experience of overheating PC, it would randomly shut itself down. I never noticed it, before because it was primarily used for work so had a lower load.

Consoles do have updates, but most of the time it is mindless and rather quick updates. It's focus is on instant.

Doesn't mean PC isn't good, I just don't want a PC experience in my entertainment area. I d!ck around with PCs all day at work.

I just want quick easy gaming and I'm fine with the lowered graphics.

It's just fits better with me, but it hardly makes me lazy!

DigitalAnalog4660d ago (Edited 4660d ago )

"In a world when a respectable PC cost less than $400 with a lcd, it's hard to justify the $300."

I think the expression "The value is the sum of all it's parts" can be applied here. Yes, the PC may in itself can cost nearly double the consoles, and seeing that it can not only double or even triple the resolution and frame-rate (in some instances), one can argue you are literally merging the power of 2 consoles in itself.

The fact that many people are multi-console owners or repeated buyers due to faulty hardware shouldn't have issues with this. Best of all, STEAM sales can actually show you how valuable you PC is. In retrospect, with all these elements combined, the PC is the cheapest gaming device on the planet. I have over 60 games on steam (majority are current-gen) and have spent only 1/3 of the budget of my entire gaming collection of 30 games on the PS3. That, and I get a full 1080p and 60fps target gameplay.

Now that really makes you wonder.

-End statemnet

gamingdroid4660d ago

***I think the expression "The value is the sum of all it's parts" can be applied here. Yes, the PC may in itself can cost nearly double the consoles, and seeing that it can not only double or even triple the resolution and frame-rate (in some instances), one can argue you are literally merging the power of 2 consoles in itself.***

I think you are missing the point I'm getting at. Consumers (like me) don't care about "value" in the terms you defined, nor are we interrested in investing into PC. It doesn't mean we/I don't see it. It's just not important to us, because we value something else more....

***In retrospect, with all these elements combined, the PC is the cheapest gaming device on the planet.***

Technically speaking, there are cheaper gaming devices. You might not be interrested in the types of games available on it though.

I do own a PC and I do game on it occassinoally. In fact, I own a gamer motherboard nForce 680i with a C2D E8500 and 8GB RAM, but have a measly GT 240 to play Starcraft 2.

I think it is a moot point to argue "value" when value really is defined by preference. If you define value by some metric, like RAM, resolution, CPU speed etc... it still doesn't mean it meets my need or desire. That is what people seem to miss, gazillion features, but if those aren't important to me, it doesn't matter. It's not value to the consumer. It has to be features consumers want.

That is why a PS3 arguably has more features than an Xbox 360, cost almost the same, yet sell less.

-End of Story

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Microsoft shakes up Xbox marketing as key exec departs for Roblox

Jerret West is leaving Xbox at the end of the month.

Read Full Story >>

Won’t be missed. Xbox sucks at marketing in this industry. This is badly needed.

jznrpg4h ago

I see Xbox stuff everywhere. On cereal boxes, toasters and fridges.. Xbox just sucks.

Scissorman4h ago

This. Marketing isn't the issue. He's just fleeing the sinking ship.

3h ago
DivineHand1252h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Unfortunately, Xbox has not done great with marketing this generation. One thing I found odd is that he is leaving Xbox for Roblox. I'm not sure how big Roblox is in comparison to Xbox but I can't imagine him getting better compensation from there. Perhaps he was forced out?

fr0sty2h ago

It's simple, Roblox is profitable.

DivineHand1252h ago

@fr0sty Would you leave your place of employment to work somewhere else for less pay just because that business is profitable?

You would have to be a special person to be ok with that.

zaanan1h ago

That, or he is pulling an Elop.

Tedakin15m ago

Xbox marketing has mostly been trash for a decade. Shake it up as much as you can.


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