
GamePro - Hard Reset Review

Scott Nichols writes: Hard Reset has drawn a lot of attention lately, and rightfully so. Created by Polish indie studio Flying Wild Hog, the unapologetically PC-exclusive shooter stands as a beacon for those resistant to the console concessions that have grudgingly become mainstays in the genre. It is a mix of the old and the new, harkening back to balls-to-the-wall action games like Painkiller and Serious Sam, all with a modern twist to give Hard Reset an identity all its own.


Watch 9 minutes of exclusive Hard Reset PS4 gameplay

First Flying Wild Hog's game, Hard Reset, is coming to PS4. Watch 9 minutes of exclusive console gameplay from Poznań Game Arena. With enhanced engine and new weapon - katana from Shadow Warrior! Release date is not yet known, but game looks superb!

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masterfox3170d ago (Edited 3170d ago )

WOW Hard Reset!!!? Remembering playing this game years ago on my PC never finish it thou, cause it was very buggy still lots of particle effects and pretty looking I hope that gets intact.

update: some particles effects are missing still game the looks freaking awesome, with correct price definitely will get this :D

LifeInNZ3170d ago

Gameplay definitely looks dated but priced right as a PSN title it could provide a brief distraction.

GribbleGrunger3170d ago

Going around killing stuff in first person ... There's a novelty.

3169d ago Replies(1)
DigitalRaptor3169d ago

Oh damn... I forgot this is coming to PS4. Awesome.

Played this on PC couple of years ago. Definitely lots of fun!

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Flying Wild Dog Talks Shadow Warrior 64bit & CPU Optimizations, Mantle, Mod Tools, Future Plans

DSOGaming writes: "A couple of days ago, we had the pleasure of interviewing Flying Wild Hog, creator of Shadow Warrior and Hard Reset. Flying Wild Hog shared with us some details about its future plans, next-gen consoles, the CPU issues that were present in Shadow Warrior PC, its opinion about Mantle and OpenGL, as well as the release of mod tools for Shadow Warrior, its intention to move it to 64bit and some tech info about the Road Hog Engine."

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MaxwellBuddha3771d ago

Shadow Warrior was an unexpected treat last year for PC gamers. I may go ahead and get it for PS4 anyway just to support these guys.

Activemessiah3770d ago

Flying wild hog are amazing devs with great consumer attitude... pretty much the exact opposite of EA then.

thezeldadoth3770d ago

Shadow Warrior was hands down the best shooter last year. If you don't have a PC that can run it and have a ps4 or xbox one, buy this game. Support the devs and enjoy an amazing shooter with a surprisingly interesting story

JsonHenry3770d ago (Edited 3770d ago )

This was such a good remake. I picked it up on a steam sale for less than $20. I didn't expect to like it nearly as much as I did. I would suggest you play this game. Its fun, funny, and full of Wang! I also suggest you check out Hard Reset. It was really good too.

Volkama3770d ago

Also bought it cheap because I appreciated the topical jabs at cod and bf in the trailer.

It's a fun game, but I doubt even the devs would say it was "one of the best looking games in 2013".

JsonHenry3770d ago

It looked good without a doubt. But no, not the best looking. Who said it was the best looking anyway?

Volkama3770d ago

Interviewer in one of the questions here


SteamFirst: Hard Reset Review

SteamFirst: Hard Reset is a sci-fi FPS developed by indie studio Flying Wild Hog. Not only has this developer managed to pack this game full of beautiful textures and effects, but it is also a ton of fun. Hard Reset aims to bring you back to 1993 when the classic game Doom won the hearts of millions of gamers. The game is a wonderful mix of modern technology and classic FPS style gameplay found in other modern games such as Serious Sam. Hard Reset is an easy game to recommend and only faults in its poor story telling and long loading times.

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