One-X4758d ago

I have no idea why they are launching 2 demo's, I'm just going to assume the first demo was an older build showing off some of the new features, and is acting like a beta. I really enjoyed the first demo, but it had a few bugs, like the goalkeepers diving the wrong way for absolutely no reason at all. I think if they fix everything from the first demo then PES2012 will be the best PES in a long while.

kingdavid4758d ago

I just tried the demo then (2nd one). Its very decent and possibly better than FIFA this year.

One-X4758d ago

How is it different to the 1st demo? (:

Baka-akaB4758d ago (Edited 4758d ago )

Its improved alot everything just feels soo tight.
1. goal keeper are good
2. dribbling is alot more realistic and individuality has been enhanced
3. Passing support system actually works
4. Shooting has so much zip on it. when you hit the they dip and swerve with power its amazing. Also R2 shooting is very good now and consistent.
5. Speed seems to work better and acceleration seems to make sense. Players like lennon absolutely destroy you for pace.

Improved difficulty to score a goal
You definitely have to build up, plan and organize your attack .

And defense AI is better too

OcelotRigz4758d ago

Had the feeling that PES would be sorted out and really good this year but the last demo came as a big disappointment to me. Really hope this improves on it big time or else i have no footy game this year again.

OcelotRigz4757d ago (Edited 4757d ago )

To be honest, its a huge improvement. Played 4 games and really enjoyed it. It still has some problems though and the sort of things that can get really frustrating after a while.
Keepers are still crap, they parry everything, even the slowest shot.
Not enough knock on when pressing R2 while sprinting.
Sprinting still stuttery and doesnt seem fast enough.
Everything feels more restricted and less free than last year.

Still, i didnt think they would improve it this much from the last demo. Still unsure on whether it will be still enjoyable to play after a few weeks, but happy with the demo so far.

59Martins594757d ago

I'm downloading it from the US Store because I can't find it on the EU Store but whatever...

I'll try it out and give some feedback. I just hope GK AI is improved.

And BTW, in the EU store the first demo's name is (Demo 1) but in the US store that's the new one

This is what I think of the new demo after playing it:

the GK AI is worst, but I did notice some improvements in the passes

zdudynot4757d ago

actually, Konami messed up and submitted the wrong version, its the same 1st demo as europe got a few weeks ago.

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PES 2013 Wii vs PES 2012 Wii – The shocking truth

Nintendo Gamer - You may remember when a month or so ago we received a copy of FIFA 13 on the Wii and quickly realised it was absolute identical to FIFA 12, save for a roster update.

At the time we slammed EA for this, calling it “a £30 roster update” and telling them they should have been ashamed of themselves. After all, they were pulling the wool over Wii owners’ eyes and masquerading FIFA 13 as a new game when in reality it wasn’t.

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'There are way too many cheaters online'

CVG - I'm having real problem's with online multiplayer recently. There are way too many cheaters online now and it's completely ruining any competitive matches.

Having not touched PES since the PS2 days I bought PES 2012. I played a few matches online and it was going well, so thought I'd enter a tournament. The first couple of games ended in draws. Then on my third or fourth game I was winning 3-0 and I was chuffed. Then my opponent kicked off and hoofed it straight to his keeper, turned around, scored an O.G. I thought it was weird, but then he did it again and again. Game over, match abandoned.

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jidery4388d ago

Re-title the article too "there are way too many cheaters in life"

doogiebear4388d ago

Yeah when a game has exploits or is easily hackable, and when people can use things like lag switches, etc...then Yes, gamer's cheat too much.

Look at Metal Gear Online--the best online game ever made: It was ruined by DDOS attacks, Lag Switching, Animation lag exploits, people lagging their net on purpose, etc. It's membership went from 1 million registered users, all the way down to 3000 world wide. That's how bad cheating can mess up a game.

DiLeCtioN4388d ago

There are far too many websites I guess...

soundslike4388d ago

Compared to 10 years theres really not that many.

OhMyGandhi4388d ago

No game has more cheaters than Halo 2.
Why people want to spoil the fun for such an awesome game I do not know.

caseh4388d ago

Meh, thats Konami for you. Metal Gear Online had an amazing community then the infamous lag switch appeared on the scene.

