
Wyv and Keep: The Temple of the Lost Idol - Preview

Wyv and Keep: The Temple of the Lost Idol an upcoming indie game being developed by independent developer a jolly corpse. It is a described by the developers as a game that sees you pushing boxes, solving puzzles, hunting for treasure while navigating two young treasure hunters, Wyv and Keep, through Amazonian jungles.

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Leak: Batman Arkham City – Catwoman DLC

It seems the proverbial cat is out of the bag. According to a product listing on the Gamestop website, for the Collector’s Edition of the strategy guide it looks like Batman’s favorite kitty will be getting her own DLC. The listing proclaims, “Bonus Catwoman’s Walkthrough: Get complete coverage of Catwoman’s DLC content!

NMC20074658d ago (Edited 4658d ago )

Damn, why not just rename the game to Batman DLC City? Jeez, so much leaked and announced DLC for this game and it's not out yet.

I am fine with this kind of DLC though, but I am just saying.

cyborg69714658d ago

This is the first dlc mentioned. I think your talking about the pre order stuff.


SSSssssssss- wait, wrong game… Creeper World 1 + 2 [Review]

DIYGamer.com: When you think of ‘Creeps’ in a tower defense game, most tend to think of expendable yet loathesome blobs of stats, just waiting to be chipped away at by your mathematically positioned defenses. In the Creeper World games, you’re up against something much more elemental. Something more organic, and much bigger. You’re fighting an ocean. An ocean that hates you.

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Interview: Flying Wild Hog / Hard Reset

Eddie Julius Milanes, from the website FirstDropShow.com, interviewed Carlos Castañón, a concept artist for Flying Wild Hog. In the interview Carlos describes the environments, enemy types, weapon customization, and inspirations for Hard Reset.

However the most interesting responses came from emails, apparently there will be a New Game+ mode and NO MODDING SUPPORT.

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NuclearDuke4659d ago

I'm fine with this. As a first time product that looks this great, it's quite obvious they spent all their time available on singleplayer to create an awesome experience rather than a lackluster singleplayer with multiplayer and mod support.

Can't wait to play this!

Solid_Snake-4659d ago

im about 2 hours into it and only have good things to say about it.

im loving it so far.