
The Sexiest/Awesome Outfits in Gaming History - Part 1

SA: Since we are looking for the sexiest outfits in video game history, we have to add the sex appeal factor too (including for men), so how will this list work?

1. The "outfit" has to be use for battle, get into action, enhance the character abilities, etc. In other words NO fanservice.
2. Only one Suit and one character per franchise - that includes all versions or suits.
3. Only original in-game suits.

Now, onto the list!

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FEARprototype4702d ago

dante got raped! noooooooooooooooooo!

ATi_Elite4702d ago

Dante is a little Be-yatch!

Bayonetta is thinking "one minute....that's it? I knew i should of slept with Gordon Freeman instead of this sissy"!!

Titanz4702d ago

Samus seems to be the ultimate "OMG xD" magnet.

Swiggins4702d ago

Any woman in a skin tight catsuit is sexy! ;)

seinfan4702d ago

mmm Rosie O'Donnell... oh wait, that's a guy. FFFFUUUU

Swiggins4702d ago

I said Woman, not Whale. ;)

Op244702d ago

So the Gears has a better story than Uncharted is flame bait, but this isn't? And what does this have to do with gaming. N4G makes me laugh sometimes.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI4702d ago

how is this flamebait exactly...?

Kyosuke_Sanada4702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )

A. The article isn't taking a direct dump on another game for no apparent reason.

B.Its an actually pretty good list.

Kee4702d ago

See where it says "... in gaming history"? That means it's to do with gaming.

Kyosuke_Sanada4702d ago (Edited 4702d ago )

Its good to see the ARS Suit make the list, its one of the most badass weapons made this generation and highly stylish to boot. I think honorables should have been Dark Sector's Proto-suit Hayden and GRAM from Rengoku 2.

Tanir4702d ago

Kos-mos is my all timee fav, and Lenneth from Valyrie profile is my 2nd :D

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Capcom Keeps Bringing Resident Evil To VR – Here's How And Why

This is how the Resident Evil 4 remake was reinvented again for VR.

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Babadook721d ago

This hints at continued support for the VR versions of Resident Evil.

Nerdmaster21d ago

And Capcom, being Capcom, chooses to keep the VR versions limited to certain headsets in a niche that is already small.

Babadook721d ago (Edited 21d ago )

They wouldn’t work well on Quest. Not the PlayStation versions at least. Also Sony seems to have helped fund these.

StoriedGamer20d ago

... Maybe not quest standalone due to power limitations, but you do know that all of the modern resident evil games including 2 and 3 remake (which dont have even have official VR versions) are available on PC and are arguably better in almost every way...

The porting process to VR with VR capable engines is so incredibly easy that the cost is negligible really. What's worse is having played the games on psvr and psvr2, the developers did a pretty shoddy job whereas the PC versions are better as the community tackled a lot of the issues in a matter of a few weeks...

Babadook720d ago (Edited 20d ago )


This is simply not true. Compare RE8 praydog vs the native port to psvr2. The native port is an amazing experience. You’d never want to actually play the pc mod. It’s no where near as good. The performance is not good and is nauseating.

StoriedGamer20d ago

... In what ways is it nowhere near as good? On a decent system it runs incredibly well and even better if you have something good, pushing it way beyond what you get on the psvr2. I've literally played both, and on PC it not only looks better, but runs much better overall on pc. Additionally, you get even more games than the 3 official games over both psvr and psvr2 offered by Capcom (4, 7 which is only psvr compatible, and 8).

Babadook720d ago (Edited 20d ago )


It doesn't actually run better on the PC though. I've heard from many PC gamers who will flat out disagree with you. I've seen top end Nvidia cards drop to below 60 fps (no reprojection either). Hopefully you know the effect that Foveated Rendering has on VR performance.

How far did you make it in the story? If you really claim that the PC can compete on performance show me a professional reviewer who claims that who actually tested a large portion of the game. On top of the performance not being in PCs favour you've got a completely inferior level of interactivity.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 20d ago
Profchaos20d ago

Pretty sure it's because they were very well paid to do so in the past I'm sure there's a deal going because Sony sure isn't in a rush to produce games for their own headset
Plus the re games are fantastic in VR

talocaca20d ago

RE4 is absolutely stellar on PSVR2.

Hoping their next title supports it too 👏👏👏

Babadook720d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Indeed. One of the guys seemed to be a big fan of VR.

And this bit pretty confirms there're plans for more RE VR projects.

Once they wrapped up the project, they realized VR was well-suited to the franchise. While they didn’t discuss specifics, Kumazawa says they “plan to undertake more challenges in the future.”

Profchaos20d ago

Was amazing I thought re8 was also just as good to.

SmortBoie20d ago

I'd give my left nipple for an official RE2R VR mode. Praydogs was good but the real deal would be incredible.
Shame they don't seem to have any interest going back to these releases. RE7VR even already exists just tweak it and pop it on PSVR2. Nnngggg.

sammichosaurus18d ago

Gotta get some VR experience soon.


Gaming's Dynamic Duos; Which Ones Did It The Best?

The dual protagonist nature of some games have led to numerous dynamic duos in gaming. Here are some of the best ones.

Kneetos27d ago

Mario and sonic

Next question

LucasRuinedChildhood27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

The Prince and Farah

Few others:
- Booker and Elizabeth
- Joel and Ellie
- Jade and Pey'j
- Jak and Daxter
- Nate and Sully
- Master Chief and Cortona
- Gordon and Alyx

Retroman26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

Bill Rizer and Lance Bean , Ratchet and Clank , Jax and Daxter


Resident Evil 4 Remake Sales Now at Over 7M, SF6 at 3.3M, Dragon's Dogma 2 Climbs to 2.6M

Capcom has announced that Resident Evil 4 remake sales are now at over 7 million units, Street Fighter 6 is at 3.3 million and more.