Completely ruined the official tournaments and survival modes, got to a point where there was one in every other game. What did Konami do to address it? Nothing. :)

Sketchy_Galore4388d ago

I've never understood it. I mean, I don't even see what they get out of it. It's like unpacking a board game, placing your piece on the square that says 'win' and just sitting there looking at it. It doesn't even upset me that they ruin competitive games for everyone so much as it just depresses me that there are people that utterly stupid in the World.

caseh4388d ago

They are just there to piss on other players bonfires.

I admittedly done a wall hack with Counter Strike years back on the PC to see what it was like. Then it hit me, I was looking at someone through a wall...he was looking straight back at me. Hacks can see other hacks and after seeing how many people were looking at me through walls I quit the game for good. Had my fun for a few hours first mind. :)

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Sole Survivor of the Great Football Migration – Pro Evo to FIFA

Liam Pritchard of Brash Games writes "So, I’m the only one left. Perhaps not in the world, but certainly out of my friends. Back in the days of the PS2, everybody, and I mean everybody I knew played Pro Evo. There were no stragglers and nobody succumb to the temptation of EA’s extensive licensing. Nope, back then, we all prayed exclusively at the house of Shingo “Seabass” Takatsuka".

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OcelotRigz4395d ago (Edited 4395d ago )

Nice article.
The "Great Migration" is so relatable to me and i expect a lot of the old PES guys too.

Infact, i actually single-handily introduced PES to my town, i used to play PES non-stop. But the difference was i had all the option-files, so i had no problem with dodgy team names or kits. My friends tried pes but because of the lack of licences and no knowledge of an option-file, they just thought pes was a stupid, cheap looking game.
Slowly but surely, after friends played a few games at my house, they started buying the game themselves and playing with friends at their house. Next thing i know the whole town is addicted to pes, "up for a game of pez" was a common question around the town.

(I tried the same thing with battlefield 3, but people wouldn't budge from cod, except for one friend)

Like this article says though, come into this generation and slowly but surely all my friends converted to the dark side while i stuck by, slightly frustrated, with my beloved pes. But unlike the author, i went to the dark side last year when i bought FIFA and for the first time ever, didnt buy pes.

I appreciate the authors dedication to the charms pes still offers, but for me the flaws are too much. Its like a few diamonds in a barrel of oil. Whereas FIFA is like a barrel of oil packed with glitter. Its doesn't compare to the old PES's and still lacks that "charm" and addictiveness pes used to have, but it has so many good things going for it that its hard to resist.

Hopefully pes will make a return next generation.

asmith23064395d ago

I'm guessing you haven't played the PES 13 demo? It feels like its back to the golden age during the PS2 era. I used to play PES religiously until I migrated to FIFA 10. This year its back to PES for me. I really hope the online is solid though.

Kopite_20204395d ago

Exactly the same as me. Having played both the PES and FIFA demo I am returning back to pro evo after a long time (still getting FIFA, but only just!). Love the added control PES gives you with the flicks and traps.

OcelotRigz4394d ago (Edited 4394d ago )

I have played the demo. It would make no sense not to. I love the pes series and would love for it to return to those glory days, where i spent countless hours, but it hasn't and i dont think it will until next gen because the devs cant get to grips with this generation.
I must of said this in a ton of PES articles on here and i'll say it again, when you read interviews with the pes devs and when you play the game, you can see what they are trying to do. They have the right idea of how a footie game should be played, but they just cant execute them right.
This year is no different, what they are trying is great, the intricate little things you practice in the tutorial, it should add another dimension to the gameplay but it doesnt because its still badly executed, players still feel wooden, running on rails, the animations are really poor, still no pace, the ball doesnt seem to move right when shooting and passing.

I know a lot of it comes down to personal preference, if a guy likes this years pes you cant say he is wrong, only disagree and if a guy tells me its back to its golden age then i completely disagree, this years game and this generations games are nothing close to the PES4/5/6 games.

I will agree there is a huge improvement in this years version, but its still a poor game in my opinion. I'm glad people are liking and it feels like the glory days to them, i would love to be in their position, but im not, i see it differently and i really feel like PES didnt turn up, and wont, this gen. But i hope they do next gen. Because FIFA, as much time i spent on it and with all its gloss and glamour, it just cant seem to give that magic that pes used to.